-# TODO # test pipelining
+# test-redis.tcl
+# Redis test suite. Copyright (C) 2009 Salvatore Sanfilippo antirez@gmail.com
+# This softare is released under the BSD License. See the COPYING file for
+# more information.
-source client-libraries/tcl/redis.tcl
+set tcl_precision 17
+source redis.tcl
set ::passed 0
set ::failed 0
+set ::testnum 0
proc test {name code okpattern} {
- puts -nonewline [format "%-70s " $name]
+ incr ::testnum
+ if {$::testnum < $::first || $::testnum > $::last} return
+ puts -nonewline [format "%-70s " "#$::testnum $name"]
flush stdout
set retval [uplevel 1 $code]
if {$okpattern eq $retval || [string match $okpattern $retval]} {
return $output
+# Useful for some test
+proc zlistAlikeSort {a b} {
+ if {[lindex $a 0] > [lindex $b 0]} {return 1}
+ if {[lindex $a 0] < [lindex $b 0]} {return -1}
+ string compare [lindex $a 1] [lindex $b 1]
+proc waitForBgsave r {
+ while 1 {
+ set i [$r info]
+ if {[string match {*bgsave_in_progress:1*} $i]} {
+ puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background save to finish... "
+ flush stdout
+ after 1000
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+proc waitForBgrewriteaof r {
+ while 1 {
+ set i [$r info]
+ if {[string match {*bgrewriteaof_in_progress:1*} $i]} {
+ puts -nonewline "\nWaiting for background AOF rewrite to finish... "
+ flush stdout
+ after 1000
+ } else {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+proc randomInt {max} {
+ expr {int(rand()*$max)}
+proc randpath args {
+ set path [expr {int(rand()*[llength $args])}]
+ uplevel 1 [lindex $args $path]
+proc randomValue {} {
+ randpath {
+ # Small enough to likely collide
+ randomInt 1000
+ } {
+ # 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
+ randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
+ } {
+ # 64 bit
+ randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
+ } {
+ # Random string
+ randpath {randstring 0 256 alpha} \
+ {randstring 0 256 compr} \
+ {randstring 0 256 binary}
+ }
+proc randomKey {} {
+ randpath {
+ # Small enough to likely collide
+ randomInt 1000
+ } {
+ # 32 bit compressible signed/unsigned
+ randpath {randomInt 2000000000} {randomInt 4000000000}
+ } {
+ # 64 bit
+ randpath {randomInt 1000000000000}
+ } {
+ # Random string
+ randpath {randstring 1 256 alpha} \
+ {randstring 1 256 compr}
+ }
+proc createComplexDataset {r ops} {
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $ops} {incr j} {
+ set k [randomKey]
+ set f [randomValue]
+ set v [randomValue]
+ randpath {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ set d [expr {rand()}]
+ } {
+ randpath {set d +inf} {set d -inf}
+ }
+ set t [$r type $k]
+ if {$t eq {none}} {
+ randpath {
+ $r set $k $v
+ } {
+ $r lpush $k $v
+ } {
+ $r sadd $k $v
+ } {
+ $r zadd $k $d $v
+ } {
+ $r hset $k $f $v
+ }
+ set t [$r type $k]
+ }
+ switch $t {
+ {string} {
+ # Nothing to do
+ }
+ {list} {
+ randpath {$r lpush $k $v} \
+ {$r rpush $k $v} \
+ {$r lrem $k 0 $v} \
+ {$r rpop $k} \
+ {$r lpop $k}
+ }
+ {set} {
+ randpath {$r sadd $k $v} \
+ {$r srem $k $v}
+ }
+ {zset} {
+ randpath {$r zadd $k $d $v} \
+ {$r zrem $k $v}
+ }
+ {hash} {
+ randpath {$r hset $k $f $v} \
+ {$r hdel $k $f}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+proc datasetDigest r {
+ set keys [lsort [$r keys *]]
+ set digest {}
+ foreach k $keys {
+ set t [$r type $k]
+ switch $t {
+ {string} {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r get $k]]
+ } {list} {
+ if {[$r llen $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r lrange $k 0 -1]]
+ }
+ } {set} {
+ if {[$r scard $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [lsort [$r smembers $k]]]
+ }
+ } {zset} {
+ if {[$r zcard $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [$r zrange $k 0 -1]]
+ }
+ } {hash} {
+ if {[$r hlen $k] == 0} {
+ set aux {}
+ } else {
+ set aux [::sha1::sha1 -hex [lsort [$r hgetall $k]]]
+ }
+ } default {
+ error "Type not supported: $t"
+ }
+ }
+ if {$aux eq {}} continue
+ set digest [::sha1::sha1 -hex [join [list $aux $digest $k] "\n"]]
+ }
+ return $digest
proc main {server port} {
set r [redis $server $port]
+ $r select 9
set err ""
+ set res ""
# The following AUTH test should be enabled only when requirepass
# <PASSWORD> is set in redis.conf and redis-server was started with
$r get x
} {foobar}
+ test {SET and GET an empty item} {
+ $r set x {}
+ $r get x
+ } {}
test {DEL against a single item} {
$r del x
$r get x
} {}
+ test {Vararg DEL} {
+ $r set foo1 a
+ $r set foo2 b
+ $r set foo3 c
+ list [$r del foo1 foo2 foo3 foo4] [$r mget foo1 foo2 foo3]
+ } {3 {{} {} {}}}
test {KEYS with pattern} {
foreach key {key_x key_y key_z foo_a foo_b foo_c} {
