#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <lua.h>
-#include "ae.h" /* Event driven programming library */
-#include "sds.h" /* Dynamic safe strings */
-#include "dict.h" /* Hash tables */
-#include "adlist.h" /* Linked lists */
+#include "ae.h" /* Event driven programming library */
+#include "sds.h" /* Dynamic safe strings */
+#include "dict.h" /* Hash tables */
+#include "adlist.h" /* Linked lists */
#include "zmalloc.h" /* total memory usage aware version of malloc/free */
-#include "anet.h" /* Networking the easy way */
-#include "zipmap.h" /* Compact string -> string data structure */
+#include "anet.h" /* Networking the easy way */
+#include "zipmap.h" /* Compact string -> string data structure */
#include "ziplist.h" /* Compact list data structure */
-#include "intset.h" /* Compact integer set structure */
-#include "version.h"
-#include "util.h"
+#include "intset.h" /* Compact integer set structure */
+#include "version.h" /* Version macro */
+#include "util.h" /* Misc functions useful in many places */
/* Error codes */
#define REDIS_OK 0
/* Static server configuration */
#define REDIS_SERVERPORT 6379 /* TCP port */
-#define REDIS_MAXIDLETIME (60*5) /* default client timeout */
-#define REDIS_IOBUF_LEN 1024
+#define REDIS_MAXIDLETIME 0 /* default client timeout: infinite */
+#define REDIS_MAX_QUERYBUF_LEN (1024*1024*1024) /* 1GB max query buffer. */
+#define REDIS_IOBUF_LEN (1024*16)
#define REDIS_LOADBUF_LEN 1024
#define REDIS_MAX_WRITE_PER_EVENT (1024*64)
#define REDIS_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE (1024*1024*256) /* max bytes in inline command */
-#define REDIS_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES (5*1500) /* 5 TCP packets with default MTU */
+#define REDIS_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES (16*1024) /* 16k output buffer */
#define REDIS_MAX_LOGMSG_LEN 1024 /* Default maximum length of syslog messages */
+#define REDIS_MAX_CLIENTS 10000
+#define REDIS_MBULK_BIG_ARG (1024*32)
/* Hash table parameters */
#define REDIS_HT_MINFILL 10 /* Minimal hash table fill 10% */
-/* Command flags:
- * Commands marked with this flag will return an error when 'maxmemory' is
- * set and the server is using more than 'maxmemory' bytes of memory.
- * In short: commands with this flag are denied on low memory conditions.
- * Force replication even if dirty is 0. */
+/* Command flags. Please check the command table defined in the redis.c file
+ * for more information about the meaning of every flag. */
+#define REDIS_CMD_WRITE 1 /* "w" flag */
+#define REDIS_CMD_READONLY 2 /* "r" flag */
+#define REDIS_CMD_DENYOOM 4 /* "m" flag */
+#define REDIS_CMD_FORCE_REPLICATION 8 /* "f" flag */
+#define REDIS_CMD_ADMIN 16 /* "a" flag */
+#define REDIS_CMD_PUBSUB 32 /* "p" flag */
+#define REDIS_CMD_NOSCRIPT 64 /* "s" flag */
+#define REDIS_CMD_RANDOM 128 /* "R" flag */
/* Object types */
#define REDIS_STRING 0
#define REDIS_HASH 4
-/* Object types only used for persistence in .rdb files */
-#define REDIS_SET_INTSET 11
/* Objects encoding. Some kind of objects like Strings and Hashes can be
* internally represented in multiple ways. The 'encoding' field of the object
* is set to one of this fields for this object. */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET 6 /* Encoded as intset */
#define REDIS_ENCODING_SKIPLIST 7 /* Encoded as skiplist */
-/* Object types only used for dumping to disk */
-#define REDIS_SELECTDB 254
-#define REDIS_EOF 255
/* Defines related to the dump file format. To store 32 bits lengths for short
* keys requires a lot of space, so we check the most significant 2 bits of
* the first byte to interpreter the length:
#define REDIS_UNBLOCKED 256 /* This client was unblocked and is stored in
server.unblocked_clients */
#define REDIS_LUA_CLIENT 512 /* This is a non connected client used by Lua */
+#define REDIS_ASKING 1024 /* Client issued the ASKING command */
/* Client request types */
/* Scripting */
-#define REDIS_LUA_TIME_LIMIT 60000 /* milliseconds */
+#define REDIS_LUA_TIME_LIMIT 5000 /* milliseconds */
+/* Units */
