+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "testhelp.h"
+int main(void) {
+ {
+ sds x = sdsnew("foo"), y;
+ test_cond("Create a string and obtain the length",
+ sdslen(x) == 3 && memcmp(x,"foo\0",4) == 0)
+ sdsfree(x);
+ x = sdsnewlen("foo",2);
+ test_cond("Create a string with specified length",
+ sdslen(x) == 2 && memcmp(x,"fo\0",3) == 0)
+ x = sdscat(x,"bar");
+ test_cond("Strings concatenation",
+ sdslen(x) == 5 && memcmp(x,"fobar\0",6) == 0);
+ x = sdscpy(x,"a");
+ test_cond("sdscpy() against an originally longer string",
+ sdslen(x) == 1 && memcmp(x,"a\0",2) == 0)
+ x = sdscpy(x,"xyzxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyykkkkkkkkkk");
+ test_cond("sdscpy() against an originally shorter string",
+ sdslen(x) == 33 &&
+ memcmp(x,"xyzxxxxxxxxxxyyyyyyyyyykkkkkkkkkk\0",33) == 0)
+ sdsfree(x);
+ x = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"%d",123);
+ test_cond("sdscatprintf() seems working in the base case",
+ sdslen(x) == 3 && memcmp(x,"123\0",4) ==0)
+ sdsfree(x);
+ x = sdstrim(sdsnew("xxciaoyyy"),"xy");
+ test_cond("sdstrim() correctly trims characters",
+ sdslen(x) == 4 && memcmp(x,"ciao\0",5) == 0)
+ y = sdsrange(sdsdup(x),1,1);
+ test_cond("sdsrange(...,1,1)",
+ sdslen(y) == 1 && memcmp(y,"i\0",2) == 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ y = sdsrange(sdsdup(x),1,-1);
+ test_cond("sdsrange(...,1,-1)",
+ sdslen(y) == 3 && memcmp(y,"iao\0",4) == 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ y = sdsrange(sdsdup(x),-2,-1);
+ test_cond("sdsrange(...,-2,-1)",
+ sdslen(y) == 2 && memcmp(y,"ao\0",3) == 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ y = sdsrange(sdsdup(x),2,1);
+ test_cond("sdsrange(...,2,1)",
+ sdslen(y) == 0 && memcmp(y,"\0",1) == 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ y = sdsrange(sdsdup(x),1,100);
+ test_cond("sdsrange(...,1,100)",
+ sdslen(y) == 3 && memcmp(y,"iao\0",4) == 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ y = sdsrange(sdsdup(x),100,100);
+ test_cond("sdsrange(...,100,100)",
+ sdslen(y) == 0 && memcmp(y,"\0",1) == 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ sdsfree(x);
+ x = sdsnew("foo");
+ y = sdsnew("foa");
+ test_cond("sdscmp(foo,foa)", sdscmp(x,y) > 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ sdsfree(x);
+ x = sdsnew("bar");
+ y = sdsnew("bar");
+ test_cond("sdscmp(bar,bar)", sdscmp(x,y) == 0)
+ sdsfree(y);
+ sdsfree(x);
+ x = sdsnew("aar");
+ y = sdsnew("bar");
+ test_cond("sdscmp(bar,bar)", sdscmp(x,y) < 0)
+ }
+ test_report()