void sentinelDisconnectInstanceFromContext(const redisAsyncContext *c);
void sentinelKillLink(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, redisAsyncContext *c);
const char *sentinelRedisInstanceTypeStr(sentinelRedisInstance *ri);
+void sentinelAbortFailover(sentinelRedisInstance *ri);
/* ========================= Dictionary types =============================== */
ri->runid = NULL;
ri->slave_master_host = NULL;
+ ri->last_avail_time = mstime();
+ ri->last_pong_time = mstime();
/* Completely disconnect an hiredis link from an instance. */
void sentinelKillLink(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, redisAsyncContext *c) {
- if (ri->cc == c) ri->cc = NULL;
+ if (ri->cc == c) {
+ ri->cc = NULL;
+ ri->pending_commands = 0;
+ }
if (ri->pc == c) ri->pc = NULL;
c->data = NULL;
ri->flags |= SRI_DISCONNECTED;
sentinelRedisInstance *slave = sentinelSelectSlave(ri);
if (slave == NULL) {
- sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-no-good-slave",ri,
- "%@ #retrying in %d seconds",
- ri->failover_start_time = mstime() + SENTINEL_FAILOVER_FIXED_DELAY +
+ sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-failover-abort-no-good-slave",ri,"%@");
+ sentinelAbortFailover(ri);
} else {
slave->flags |= SRI_PROMOTED;
-/* The following is called only for master instances and will abort the
- * failover process if:
- *
- * 1) The failover is in progress.
- * 2) We already promoted a slave.
- * 3) The promoted slave is in extended SDOWN condition.
+/* Abort a failover in progress with the following steps:
+ * 1) If this instance is the leaer send a SLAVEOF command to all the already
+ * reconfigured slaves if any to configure them to replicate with the
+ * original master.
+ * 2) For both leaders and observers: clear the failover flags and state in
+ * the master instance.
+ * 3) If there is already a promoted slave and we are the leader, and this
+ * slave is not DISCONNECTED, try to reconfigure it to replicate
+ * back to the master as well, sending a best effort SLAVEOF command.
-void sentinelAbortFailoverIfNeeded(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
+void sentinelAbortFailover(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
+ char master_port[32];
dictIterator *di;
dictEntry *de;
- /* Failover is in progress? Do we have a promoted slave? */
- if (!(ri->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) || !ri->promoted_slave) return;
- /* Is the promoted slave into an extended SDOWN state? */
- if (!(ri->promoted_slave->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) ||
- (mstime() - ri->promoted_slave->s_down_since_time) <
- (ri->down_after_period * SENTINEL_EXTENDED_SDOWN_MULTIPLIER)) return;
- sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-failover-abort-x-sdown",ri->promoted_slave,"%@");
+ redisAssert(ri->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS);
+ ll2string(master_port,sizeof(master_port),ri->addr->port);
/* Clear failover related flags from slaves.
* Also if we are the leader make sure to send SLAVEOF commands to all the
* already reconfigured slaves in order to turn them back into slaves of
* the original master. */
di = dictGetIterator(ri->slaves);
while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
sentinelRedisInstance *slave = dictGetVal(de);
- if (ri->flags & SRI_I_AM_THE_LEADER) {
- char master_port[32];
+ if ((ri->flags & SRI_I_AM_THE_LEADER) &&
+ !(slave->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED) &&
+ {
int retval;
- ll2string(master_port,sizeof(master_port),ri->addr->port);
retval = redisAsyncCommand(slave->cc,
sentinelDiscardReplyCallback, NULL, "SLAVEOF %s %s",
ri->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_NONE;
ri->failover_state_change_time = mstime();
- ri->promoted_slave->flags &= ~SRI_PROMOTED;
- ri->promoted_slave = NULL;
+ if (ri->promoted_slave) {
+ ri->promoted_slave->flags &= ~SRI_PROMOTED;
+ ri->promoted_slave = NULL;
+ }
+/* The following is called only for master instances and will abort the
+ * failover process if:
+ *
+ * 1) The failover is in progress.
+ * 2) We already promoted a slave.
+ * 3) The promoted slave is in extended SDOWN condition.
+ */
+void sentinelAbortFailoverIfNeeded(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {
+ /* Failover is in progress? Do we have a promoted slave? */
+ if (!(ri->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) || !ri->promoted_slave) return;
+ /* Is the promoted slave into an extended SDOWN state? */
+ if (!(ri->promoted_slave->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) ||
+ (mstime() - ri->promoted_slave->s_down_since_time) <
+ (ri->down_after_period * SENTINEL_EXTENDED_SDOWN_MULTIPLIER)) return;
+ sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-failover-abort-x-sdown",ri->promoted_slave,"%@");
+ sentinelAbortFailover(ri);
/* ======================== SENTINEL timer handler ==========================