$r set $key hello
$r get foo
} [string repeat "abcd" 1000000]
+ test {Very big payload random access} {
+ set err {}
+ array set payload {}
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ set size [expr 1+[randomInt 100000]]
+ set buf [string repeat "pl-$j" $size]
+ set payload($j) $buf
+ $r set bigpayload_$j $buf
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 1000} {incr j} {
+ set index [randomInt 100]
+ set buf [$r get bigpayload_$index]
+ if {$buf != $payload($index)} {
+ set err "Values differ: I set '$payload($index)' but I read back '$buf'"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ unset payload
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
test {SET 10000 numeric keys and access all them in reverse order} {
+ set err {}
for {set x 0} {$x < 10000} {incr x} {
$r set $x $x
set sum 0
for {set x 9999} {$x >= 0} {incr x -1} {
- incr sum [$r get $x]
+ set val [$r get $x]
+ if {$val ne $x} {
+ set err "Eleemnt at position $x is $val instead of $x"
+ break
+ }
- format $sum
- } {49995000}
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
- test {DBSIZE should be 10001 now} {
+ test {DBSIZE should be 10101 now} {
$r dbsize
- } {10001}
+ } {10101}
test {INCR against non existing key} {
set res {}
$r incrby novar 17179869184
} {34359738368}
+ test {INCR against key with spaces (no integer encoded)} {
+ $r set novar " 11 "
+ $r incr novar
+ } {12}
test {DECRBY over 32bit value with over 32bit increment, negative res} {
$r set novar 17179869184
$r decrby novar 17179869185
$r get novar2
} {foobared}
+ test {SETNX will overwrite EXPIREing key} {
+ $r set x 10
+ $r expire x 10000
+ $r setnx x 20
+ $r get x
+ } {20}
test {EXISTS} {
set res {}
$r set newkey test
} {1}
- $r lpush mylist a
- $r lpush mylist b
- $r rpush mylist c
- set res [$r llen mylist]
+ set res [$r lpush mylist a]
+ append res [$r lpush mylist b]
+ append res [$r rpush mylist c]
+ append res [$r llen mylist]
+ append res [$r rpush anotherlist d]
+ append res [$r lpush anotherlist e]
+ append res [$r llen anotherlist]
append res [$r lindex mylist 0]
append res [$r lindex mylist 1]
append res [$r lindex mylist 2]
- } {3bac}
+ append res [$r lindex anotherlist 0]
+ append res [$r lindex anotherlist 1]
+ list $res [$r lindex mylist 100]
+ } {1233122baced {}}
test {DEL a list} {
$r del mylist
format $ok
} {2000}
+ test {Check if the list is still ok after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
+ $r debug reload
+ set ok 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set rint [expr int(rand()*1000)]
+ if {[$r lindex mylist $rint] eq $rint} {incr ok}
+ if {[$r lindex mylist [expr (-$rint)-1]] eq [expr 999-$rint]} {
+ incr ok
+ }
+ }
+ format $ok
+ } {2000}
test {LLEN against non-list value error} {
$r del mylist
$r set mylist foobar
format $err
} {ERR*}
+ test {LLEN against non existing key} {
+ $r llen not-a-key
+ } {0}
test {LINDEX against non-list value error} {
catch {$r lindex mylist 0} err
format $err
} {ERR*}
+ test {LINDEX against non existing key} {
+ $r lindex not-a-key 10
+ } {}
test {LPUSH against non-list value error} {
catch {$r lpush mylist 0} err
format $err
format $err
} {ERR*}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH base case} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r rpush mylist a
+ $r rpush mylist b
+ $r rpush mylist c
+ $r rpush mylist d
+ set v1 [$r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set v2 [$r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set l1 [$r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set l2 [$r lrange newlist 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 $l1 $l2
+ } {d c {a b} {c d}}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH with the same list as src and dst} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r rpush mylist a
+ $r rpush mylist b
+ $r rpush mylist c
+ set l1 [$r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set v [$r rpoplpush mylist mylist]
+ set l2 [$r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ list $l1 $v $l2
+ } {{a b c} c {c a b}}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH target list already exists} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r del newlist
+ $r rpush mylist a
+ $r rpush mylist b
+ $r rpush mylist c
+ $r rpush mylist d
+ $r rpush newlist x
+ set v1 [$r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set v2 [$r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ set l1 [$r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set l2 [$r lrange newlist 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 $l1 $l2
