+ server.cluster.migrating_slots_to[slot] = NULL;
+ } else if (!strcasecmp(c->argv[3]->ptr,"node") && c->argc == 4) {
+ clusterNode *n = clusterLookupNode(c->argv[4]->ptr);
+ if (!n) addReplyErrorFormat(c,"Unknown node %s",
+ (char*)c->argv[4]->ptr);
+ /* If this hash slot was served by 'myself' before to switch
+ * make sure there are no longer local keys for this hash slot. */
+ if (server.cluster.slots[slot] == server.cluster.myself &&
+ n != server.cluster.myself)
+ {
+ int numkeys;
+ robj **keys;
+ keys = zmalloc(sizeof(robj*)*1);
+ numkeys = GetKeysInSlot(slot, keys, 1);
+ zfree(keys);
+ if (numkeys == 0) {
+ addReplyErrorFormat(c, "Can't assign hashslot %d to a different node while I still hold keys for this hash slot.", slot);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If this node was the slot owner and the slot was marked as
+ * migrating, assigning the slot to another node will clear
+ * the migratig status. */
+ if (server.cluster.slots[slot] == server.cluster.myself &&
+ server.cluster.migrating_slots_to[slot])
+ server.cluster.migrating_slots_to[slot] = NULL;
+ clusterDelSlot(slot);
+ clusterAddSlot(n,slot);