+#define UNIT_SECONDS 0
+/* SHUTDOWN flags */
+#define REDIS_SHUTDOWN_SAVE 1 /* Force SAVE on SHUTDOWN even if no save
+ points are configured. */
/* We can print the stacktrace, so our assert is defined this way: */
+#define redisAssertWithInfo(_c,_o,_e) ((_e)?(void)0 : (_redisAssertWithInfo(_c,_o,#_e,__FILE__,__LINE__),_exit(1)))
#define redisAssert(_e) ((_e)?(void)0 : (_redisAssert(#_e,__FILE__,__LINE__),_exit(1)))
#define redisPanic(_e) _redisPanic(#_e,__FILE__,__LINE__),_exit(1)
-void _redisAssert(char *estr, char *file, int line);
-void _redisPanic(char *msg, char *file, int line);
* Data types
unsigned lru:22; /* lru time (relative to server.lruclock) */
int refcount;
void *ptr;
- /* VM fields are only allocated if VM is active, otherwise the
- * object allocation function will just allocate
- * sizeof(redisObjct) minus sizeof(redisObjectVM), so using
- * Redis without VM active will not have any overhead. */
} robj;
-/* The VM pointer structure - identifies an object in the swap file.
- *
- * This object is stored in place of the value
- * object in the main key->value hash table representing a database.
- * Note that the first fields (type, storage) are the same as the redisObject
- * structure so that vmPointer strucuters can be accessed even when casted
- * as redisObject structures.
- *
- * This is useful as we don't know if a value object is or not on disk, but we
- * are always able to read obj->storage to check this. For vmPointer
- * structures "type" is set to REDIS_VMPOINTER (even if without this field
- * is still possible to check the kind of object from the value of 'storage').*/
-typedef struct vmPointer {
- unsigned type:4;
- unsigned storage:2; /* REDIS_VM_SWAPPED or REDIS_VM_LOADING */
- unsigned notused:26;
- unsigned int vtype; /* type of the object stored in the swap file */
- off_t page; /* the page at witch the object is stored on disk */
- off_t usedpages; /* number of pages used on disk */
-} vmpointer;
/* Macro used to initalize a Redis object allocated on the stack.
* Note that this macro is taken near the structure definition to make sure
* we'll update it when the structure is changed, to avoid bugs like
sds querybuf;
int argc;
robj **argv;
+ struct redisCommand *cmd, *lastcmd;
int reqtype;
int multibulklen; /* number of multi bulk arguments left to read */
long bulklen; /* length of bulk argument in multi bulk request */
robj *crlf, *ok, *err, *emptybulk, *czero, *cone, *cnegone, *pong, *space,
*colon, *nullbulk, *nullmultibulk, *queued,
*emptymultibulk, *wrongtypeerr, *nokeyerr, *syntaxerr, *sameobjecterr,
- *outofrangeerr, *noscripterr, *loadingerr, *plus,
+ *outofrangeerr, *noscripterr, *loadingerr, *slowscripterr, *plus,
*select0, *select1, *select2, *select3, *select4,
*select5, *select6, *select7, *select8, *select9,
*messagebulk, *pmessagebulk, *subscribebulk, *unsubscribebulk, *mbulk3,
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PONG 1 /* Pong (reply to Ping) */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_MEET 2 /* Meet "let's join" message */
#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL 3 /* Mark node xxx as failing */
+#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PUBLISH 4 /* Pub/Sub Publish propatagion */
/* Initially we don't know our "name", but we'll find it once we connect
* to the first node, using the getsockname() function. Then we'll use this
} clusterMsgDataFail;
+typedef struct {
+ uint32_t channel_len;
+ uint32_t message_len;
+ unsigned char bulk_data[8]; /* defined as 8 just for alignment concerns. */
+} clusterMsgDataPublish;
union clusterMsgData {
/* PING, MEET and PONG */
struct {
/* Array of N clusterMsgDataGossip structures */
clusterMsgDataGossip gossip[1];
} ping;
/* FAIL */
struct {
clusterMsgDataFail about;
} fail;
+ /* PUBLISH */
+ struct {
+ clusterMsgDataPublish msg;
+ } publish;
typedef struct {
int port;
char *bindaddr;
char *unixsocket;
+ mode_t unixsocketperm;
int ipfd;
int sofd;
int cfd;
long long stat_keyspace_misses; /* number of failed lookups of keys */
size_t stat_peak_memory; /* max used memory record */