+ } {d c {a b} {c d x}}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non existing key} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r del newlist
+ set v1 [$r rpoplpush mylist newlist]
+ list $v1 [$r exists mylist] [$r exists newlist]
+ } {{} 0 0}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non list src key} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r del newlist
+ $r set mylist x
+ catch {$r rpoplpush mylist newlist} err
+ list [$r type mylist] [$r exists newlist] [string range $err 0 2]
+ } {string 0 ERR}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non list dst key} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r del newlist
+ $r rpush mylist a
+ $r rpush mylist b
+ $r rpush mylist c
+ $r rpush mylist d
+ $r set newlist x
+ catch {$r rpoplpush mylist newlist} err
+ list [$r lrange mylist 0 -1] [$r type newlist] [string range $err 0 2]
+ } {{a b c d} string ERR}
+ test {RPOPLPUSH against non existing src key} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r del newlist
+ $r rpoplpush mylist newlist
+ } {}
test {RENAME basic usage} {
$r set mykey hello
$r rename mykey mykey1
} {0}
test {DEL all keys again (DB 1)} {
- $r select 1
+ $r select 10
foreach key [$r keys *] {
$r del $key
set res [$r dbsize]
- $r select 0
+ $r select 9
format $res
} {0}
test {MOVE basic usage} {
$r set mykey foobar
- $r move mykey 1
+ $r move mykey 10
set res {}
lappend res [$r exists mykey]
lappend res [$r dbsize]
- $r select 1
+ $r select 10
lappend res [$r get mykey]
lappend res [$r dbsize]
- $r select 0
+ $r select 9
format $res
} [list 0 0 foobar 1]
test {MOVE against key existing in the target DB} {
$r set mykey hello
- $r move mykey 1
+ $r move mykey 10
} {0}
test {SET/GET keys in different DBs} {
$r set a hello
$r set b world
- $r select 1
+ $r select 10
$r set a foo
$r set b bared
- $r select 0
+ $r select 9
set res {}
lappend res [$r get a]
lappend res [$r get b]
- $r select 1
+ $r select 10
lappend res [$r get a]
lappend res [$r get b]
- $r select 0
+ $r select 9
format $res
} {hello world foo bared}
$r lrange mylist 0 -1
} {99 98 97 96 95}
+ test {LTRIM stress testing} {
+ set mylist {}
+ set err {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
+ lappend mylist $i
+ }
+ for {set j 0} {$j < 100} {incr j} {
+ # Fill the list
+ $r del mylist
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
+ $r rpush mylist $i
+ }
+ # Trim at random
+ set a [randomInt 20]
+ set b [randomInt 20]
+ $r ltrim mylist $a $b
+ if {[$r lrange mylist 0 -1] ne [lrange $mylist $a $b]} {
+ set err "[$r lrange mylist 0 -1] != [lrange $mylist $a $b]"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
test {LSET} {
+ $r del mylist
+ foreach x {99 98 97 96 95} {
+ $r rpush mylist $x
+ }
$r lset mylist 1 foo
$r lset mylist -1 bar
$r lrange mylist 0 -1
lsort [$r smembers setres]
} {995 996 997 998 999}
+ test {SINTERSTORE with two sets, after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
+ $r debug reload
+ $r sinterstore setres set1 set2
+ lsort [$r smembers setres]
+ } {995 996 997 998 999}
test {SUNIONSTORE with two sets} {
$r sunionstore setres set1 set2
lsort [$r smembers setres]
} [lsort -uniq "[$r smembers set1] [$r smembers set2]"]
+ test {SUNIONSTORE against non existing keys} {
+ $r set setres xxx
+ list [$r sunionstore setres foo111 bar222] [$r exists xxx]
+ } {0 0}
test {SINTER against three sets} {
$r sadd set3 999
$r sadd set3 995
lsort [$r sunion nokey1 set1 set2 nokey2]
} [lsort -uniq "[$r smembers set1] [$r smembers set2]"]
+ test {SDIFF with two sets} {
+ for {set i 5} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ $r sadd set4 $i
+ }
+ lsort [$r sdiff set1 set4]
+ } {0 1 2 3 4}
+ test {SDIFF with three sets} {
+ $r sadd set5 0
+ lsort [$r sdiff set1 set4 set5]
+ } {1 2 3 4}
+ test {SDIFFSTORE with three sets} {
+ $r sdiffstore sres set1 set4 set5
+ lsort [$r smembers sres]
+ } {1 2 3 4}
+ test {SPOP basics} {
+ $r del myset
+ $r sadd myset 1
+ $r sadd myset 2
+ $r sadd myset 3
+ list [lsort [list [$r spop myset] [$r spop myset] [$r spop myset]]] [$r scard myset]
+ } {{1 2 3} 0}
test {SAVE - make sure there are all the types as values} {
+ # Wait for a background saving in progress to terminate
+ waitForBgsave $r
$r lpush mysavelist hello
$r lpush mysavelist world
$r set myemptykey {}
$r set mynormalkey {blablablba}
+ $r zadd mytestzset a 10
+ $r zadd mytestzset b 20
+ $r zadd mytestzset c 30
$r save
} {OK}
+ test {SRANDMEMBER} {
+ $r del myset
+ $r sadd myset a
+ $r sadd myset b
+ $r sadd myset c
+ unset -nocomplain myset
+ array set myset {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set myset([$r srandmember myset]) 1
+ }
+ lsort [array names myset]
