-VERSION 1.2 TODO (Zsets, Integer encoding, Append only journal)
-Most of the features already implemented for this release. The following is a list of the missing things in order to release the first beta tar.gz:
-* Write docs for the "STORE" operaiton of SORT. Link to the article about SORT by written by defunkt.
-VERSION 1.4 TODO (Hash type)
-* Hashes (HSET, HGET, HEXISTS, HLEN, ...).
-* Specially encoded memory-saving integer sets.
-* An utility able to export an .rdb file into a text-only JSON dump, we can't live anymore without such a tool. Probably an extension to redis-cli.
-* List ops like L/RPUSH L/RPOP should return the new list length.
-VERSION 1.6 TODO (Virtual memory)