r zinterstore set3 2 set1 set2
} {0}
+ test {ZUNIONSTORE regression, should not create NaN in scores} {
+ r zadd z -inf neginf
+ r zunionstore out 1 z weights 0
+ r zrange out 0 -1 withscores
+ } {neginf 0}
+ test {ZINTERSTORE #516 regression, mixed sets and ziplist zsets} {
+ r sadd one 100 101 102 103
+ r sadd two 100 200 201 202
+ r zadd three 1 500 1 501 1 502 1 503 1 100
+ r zinterstore to_here 3 one two three WEIGHTS 0 0 1
+ r zrange to_here 0 -1
+ } {100}
proc stressers {encoding} {
if {$encoding == "ziplist"} {
# Little extra to allow proper fuzzing in the sorting stresser