+ } {a b c}
- test {Create a random list} {
+ test {Create a random list and a random set} {
set tosort {}
array set seenrand {}
for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
while 1 {
# Make sure all the weights are different because
# Redis does not use a stable sort but Tcl does.
- set rint [expr int(rand()*1000000)]
+ randpath {
+ set rint [expr int(rand()*1000000)]
+ } {
+ set rint [expr rand()]
+ }
if {![info exists seenrand($rint)]} break
set seenrand($rint) x
$r lpush tosort $i
+ $r sadd tosort-set $i
$r set weight_$i $rint
lappend tosort [list $i $rint]
$r sort tosort {BY weight_*}
} $res
+ test {the same SORT with BY, but against the newly created set} {
+ $r sort tosort-set {BY weight_*}
+ } $res
+ test {SORT with BY and STORE against the newly created list} {
+ $r sort tosort {BY weight_*} store sort-res
+ $r lrange sort-res 0 -1
+ } $res
test {SORT direct, numeric, against the newly created list} {
$r sort tosort
} [lsort -integer $res]
$r sort mylist
} [lsort -real {1.1 5.10 3.10 7.44 2.1 5.75 6.12 0.25 1.15}]
+ test {SORT with GET #} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r lpush mylist 1
+ $r lpush mylist 2
+ $r lpush mylist 3
+ $r mset weight_1 10 weight_2 5 weight_3 30
+ $r sort mylist BY weight_* GET #
+ } {2 1 3}
+ test {SORT with constant GET} {
+ $r sort mylist GET foo
+ } {{} {} {}}
test {LREM, remove all the occurrences} {
- $r flushall
+ $r flushdb
$r rpush mylist foo
$r rpush mylist bar
$r rpush mylist foobar
} {{foobar foobared zap test foo} 0}
test {LREM, starting from tail with negative count} {
- $r flushall
+ $r flushdb
$r rpush mylist foo
$r rpush mylist bar
$r rpush mylist foobar
list [$r lrange mylist 0 -1] $res
} {{foo bar foobar foobared zap test} 2}
+ test {LREM, deleting objects that may be encoded as integers} {
+ $r lpush myotherlist 1
+ $r lpush myotherlist 2
+ $r lpush myotherlist 3
+ $r lrem myotherlist 1 2
+ $r llen myotherlist
+ } {2}
test {MGET} {
- $r flushall
+ $r flushdb
$r set foo BAR
$r set bar FOO
$r mget foo bar
} {BAR {} FOO {}}
test {RANDOMKEY} {
- $r flushall
+ $r flushdb
$r set foo x
$r set bar y
set foo_seen 0
} {1 1}
test {RANDOMKEY against empty DB} {
- $r flushall
+ $r flushdb
$r randomkey
} {}
test {RANDOMKEY regression 1} {
- $r flushall
+ $r flushdb
$r set x 10
$r del x
$r randomkey
format $err
} {ERR*}
+ test {MSET base case} {
+ $r mset x 10 y "foo bar" z "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"
+ $r mget x y z
+ } [list 10 {foo bar} "x x x x x x x\n\n\r\n"]
+ test {MSET wrong number of args} {
+ catch {$r mset x 10 y "foo bar" z} err
+ format $err
+ } {*wrong number*}
+ test {MSETNX with already existent key} {
+ list [$r msetnx x1 xxx y2 yyy x 20] [$r exists x1] [$r exists y2]
+ } {0 0 0}
+ test {MSETNX with not existing keys} {
+ list [$r msetnx x1 xxx y2 yyy] [$r get x1] [$r get y2]
+ } {1 xxx yyy}
+ test {MSETNX should remove all the volatile keys even on failure} {
+ $r mset x 1 y 2 z 3
+ $r expire y 10000
+ $r expire z 10000
+ list [$r msetnx x A y B z C] [$r mget x y z]
+ } {0 {1 {} {}}}
+ test {ZSET basic ZADD and score update} {
+ $r zadd ztmp 10 x
+ $r zadd ztmp 20 y
+ $r zadd ztmp 30 z
+ set aux1 [$r zrange ztmp 0 -1]
+ $r zadd ztmp 1 y
+ set aux2 [$r zrange ztmp 0 -1]
+ list $aux1 $aux2
+ } {{x y z} {y x z}}
+ test {ZCARD basics} {
+ $r zcard ztmp
+ } {3}
+ test {ZCARD non existing key} {
+ $r zcard ztmp-blabla
+ } {0}
+ test {ZRANK basics} {
+ $r zadd zranktmp 10 x
+ $r zadd zranktmp 20 y
+ $r zadd zranktmp 30 z
+ list [$r zrank zranktmp x] [$r zrank zranktmp y] [$r zrank zranktmp z]
+ } {0 1 2}
+ test {ZREVRANK basics} {
+ list [$r zrevrank zranktmp x] [$r zrevrank zranktmp y] [$r zrevrank zranktmp z]
+ } {2 1 0}
+ test {ZRANK - after deletion} {
+ $r zrem zranktmp y
+ list [$r zrank zranktmp x] [$r zrank zranktmp z]
+ } {0 1}
+ test {ZSCORE} {
+ set aux {}
+ set err {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ lappend aux $score
+ $r zadd zscoretest $score $i
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ if {[$r zscore zscoretest $i] != [lindex $aux $i]} {
+ set err "Expected score was [lindex $aux $i] but got [$r zscore zscoretest $i] for element $i"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {ZSCORE after a DEBUG RELOAD} {
+ set aux {}
+ set err {}
+ $r del zscoretest
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ lappend aux $score
+ $r zadd zscoretest $score $i
+ }
+ $r debug reload
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ if {[$r zscore zscoretest $i] != [lindex $aux $i]} {
+ set err "Expected score was [lindex $aux $i] but got [$r zscore zscoretest $i] for element $i"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {ZRANGE and ZREVRANGE basics} {
