-#define REDIS_VERSION "1.3.12"
+#define REDIS_VERSION "2.1.0"
#include "fmacros.h"
#include "config.h"
o = shared.integers[value];
} else {
- o = createObject(REDIS_STRING, NULL);
if (value >= LONG_MIN && value <= LONG_MAX) {
+ o = createObject(REDIS_STRING, NULL);
o->encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_INT;
o->ptr = (void*)((long)value);
} else {
zskiplistNode *zn = zmalloc(sizeof(*zn));
zn->forward = zmalloc(sizeof(zskiplistNode*) * level);
- if (level > 0)
+ if (level > 1)
zn->span = zmalloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * (level - 1));
+ else
+ zn->span = NULL;
zn->score = score;
zn->obj = obj;
return zn;
/* Iterate this DB writing every entry */
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
- robj *key, *o;
+ robj *key, *o, *kcopy;
time_t expiretime;
memset(digest,0,20); /* This key-val digest */
key = dictGetEntryKey(de);
- mixObjectDigest(digest,key);
- if (!server.vm_enabled || key->storage == REDIS_VM_MEMORY ||
- key->storage == REDIS_VM_SWAPPING) {
+ if (!server.vm_enabled) {
+ mixObjectDigest(digest,key);
o = dictGetEntryVal(de);
- incrRefCount(o);
} else {
- o = vmPreviewObject(key);
+ /* Don't work with the key directly as when VM is active
+ * this is unsafe: TODO: fix decrRefCount to check if the
+ * count really reached 0 to avoid this mess */
+ kcopy = dupStringObject(key);
+ mixObjectDigest(digest,kcopy);
+ o = lookupKeyRead(db,kcopy);
+ decrRefCount(kcopy);
aux = htonl(o->type);
} else {
redisPanic("Unknown object type");
- decrRefCount(o);
/* If the key has an expire, add it to the mix */
if (expiretime != -1) xorDigest(digest,"!!expire!!",10);
/* We can finally xor the key-val digest to the final digest */