#include <sys/time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
/* ---------------------------------- MASTER -------------------------------- */
void syncWithMaster(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask) {
char tmpfile[256], *err;
int dfd, maxtries = 5;
+ int sockerr = 0;
+ socklen_t errlen = sizeof(sockerr);
- redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.");
- /* This event should only be triggered once since it is used to have a
- * non-blocking connect(2) to the master. It has been triggered when this
- * function is called, so we can delete it. */
- aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_READABLE|AE_WRITABLE);
+ /* Check for errors in the socket. */
+ if (getsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &sockerr, &errlen) == -1)
+ sockerr = errno;
+ if (sockerr) {
+ aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_READABLE|AE_WRITABLE);
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Error condition on socket for SYNC: %s",
+ strerror(sockerr));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* If we were connecting, it's time to send a non blocking PING, we want to
+ * make sure the master is able to reply before going into the actual
+ * replication process where we have long timeouts in the order of
+ * seconds (in the meantime the slave would block). */
+ if (server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Non blocking connect for SYNC fired the event.");
+ /* Delete the writable event so that the readable event remains
+ * registered and we can wait for the PONG reply. */
+ aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_WRITABLE);
+ server.repl_state = REDIS_REPL_RECEIVE_PONG;
+ /* Send the PING, don't check for errors at all, we have the timeout
+ * that will take care about this. */
+ syncWrite(fd,"PING\r\n",6,100);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Receive the PONG command. */
+ if (server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_RECEIVE_PONG) {
+ char buf[1024];
+ /* Delete the readable event, we no longer need it now that there is
+ * the PING reply to read. */
+ aeDeleteFileEvent(server.el,fd,AE_READABLE);
+ /* Read the reply with explicit timeout. */
+ buf[0] = '\0';
+ if (syncReadLine(fd,buf,sizeof(buf),
+ server.repl_syncio_timeout*1000) == -1)
+ {
+ "I/O error reading PING reply from master: %s",
+ strerror(errno));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* We don't care about the reply, it can be +PONG or an error since
+ * the server requires AUTH. As long as it replies correctly, it's
+ * fine from our point of view. */
+ if (buf[0] != '-' && buf[0] != '+') {
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Unexpected reply to PING from master.");
+ goto error;
+ } else {
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,
+ "Master replied to PING, replication can continue...");
+ }
+ }
/* AUTH with the master if required. */
if(server.masterauth) {
- server.repl_state = REDIS_REPL_CONNECT;
+ server.repl_transfer_s = -1;
+ server.repl_state = REDIS_REPL_CONNECT;
void undoConnectWithMaster(void) {
int fd = server.repl_transfer_s;
- redisAssert(server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING);
+ redisAssert(server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING ||
+ server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_RECEIVE_PONG);
server.repl_transfer_s = -1;
if (server.master) freeClient(server.master);
if (server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_TRANSFER)
- else if (server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING)
+ else if (server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING ||
+ server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_RECEIVE_PONG)
server.repl_state = REDIS_REPL_NONE;
redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"MASTER MODE enabled (user request)");
void replicationCron(void) {
/* Non blocking connection timeout? */
- if (server.masterhost && server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING &&
+ if (server.masterhost &&
+ (server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING ||
+ server.repl_state == REDIS_REPL_RECEIVE_PONG) &&
(time(NULL)-server.repl_transfer_lastio) > server.repl_timeout)
redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Timeout connecting to the MASTER...");
* So slaves can implement an explicit timeout to masters, and will
* be able to detect a link disconnection even if the TCP connection
* will not actually go down. */
- if (!(server.cronloops % (server.repl_ping_slave_period*10))) {
+ if (!(server.cronloops % (server.repl_ping_slave_period * REDIS_HZ))) {
listIter li;
listNode *ln;