+ list [$r zrange ztmp 0 -1] [$r zrevrange ztmp 0 -1] \
+ [$r zrange ztmp 1 -1] [$r zrevrange ztmp 1 -1]
+ } {{y x z} {z x y} {x z} {x y}}
+ $r zrange ztmp 0 -1 withscores
+ } {y 1 x 10 z 30}
+ test {ZSETs stress tester - sorting is working well?} {
+ set delta 0
+ for {set test 0} {$test < 2} {incr test} {
+ unset -nocomplain auxarray
+ array set auxarray {}
+ set auxlist {}
+ $r del myzset
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ if {$test == 0} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ } else {
+ set score [expr int(rand()*10)]
+ }
+ set auxarray($i) $score
+ $r zadd myzset $score $i
+ # Random update
+ if {[expr rand()] < .2} {
+ set j [expr int(rand()*1000)]
+ if {$test == 0} {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ } else {
+ set score [expr int(rand()*10)]
+ }
+ set auxarray($j) $score
+ $r zadd myzset $score $j
+ }
+ }
+ foreach {item score} [array get auxarray] {
+ lappend auxlist [list $score $item]
+ }
+ set sorted [lsort -command zlistAlikeSort $auxlist]
+ set auxlist {}
+ foreach x $sorted {
+ lappend auxlist [lindex $x 1]
+ }
+ set fromredis [$r zrange myzset 0 -1]
+ set delta 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $fromredis]} {incr i} {
+ if {[lindex $fromredis $i] != [lindex $auxlist $i]} {
+ incr delta
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ format $delta
+ } {0}
+ test {ZINCRBY - can create a new sorted set} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zincrby zset 1 foo
+ list [$r zrange zset 0 -1] [$r zscore zset foo]
+ } {foo 1}
+ test {ZINCRBY - increment and decrement} {
+ $r zincrby zset 2 foo
+ $r zincrby zset 1 bar
+ set v1 [$r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ $r zincrby zset 10 bar
+ $r zincrby zset -5 foo
+ $r zincrby zset -5 bar
+ set v2 [$r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 [$r zscore zset foo] [$r zscore zset bar]
+ } {{bar foo} {foo bar} -2 6}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE and ZCOUNT basics} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 1 a
+ $r zadd zset 2 b
+ $r zadd zset 3 c
+ $r zadd zset 4 d
+ $r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [$r zrangebyscore zset 2 4] [$r zrangebyscore zset (2 (4] \
+ [$r zcount zset 2 4] [$r zcount zset (2 (4]
+ } {{b c d} c 3 1}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE withscores} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 1 a
+ $r zadd zset 2 b
+ $r zadd zset 3 c
+ $r zadd zset 4 d
+ $r zadd zset 5 e
+ $r zrangebyscore zset 2 4 withscores
+ } {b 2 c 3 d 4}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE fuzzy test, 100 ranges in 1000 elements sorted set} {
+ set err {}
+ $r del zset
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ $r zadd zset [expr rand()] $i
+ }
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+ set min [expr rand()]
+ set max [expr rand()]
+ if {$min > $max} {
+ set aux $min
+ set min $max
+ set max $aux
+ }
+ set low [$r zrangebyscore zset -inf $min]
+ set ok [$r zrangebyscore zset $min $max]
+ set high [$r zrangebyscore zset $max +inf]
+ set lowx [$r zrangebyscore zset -inf ($min]
+ set okx [$r zrangebyscore zset ($min ($max]
+ set highx [$r zrangebyscore zset ($max +inf]
+ if {[$r zcount zset -inf $min] != [llength $low]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[$r zcount zset $min $max] != [llength $ok]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[$r zcount zset $max +inf] != [llength $high]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[$r zcount zset -inf ($min] != [llength $lowx]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[$r zcount zset ($min ($max] != [llength $okx]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ if {[$r zcount zset ($max +inf] != [llength $highx]} {
+ append err "Error, len does not match zcount\n"
+ }
+ foreach x $low {
+ set score [$r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score > $min} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score > $min\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $lowx {
+ set score [$r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score >= $min} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score >= $min\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $ok {
+ set score [$r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score < $min || $score > $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score outside $min-$max range\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $okx {
