-</pre><a href="Lists.html">Lists</a> (and <a href="Sets.html">Sets</a> too) can be sorted:<br/><br/><pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python" name="code">
-./redis-cli sort mylist alpha
-1. secondvalue
-2. thirdvalue
-</pre>And despite Redis doesn't have integers, you can do some math also:<br/><br/><pre class="codeblock python python python python python python python python" name="code">
-$ ./redis-cli get mycounter
-$ ./redis-cli incr mycounter
-./redis-cli incr mycounter
-</pre><h2><a name="Further reading">Further reading</a></h2><ul><li> Check all the <a href="Features.html">Features</a></li><li> Read the full list of available commands in the <a href="CommandReference.html">Command Reference</a>.</li><li> Start using Redis from your <a href="SupportedLanguages.html">favorite language</a>.</li><li> Take a look at some <a href="ProgrammingExamples.html">Programming Examples</a>. </li></ul>
+</pre><h2><a name="Further reading">Further reading</a></h2><ul><li> What to play more with Redis? Read <a href="IntroductionToRedisDataTypes.html">Fifteen minutes introduction to Redis data types</a>.</li><li> Check all the <a href="Features.html">Features</a></li><li> Read the full list of available commands in the <a href="CommandReference.html">Command Reference</a>.</li><li> Start using Redis from your <a href="SupportedLanguages.html">favorite language</a>.</li><li> Take a look at some <a href="ProgrammingExamples.html">Programming Examples</a>. </li></ul>