-<ul><li> h?llo will match hello hallo hhllo</li><li> h<b>llo will match hllo heeeello
-<blockquote>* h<a href="ae.html">ae</a>llo will match hello and hallo, but not hillo</blockquote>Use \ to escape special chars if you want to match them verbatim.<h2><a name="Return value">Return value</a></h2><a href="ReplyTypes.html">Bulk reply</a>, specifically a string in the form of space separated list of keys. Note that most client libraries will return an Array of keys and not a single string with space separated keys (that is, split by " " is performed in the client library usually).<h2><a name="See also">See also</a></h2>
-<blockquote>* <a href="RandomkeyCommand.html">RANDOMKEY</a> to get the name of a randomly selected key in O(1).</blockquote></b></li></ul>
+<blockquote>* h?llo will match hello hallo hhllo* h*llo will match hllo heeeello* h<code name="code" class="python">[</code>ae<code name="code" class="python">]</code>llo will match hello and hallo, but not hillo</blockquote>Use \ to escape special chars if you want to match them verbatim.<h2><a name="Return value">Return value</a></h2>
+<a href="ReplyTypes.html">Multi bulk reply</a></b></blockquote>