+ set score [$r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score <= $min || $score >= $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score outside $min-$max open range\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $high {
+ set score [$r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score < $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score < $max\n"
+ }
+ }
+ foreach x $highx {
+ set score [$r zscore zset $x]
+ if {$score <= $max} {
+ append err "Error, score for $x is $score <= $max\n"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 1 a
+ $r zadd zset 2 b
+ $r zadd zset 3 c
+ $r zadd zset 4 d
+ $r zadd zset 5 e
+ list \
+ [$r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 0 2] \
+ [$r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 3] \
+ [$r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 2 10] \
+ [$r zrangebyscore zset 0 10 LIMIT 20 10]
+ } {{a b} {c d e} {c d e} {}}
+ test {ZRANGEBYSCORE with LIMIT and withscores} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 10 a
+ $r zadd zset 20 b
+ $r zadd zset 30 c
+ $r zadd zset 40 d
+ $r zadd zset 50 e
+ $r zrangebyscore zset 20 50 LIMIT 2 3 withscores
+ } {d 40 e 50}
+ test {ZREMRANGEBYSCORE basics} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 1 a
+ $r zadd zset 2 b
+ $r zadd zset 3 c
+ $r zadd zset 4 d
+ $r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [$r zremrangebyscore zset 2 4] [$r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ } {3 {a e}}
+ test {ZREMRANGEBYSCORE from -inf to +inf} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 1 a
+ $r zadd zset 2 b
+ $r zadd zset 3 c
+ $r zadd zset 4 d
+ $r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [$r zremrangebyscore zset -inf +inf] [$r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ } {5 {}}
+ test {ZREMRANGEBYRANK basics} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 1 a
+ $r zadd zset 2 b
+ $r zadd zset 3 c
+ $r zadd zset 4 d
+ $r zadd zset 5 e
+ list [$r zremrangebyrank zset 1 3] [$r zrange zset 0 -1]
+ } {3 {a e}}
+ test {ZUNION basics} {
+ $r del zseta zsetb zsetc
+ $r zadd zseta 1 a
+ $r zadd zseta 2 b
+ $r zadd zseta 3 c
+ $r zadd zsetb 1 b
+ $r zadd zsetb 2 c
+ $r zadd zsetb 3 d
+ list [$r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 1 b 3 d 3 c 5}}
+ test {ZUNION with weights} {
+ list [$r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 2 b 7 d 9 c 12}}
+ test {ZUNION with AGGREGATE MIN} {
+ list [$r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 1 b 1 c 2 d 3}}
+ test {ZUNION with AGGREGATE MAX} {
+ list [$r zunion zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {4 {a 1 b 2 c 3 d 3}}
+ test {ZINTER basics} {
+ list [$r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 3 c 5}}
+ test {ZINTER with weights} {
+ list [$r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb weights 2 3] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 7 c 12}}
+ test {ZINTER with AGGREGATE MIN} {
+ list [$r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate min] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 1 c 2}}
+ test {ZINTER with AGGREGATE MAX} {
+ list [$r zinter zsetc 2 zseta zsetb aggregate max] [$r zrange zsetc 0 -1 withscores]
+ } {2 {b 2 c 3}}
+ test {SORT against sorted sets} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset 1 a
+ $r zadd zset 5 b
+ $r zadd zset 2 c
+ $r zadd zset 10 d
+ $r zadd zset 3 e
+ $r sort zset alpha desc
+ } {e d c b a}
+ test {Sorted sets +inf and -inf handling} {
+ $r del zset
+ $r zadd zset -100 a
+ $r zadd zset 200 b
+ $r zadd zset -300 c
+ $r zadd zset 1000000 d
+ $r zadd zset +inf max
+ $r zadd zset -inf min
+ $r zrange zset 0 -1
+ } {min c a b d max}
+ test {HSET/HLEN - Small hash creation} {
+ array set smallhash {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
+ set key [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ set val [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ if {[info exists smallhash($key)]} {
+ incr i -1
+ continue
+ }
+ $r hset smallhash $key $val
+ set smallhash($key) $val
+ }
+ list [$r hlen smallhash]
+ } {8}
+ test {Is the small hash encoded with a zipmap?} {
+ $r debug object smallhash
+ } {*zipmap*}
+ test {HSET/HLEN - Big hash creation} {
+ array set bighash {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1024} {incr i} {
+ set key [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ set val [randstring 0 8 alpha]
+ if {[info exists bighash($key)]} {
+ incr i -1
+ continue
+ }
+ $r hset bighash $key $val
+ set bighash($key) $val
+ }
+ list [$r hlen bighash]
+ } {1024}
+ test {Is the big hash encoded with a zipmap?} {
+ $r debug object bighash
+ } {*hashtable*}
