+proc assert {condition} {
+ if {![uplevel 1 expr $condition]} {
+ puts "!! ERROR\nExpected '$value' to evaluate to true"
+ error "assertion"
+ }
+proc assert_match {pattern value} {
+ if {![string match $pattern $value]} {
+ puts "!! ERROR\nExpected '$value' to match '$pattern'"
+ error "assertion"
+ }
+proc assert_equal {expected value} {
+ if {$expected ne $value} {
+ puts "!! ERROR\nExpected '$value' to be equal to '$expected'"
+ error "assertion"
+ }
+proc assert_error {pattern code} {
+ if {[catch {uplevel 1 $code} error]} {
+ assert_match $pattern $error
+ } else {
+ puts "!! ERROR\nExpected an error but nothing was catched"
+ error "assertion"
+ }
+proc assert_encoding {enc key} {
+ # swapped out value doesn't have encoding, so swap in first
+ r debug swapin $key
+ assert_match "* encoding:$enc *" [r debug object $key]
+proc assert_type {type key} {
+ assert_equal $type [r type $key]
+proc test {name code {okpattern notspecified}} {