Redis TODO and Roadmap
-VERSION 1.2 TODO (Zsets, Integer encoding, Append only journal)
-Most of the features already implemented for this release. The following is a list of the missing things in order to release the first beta tar.gz:
-* Write docs for the "STORE" operaiton of SORT. Link to the article about SORT by written by defunkt.
VERSION 1.4 TODO (Hash type)
-* Hashes (HSET, HGET, HEXISTS, HLEN, ...).
-* Specially encoded memory-saving integer sets.
-* An utility able to export an .rdb file into a text-only JSON dump, we can't live anymore without such a tool. Probably an extension to redis-cli.
+* RPOPLPUSH should notify blocking POP operations
* List ops like L/RPUSH L/RPOP should return the new list length.
+* Save dataset / fsync() on SIGTERM
+* MULTI/EXEC should support the "EXEC FSYNC" form
+* Synchronous Virtual Memory
+* BLPOP & C. tests (write a non blocking Tcl client as first step)
+Virtual Memory sub-TODO:
+* Check if the page selection algorithm is working well.
+* Divide swappability of objects by refcount
+* vm-swap-file <filename>. The swap file should go where the user wants, and if it's already there and of the right size we can avoid to create it again.
+* it should be possible to give the vm-max-memory option in megabyte, gigabyte, ..., just using 2GB, 100MB, and so forth.
+* redis-cli vmstat, calling INFO every second and printing VM stats ala vmstat.
+* protect zmalloc memory usage increments with a mutex
VERSION 1.6 TODO (Virtual memory)
-* Redis Virtual Memory for datasets bigger than RAM (
+* Asynchronous Virtual Memory
+* Hashes (HSET, HGET, HEXISTS, HLEN, ...).
VERSION 1.8 TODO (Fault tollerant sharding)
* JSON command able to access data serialized in JSON format. For instance if I've a key foobar with a json object I can alter the "name" file using somthing like: "JSON SET foobar name Kevin". We should have GET and INCRBY as well.
+* Specially encoded memory-saving integer sets.
+* A command to export a JSON dump (there should be mostly working patch needing major reworking).
+* Specially encoded sets of integers (this includes a big refactoring providing an higher level layer for Sets manipulation)
+* Give errors when incrementing a key that does not look like an integer, when providing as a sorted set score something can't be parsed as a double, and so forth.
+* MSADD (n keys) (n values). See this thread in the Redis google group:
+* Don't save empty lists / sets / zsets on disk with snapshotting.
+* Remove keys when a list / set / zset reaches length of 0.
+THE "MAYBE" TODO LIST: things that may or may not get implemented
Most of this can be seen just as proposals, the fact they are in this list
it's not a guarantee they'll ever get implemented ;)
* zmalloc() should avoid to add a private header for archs where there is some other kind of libc-specific way to get the size of a malloced block. Already done for Mac OS X.
* Read-only mode.
* Pattern-matching replication.
-* Page explaining tips to reduce memory usage.
-* A Sorted sets HOWTO
+* Add an option to relax the delete-expiring-keys-on-write semantic *denying* replication and AOF when this is on? Can be handy sometimes, when using Redis for non persistent state, but can create problems. For instance should rename and move also "move" the timeouts? How does this affect other commands?
+* Multiple BY in SORT.