+ test {HGET against the small hash} {
+ set err {}
+ foreach k [array names smallhash *] {
+ if {$smallhash($k) ne [$r hget smallhash $k]} {
+ set err "$smallhash($k) != [$r hget smallhash $k]"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {HGET against the big hash} {
+ set err {}
+ foreach k [array names bighash *] {
+ if {$bighash($k) ne [$r hget bighash $k]} {
+ set err "$bighash($k) != [$r hget bighash $k]"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
+ test {HSET in update and insert mode} {
+ set rv {}
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hset smallhash $k newval1]
+ set smallhash($k) newval1
+ lappend rv [$r hget smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hset smallhash __foobar123__ newval]
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hset bighash $k newval2]
+ set bighash($k) newval2
+ lappend rv [$r hget bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hset bighash __foobar123__ newval]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash __foobar123__]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash __foobar123__]
+ set _ $rv
+ } {0 newval1 1 0 newval2 1 1 1}
+ test {HGET against non existing key} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [$r hget smallhash __123123123__]
+ lappend rv [$r hget bighash __123123123__]
+ set _ $rv
+ } {{} {}}
+ test {HKEYS - small hash} {
+ lsort [$r hkeys smallhash]
+ } [lsort [array names smallhash *]]
+ test {HKEYS - big hash} {
+ lsort [$r hkeys bighash]
+ } [lsort [array names bighash *]]
+ test {HVALS - small hash} {
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get smallhash] {
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set _ [lsort $vals]
+ } [lsort [$r hvals smallhash]]
+ test {HVALS - big hash} {
+ set vals {}
+ foreach {k v} [array get bighash] {
+ lappend vals $v
+ }
+ set _ [lsort $vals]
+ } [lsort [$r hvals bighash]]
+ test {HGETALL - small hash} {
+ lsort [$r hgetall smallhash]
+ } [lsort [array get smallhash]]
+ test {HGETALL - big hash} {
+ lsort [$r hgetall bighash]
+ } [lsort [array get bighash]]
+ test {HDEL and return value} {
+ set rv {}
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash nokey]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash nokey]
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hget smallhash $k]
+ unset smallhash($k)
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hdel bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hget bighash $k]
+ unset bighash($k)
+ set _ $rv
+ } {0 0 1 0 {} 1 0 {}}
+ test {HEXISTS} {
+ set rv {}
+ set k [lindex [array names smallhash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists smallhash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists smallhash nokey]
+ set k [lindex [array names bighash *] 0]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists bighash $k]
+ lappend rv [$r hexists bighash nokey]
+ } {1 0 1 0}
+ test {Is a zipmap encoded Hash promoted on big payload?} {
+ $r hset smallhash foo [string repeat a 1024]
+ $r debug object smallhash
+ } {*hashtable*}
+ # TODO:
+ # Randomized test, small and big
+ # .rdb / AOF consistency test should include hashes
+ test {EXPIRE - don't set timeouts multiple times} {
+ $r set x foobar
+ set v1 [$r expire x 5]
+ set v2 [$r ttl x]
+ set v3 [$r expire x 10]
+ set v4 [$r ttl x]
+ list $v1 $v2 $v3 $v4
+ } {1 5 0 5}
+ test {EXPIRE - It should be still possible to read 'x'} {
+ $r get x
+ } {foobar}
+ test {EXPIRE - After 6 seconds the key should no longer be here} {
+ after 6000
+ list [$r get x] [$r exists x]
+ } {{} 0}
+ test {EXPIRE - Delete on write policy} {
+ $r del x
+ $r lpush x foo
+ $r expire x 1000
+ $r lpush x bar
+ $r lrange x 0 -1
+ } {bar}
+ test {EXPIREAT - Check for EXPIRE alike behavior} {
+ $r del x
+ $r set x foo
+ $r expireat x [expr [clock seconds]+15]
+ $r ttl x
+ } {1[345]}
+ test {ZSETs skiplist implementation backlink consistency test} {
+ set diff 0
+ set elements 10000
+ for {set j 0} {$j < $elements} {incr j} {
+ $r zadd myzset [expr rand()] "Element-$j"
+ $r zrem myzset "Element-[expr int(rand()*$elements)]"
+ }
+ set l1 [$r zrange myzset 0 -1]
+ set l2 [$r zrevrange myzset 0 -1]
+ for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $l1]} {incr j} {
+ if {[lindex $l1 $j] ne [lindex $l2 end-$j]} {
+ incr diff
+ }
+ }
+ format $diff
+ } {0}
+ test {ZSETs ZRANK augmented skip list stress testing} {
+ set err {}
+ $r del myzset
+ for {set k 0} {$k < 10000} {incr k} {
+ set i [expr {$k%1000}]
+ if {[expr rand()] < .2} {
+ $r zrem myzset $i
+ } else {
+ set score [expr rand()]
+ $r zadd myzset $score $i
+ }
+ set card [$r zcard myzset]
+ if {$card > 0} {
