-all: redis-server redis-benchmark redis-cli
-# Deps (use make dep to generate this)
-adlist.o: adlist.c adlist.h zmalloc.h
-ae.o: ae.c ae.h zmalloc.h
-anet.o: anet.c fmacros.h anet.h
-benchmark.o: benchmark.c fmacros.h ae.h anet.h sds.h adlist.h zmalloc.h
-dict.o: dict.c fmacros.h dict.h zmalloc.h
-lzf_c.o: lzf_c.c lzfP.h
-lzf_d.o: lzf_d.c lzfP.h
-pqsort.o: pqsort.c
-redis-cli.o: redis-cli.c fmacros.h anet.h sds.h adlist.h zmalloc.h
-redis.o: redis.c fmacros.h ae.h sds.h anet.h dict.h adlist.h zmalloc.h lzf.h pqsort.h config.h
-sds.o: sds.c sds.h zmalloc.h
-zmalloc.o: zmalloc.c config.h
-redis-server: $(OBJ)
- $(CC) -o $(PRGNAME) $(CCOPT) $(DEBUG) $(OBJ)
- @echo ""
- @echo "Hint: To run the test-redis.tcl script is a good idea."
- @echo "Launch the redis server with ./redis-server, then in another"
- @echo "terminal window enter this directory and run 'make test'."
- @echo ""
-redis-benchmark: $(BENCHOBJ)
-redis-cli: $(CLIOBJ)
- $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(DEBUG) $(COMPILE_TIME) $<
- $(CC) -MM *.c
- tclsh utils/build-static-symbols.tcl > staticsymbols.h
- tclsh test-redis.tcl
- ./redis-benchmark
- git log '--pretty=format:%ad %s' --date=short > Changelog
- make ARCH="-arch i386"
- make PROF="-pg"
- make PROF="-pg" ARCH="-arch i386"