long long stat_fork_time; /* time needed to perform latets fork() */
+ long long stat_rejected_conn; /* clients rejected because of maxclients */
+ list *slowlog;
+ long long slowlog_entry_id;
+ long long slowlog_log_slower_than;
+ unsigned long slowlog_max_len;
/* Configuration */
int verbosity;
int maxidletime;
+ size_t client_max_querybuf_len;
int dbnum;
int daemonize;
int appendonly;
off_t auto_aofrewrite_base_size;/* AOF size on latest startup or rewrite. */
off_t appendonly_current_size; /* AOF current size. */
int aofrewrite_scheduled; /* Rewrite once BGSAVE terminates. */
- int shutdown_asap;
+ int shutdown_asap; /* SHUTDOWN needed */
int activerehashing;
char *requirepass;
/* Persistence */
time_t lastfsync;
int appendfd;
int appendseldb;
+ time_t aof_flush_postponed_start;
char *pidfile;
pid_t bgsavechildpid;
pid_t bgrewritechildpid;
char *masterauth;
char *masterhost;
int masterport;
+ int repl_ping_slave_period;
+ int repl_timeout;
redisClient *master; /* client that is master for this slave */
int repl_syncio_timeout; /* timeout for synchronous I/O calls */
int replstate; /* replication status if the instance is a slave */
size_t zset_max_ziplist_entries;
size_t zset_max_ziplist_value;
time_t unixtime; /* Unix time sampled every second. */
- /* Virtual memory I/O threads stuff */
- /* An I/O thread process an element taken from the io_jobs queue and
- * put the result of the operation in the io_done list. While the
- * job is being processed, it's put on io_processing queue. */
- list *io_newjobs; /* List of VM I/O jobs yet to be processed */
- list *io_processing; /* List of VM I/O jobs being processed */
- list *io_processed; /* List of VM I/O jobs already processed */
- list *io_ready_clients; /* Clients ready to be unblocked. All keys loaded */
- pthread_mutex_t io_mutex; /* lock to access io_jobs/io_done/io_thread_job */
- pthread_cond_t io_condvar; /* I/O threads conditional variable */
- pthread_attr_t io_threads_attr; /* attributes for threads creation */
- int io_active_threads; /* Number of running I/O threads */
- int vm_max_threads; /* Max number of I/O threads running at the same time */
- /* Our main thread is blocked on the event loop, locking for sockets ready
- * to be read or written, so when a threaded I/O operation is ready to be
- * processed by the main thread, the I/O thread will use a unix pipe to
- * awake the main thread. The followings are the two pipe FDs. */
- int io_ready_pipe_read;
- int io_ready_pipe_write;
- /* Virtual memory stats */
- unsigned long long vm_stats_used_pages;
- unsigned long long vm_stats_swapped_objects;
- unsigned long long vm_stats_swapouts;
- unsigned long long vm_stats_swapins;
/* Pubsub */
dict *pubsub_channels; /* Map channels to list of subscribed clients */
list *pubsub_patterns; /* A list of pubsub_patterns */
int cluster_enabled;
clusterState cluster;
/* Scripting */
- lua_State *lua;
- redisClient *lua_client;
+ lua_State *lua; /* The Lua interpreter. We use just one for all clients */
+ redisClient *lua_client; /* The "fake client" to query Redis from Lua */
+ redisClient *lua_caller; /* The client running EVAL right now, or NULL */
+ dict *lua_scripts; /* A dictionary of SHA1 -> Lua scripts */
long long lua_time_limit;
long long lua_time_start;
+ int lua_write_dirty; /* True if a write command was called during the
+ execution of the current script. */
+ int lua_random_dirty; /* True if a random command was called during the
+ execution of the current script. */
+ int lua_timedout; /* True if we reached the time limit for script
+ execution. */
+ int lua_kill; /* Kill the script if true. */
+ /* Assert & bug reportign */
+ char *assert_failed;
+ char *assert_file;
+ int assert_line;
+ int bug_report_start; /* True if bug report header already logged. */
typedef struct pubsubPattern {
char *name;
redisCommandProc *proc;
int arity;
- int flags;
+ char *sflags; /* Flags as string represenation, one char per flag. */
+ int flags; /* The actual flags, obtained from the 'sflags' field. */
/* Use a function to determine keys arguments in a command line.
