+ if (_installWriteEvent(c) != REDIS_OK) return;
+ if (_addReplyToBuffer(c,s,len) != REDIS_OK)
+ _addReplyStringToList(c,s,len);
+void _addReplyError(redisClient *c, char *s, size_t len) {
+ addReplyString(c,"-ERR ",5);
+ addReplyString(c,s,len);
+ addReplyString(c,"\r\n",2);
+void addReplyError(redisClient *c, char *err) {
+ _addReplyError(c,err,strlen(err));
+void addReplyErrorFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,fmt);
+ sds s = sdscatvprintf(sdsempty(),fmt,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ _addReplyError(c,s,sdslen(s));
+ sdsfree(s);
+void _addReplyStatus(redisClient *c, char *s, size_t len) {
+ addReplyString(c,"+",1);
+ addReplyString(c,s,len);
+ addReplyString(c,"\r\n",2);
+void addReplyStatus(redisClient *c, char *status) {
+ _addReplyStatus(c,status,strlen(status));
+void addReplyStatusFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap,fmt);
+ sds s = sdscatvprintf(sdsempty(),fmt,ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ _addReplyStatus(c,s,sdslen(s));
+ sdsfree(s);
+/* Adds an empty object to the reply list that will contain the multi bulk
+ * length, which is not known when this function is called. */
+void *addDeferredMultiBulkLength(redisClient *c) {
+ /* Note that we install the write event here even if the object is not
+ * ready to be sent, since we are sure that before returning to the
+ * event loop setDeferredMultiBulkLength() will be called. */
+ if (_installWriteEvent(c) != REDIS_OK) return NULL;
+ listAddNodeTail(c->reply,createObject(REDIS_STRING,NULL));
+ return listLast(c->reply);
+/* Populate the length object and try glueing it to the next chunk. */
+void setDeferredMultiBulkLength(redisClient *c, void *node, long length) {
+ listNode *ln = (listNode*)node;
+ robj *len, *next;
+ /* Abort when *node is NULL (see addDeferredMultiBulkLength). */
+ if (node == NULL) return;
+ len = listNodeValue(ln);
+ len->ptr = sdscatprintf(sdsempty(),"*%ld\r\n",length);
+ if (ln->next != NULL) {
+ next = listNodeValue(ln->next);
+ /* Only glue when the next node is non-NULL (an sds in this case) */
+ if (next->ptr != NULL) {
+ len->ptr = sdscatlen(len->ptr,next->ptr,sdslen(next->ptr));
+ listDelNode(c->reply,ln->next);
+ }