* Check that 00/00 and ff/ff exist at startup, otherwise exit with error.
* Implement sync flush option, where data is written synchronously on disk when a command is executed.
* Implement MULTI/EXEC as transaction abstract API to diskstore.c, with transaction_start, transaction_end, and a journal to recover.
+* Stop BGSAVE thread on shutdown and any other condition where the child is killed during normal bgsave.
+* Fix RANDOMKEY to really do something interesting
+* Fix DBSIZE to really do something interesting
+* Add a DEBUG command to check if an entry is or not in memory currently
* Write the hash table size of every db in the dump, so that Redis can resize the hash table just one time when loading a big DB.
* Read-only mode for slaves.
+* Better INFO output with sections.
+* Clients should be closed as far as the output buffer list is bigger than a given number of elements (configurable in redis.conf)
+* Should the redis default configuration, and the default redis.conf, just bind