* Used for Redis Cluster redirect. */
redisGetKeysProc *getkeys_proc;
extern dictType setDictType;
extern dictType zsetDictType;
extern dictType clusterNodesDictType;
+extern dictType dbDictType;
extern double R_Zero, R_PosInf, R_NegInf, R_Nan;
dictType hashDictType;
/* Utils */
long long ustime(void);
+long long mstime(void);
/* networking.c -- Networking and Client related operations */
redisClient *createClient(int fd);
void *dupClientReplyValue(void *o);
void getClientsMaxBuffers(unsigned long *longest_output_list,
unsigned long *biggest_input_buffer);
+sds getClientInfoString(redisClient *client);
+sds getAllClientsInfoString(void);
void rewriteClientCommandVector(redisClient *c, int argc, ...);
+void rewriteClientCommandArgument(redisClient *c, int i, robj *newval);
#ifdef __GNUC__
void addReplyErrorFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...)
void unwatchAllKeys(redisClient *c);
void initClientMultiState(redisClient *c);
void freeClientMultiState(redisClient *c);
-void queueMultiCommand(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd);
+void queueMultiCommand(redisClient *c);
void touchWatchedKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
void touchWatchedKeysOnFlush(int dbid);
/* Redis object implementation */
void decrRefCount(void *o);
void incrRefCount(robj *o);
+robj *resetRefCount(robj *obj);
void freeStringObject(robj *o);
void freeListObject(robj *o);
void freeSetObject(robj *o);
robj *getDecodedObject(robj *o);
size_t stringObjectLen(robj *o);
robj *createStringObjectFromLongLong(long long value);
+robj *createStringObjectFromLongDouble(long double value);
robj *createListObject(void);
robj *createZiplistObject(void);
robj *createSetObject(void);
int getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, long long *target, const char *msg);
int getDoubleFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, double *target, const char *msg);
int getLongLongFromObject(robj *o, long long *target);
+int getLongDoubleFromObject(robj *o, long double *target);
+int getLongDoubleFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, long double *target, const char *msg);
char *strEncoding(int encoding);
int compareStringObjects(robj *a, robj *b);
int equalStringObjects(robj *a, robj *b);
int syncWrite(int fd, char *ptr, ssize_t size, int timeout);
int syncRead(int fd, char *ptr, ssize_t size, int timeout);
int syncReadLine(int fd, char *ptr, ssize_t size, int timeout);
-int fwriteBulkString(FILE *fp, char *s, unsigned long len);
-int fwriteBulkDouble(FILE *fp, double d);
-int fwriteBulkLongLong(FILE *fp, long long l);
-int fwriteBulkObject(FILE *fp, robj *obj);
-int fwriteBulkCount(FILE *fp, char prefix, int count);
/* Replication */
void replicationFeedSlaves(list *slaves, int dictid, robj **argv, int argc);
void stopLoading(void);
/* RDB persistence */
-int rdbLoad(char *filename);
-int rdbSaveBackground(char *filename);
-void rdbRemoveTempFile(pid_t childpid);
-int rdbSave(char *filename);
-int rdbSaveObject(FILE *fp, robj *o);
-off_t rdbSavedObjectLen(robj *o);
-off_t rdbSavedObjectPages(robj *o);
-robj *rdbLoadObject(int type, FILE *fp);
-void backgroundSaveDoneHandler(int exitcode, int bysignal);
-int rdbSaveKeyValuePair(FILE *fp, robj *key, robj *val, time_t expireitme, time_t now);
-int rdbLoadType(FILE *fp);
-time_t rdbLoadTime(FILE *fp);
-robj *rdbLoadStringObject(FILE *fp);
-int rdbSaveType(FILE *fp, unsigned char type);
-int rdbSaveLen(FILE *fp, uint32_t len);
+#include "rdb.h"
/* AOF persistence */
-void flushAppendOnlyFile(void);
+void flushAppendOnlyFile(int force);
void feedAppendOnlyFile(struct redisCommand *cmd, int dictid, robj **argv, int argc);
