#define REDIS_MAX_CLIENTS 10000
off_t aof_current_size; /* AOF current size. */
int aof_rewrite_scheduled; /* Rewrite once BGSAVE terminates. */
pid_t aof_child_pid; /* PID if rewriting process */
- sds aof_rewrite_buf; /* buffer taken by parent during oppend only rewrite */
+ list *aof_rewrite_buf_blocks; /* Hold changes during an AOF rewrite. */
sds aof_buf; /* AOF buffer, written before entering the event loop */
int aof_fd; /* File descriptor of currently selected AOF file */
int aof_selected_db; /* Currently selected DB in AOF */
time_t aof_flush_postponed_start; /* UNIX time of postponed AOF flush */
time_t aof_last_fsync; /* UNIX time of last fsync() */
+ time_t aof_rewrite_time_last; /* Time used by last AOF rewrite run. */
+ time_t aof_rewrite_time_start; /* Current AOF rewrite start time. */
unsigned long aof_delayed_fsync; /* delayed AOF fsync() counter */
/* RDB persistence */
long long dirty; /* Changes to DB from the last save */
int rdb_compression; /* Use compression in RDB? */
int rdb_checksum; /* Use RDB checksum? */
time_t lastsave; /* Unix time of last save succeeede */
+ time_t rdb_save_time_last; /* Time used by last RDB save run. */
+ time_t rdb_save_time_start; /* Current RDB save start time. */
int lastbgsave_status; /* REDIS_OK or REDIS_ERR */
int stop_writes_on_bgsave_err; /* Don't allow writes if can't BGSAVE */
/* Propagation of commands in AOF / replication */
void stopAppendOnly(void);
int startAppendOnly(void);
void backgroundRewriteDoneHandler(int exitcode, int bysignal);
+void aofRewriteBufferReset(void);
+unsigned long aofRewriteBufferSize(void);
/* Sorted sets data type */
void evalShaCommand(redisClient *c);
void scriptCommand(redisClient *c);
void timeCommand(redisClient *c);
+void bitopCommand(redisClient *c);
+void bitcountCommand(redisClient *c);
#if defined(__GNUC__)
void *calloc(size_t count, size_t size) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
void enableWatchdog(int period);
void disableWatchdog(void);
void watchdogScheduleSignal(int period);
+void redisLogHexDump(int level, char *descr, void *value, size_t len);