void aofRemoveTempFile(pid_t childpid);
int rewriteAppendOnlyFileBackground(void);
void setupSignalHandlers(void);
struct redisCommand *lookupCommand(sds name);
struct redisCommand *lookupCommandByCString(char *s);
-void call(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd);
+void call(redisClient *c);
int prepareForShutdown();
void redisLog(int level, const char *fmt, ...);
void redisLogRaw(int level, const char *msg);
int pubsubUnsubscribeAllPatterns(redisClient *c, int notify);
void freePubsubPattern(void *p);
int listMatchPubsubPattern(void *a, void *b);
+int pubsubPublishMessage(robj *channel, robj *message);
/* Configuration */
void loadServerConfig(char *filename);
int removeExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key);
void propagateExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key);
int expireIfNeeded(redisDb *db, robj *key);
-time_t getExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key);
-void setExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key, time_t when);
+long long getExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key);
+void setExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key, long long when);
robj *lookupKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
robj *lookupKeyRead(redisDb *db, robj *key);
robj *lookupKeyWrite(redisDb *db, robj *key);
int clusterAddNode(clusterNode *node);
void clusterCron(void);
clusterNode *getNodeByQuery(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd, robj **argv, int argc, int *hashslot, int *ask);
+void clusterPropagatePublish(robj *channel, robj *message);
/* Scripting */
void scriptingInit(void);
void setCommand(redisClient *c);
void setnxCommand(redisClient *c);
void setexCommand(redisClient *c);
+void psetexCommand(redisClient *c);
void getCommand(redisClient *c);
void delCommand(redisClient *c);
void existsCommand(redisClient *c);
void decrCommand(redisClient *c);
void incrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
void decrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
+void incrbyfloatCommand(redisClient *c);
void selectCommand(redisClient *c);
void randomkeyCommand(redisClient *c);
void keysCommand(redisClient *c);
void monitorCommand(redisClient *c);
void expireCommand(redisClient *c);
void expireatCommand(redisClient *c);
+void pexpireCommand(redisClient *c);
+void pexpireatCommand(redisClient *c);
void getsetCommand(redisClient *c);
void ttlCommand(redisClient *c);
+void pttlCommand(redisClient *c);
void persistCommand(redisClient *c);
void slaveofCommand(redisClient *c);
void debugCommand(redisClient *c);
void hexistsCommand(redisClient *c);
void configCommand(redisClient *c);
void hincrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
+void hincrbyfloatCommand(redisClient *c);
void subscribeCommand(redisClient *c);
void unsubscribeCommand(redisClient *c);
void psubscribeCommand(redisClient *c);
void clusterCommand(redisClient *c);
void restoreCommand(redisClient *c);
void migrateCommand(redisClient *c);
+void askingCommand(redisClient *c);
void dumpCommand(redisClient *c);
void objectCommand(redisClient *c);
void clientCommand(redisClient *c);
void evalCommand(redisClient *c);
void evalShaCommand(redisClient *c);
+void scriptCommand(redisClient *c);
#if defined(__GNUC__)
void *calloc(size_t count, size_t size) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
+/* Debugging stuff */
+void _redisAssertWithInfo(redisClient *c, robj *o, char *estr, char *file, int line);
+void _redisAssert(char *estr, char *file, int line);
+void _redisPanic(char *msg, char *file, int line);
+void bugReportStart(void);