+ set index [randomInt $card]
+ set ele [lindex [$r zrange myzset $index $index] 0]
+ set rank [$r zrank myzset $ele]
+ if {$rank != $index} {
+ set err "$ele RANK is wrong! ($rank != $index)"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
foreach fuzztype {binary alpha compr} {
test "FUZZ stresser with data model $fuzztype" {
set err 0
- for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
set fuzz [randstring 0 512 $fuzztype]
$r set foo $fuzz
set got [$r get foo]
if {$got ne $fuzz} {
- incr err
+ set err [list $fuzz $got]
- format $err
+ set _ $err
} {0}
+ test {BGSAVE} {
+ waitForBgsave $r
+ $r flushdb
+ $r save
+ $r set x 10
+ $r bgsave
+ waitForBgsave $r
+ $r debug reload
+ $r get x
+ } {10}
+ test {Handle an empty query well} {
+ set fd [$r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ $r ping
+ } {PONG}
+ test {Negative multi bulk command does not create problems} {
+ set fd [$r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "*-10\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ $r ping
+ } {PONG}
+ test {Negative multi bulk payload} {
+ set fd [$r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "SET x -10\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ gets $fd
+ } {*invalid bulk*}
+ test {Too big bulk payload} {
+ set fd [$r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "SET x 2000000000\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ gets $fd
+ } {*invalid bulk*count*}
+ test {Multi bulk request not followed by bulk args} {
+ set fd [$r channel]
+ puts -nonewline $fd "*1\r\nfoo\r\n"
+ flush $fd
+ gets $fd
+ } {*protocol error*}
+ test {Generic wrong number of args} {
+ catch {$r ping x y z} err
+ set _ $err
+ } {*wrong*arguments*ping*}
+ test {SELECT an out of range DB} {
+ catch {$r select 1000000} err
+ set _ $err
+ } {*invalid*}
+ if {![catch {package require sha1}]} {
+ test {Check consistency of different data types after a reload} {
+ $r flushdb
+ createComplexDataset $r 10000
+ set sha1 [datasetDigest $r]
+ $r debug reload
+ set sha1_after [datasetDigest $r]
+ expr {$sha1 eq $sha1_after}
+ } {1}
+ test {Same dataset digest if saving/reloading as AOF?} {
+ $r bgrewriteaof
+ waitForBgrewriteaof $r
+ $r debug loadaof
+ set sha1_after [datasetDigest $r]
+ expr {$sha1 eq $sha1_after}
+ } {1}
+ }
+ test {EXPIRES after a reload (snapshot + append only file)} {
+ $r flushdb
+ $r set x 10
+ $r expire x 1000
+ $r save
+ $r debug reload
+ set ttl [$r ttl x]
+ set e1 [expr {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}]
+ $r bgrewriteaof
+ waitForBgrewriteaof $r
+ set ttl [$r ttl x]
+ set e2 [expr {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}]
+ list $e1 $e2
+ } {1 1}
+ test {PIPELINING stresser (also a regression for the old epoll bug)} {
+ set fd2 [socket 6379]
+ fconfigure $fd2 -encoding binary -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 "SELECT 9\r\n"
+ flush $fd2
+ gets $fd2
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
+ set q {}
+ set val "0000${i}0000"
+ append q "SET key:$i [string length $val]\r\n$val\r\n"
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
+ set q {}
+ append q "GET key:$i\r\n"
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
+ }
+ flush $fd2
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
+ gets $fd2 line
+ gets $fd2 count
+ set count [string range $count 1 end]
+ set val [read $fd2 $count]
+ read $fd2 2
+ }
+ close $fd2
+ set _ 1
+ } {1}
+ test {MUTLI / EXEC basics} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r rpush mylist a
+ $r rpush mylist b
+ $r rpush mylist c
+ $r multi
+ set v1 [$r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ set v2 [$r ping]
+ set v3 [$r exec]
+ list $v1 $v2 $v3
+ } {QUEUED QUEUED {{a b c} PONG}}
+ test {DISCARD} {
+ $r del mylist
+ $r rpush mylist a
+ $r rpush mylist b
+ $r rpush mylist c
+ $r multi
+ set v1 [$r del mylist]
+ set v2 [$r discard]
+ set v3 [$r lrange mylist 0 -1]
+ list $v1 $v2 $v3
+ } {QUEUED OK {a b c}}
+ test {APPEND basics} {
+ list [$r append foo bar] [$r get foo] \
+ [$r append foo 100] [$r get foo]
+ } {3 bar 6 bar100}
+ test {APPEND fuzzing} {
+ set err {}
+ foreach type {binary alpha compr} {
+ set buf {}
+ $r del x
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set bin [randstring 0 10 $type]
+ append buf $bin
+ $r append x $bin
+ }
+ if {$buf != [$r get x]} {
+ set err "Expected '$buf' found '[$r get x]'"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
# Leave the user with a clean DB before to exit
- test {FLUSHALL} {
- $r flushall
- $r dbsize
- } {0}
+ test {FLUSHDB} {
+ set aux {}
+ $r select 9
+ $r flushdb
+ lappend aux [$r dbsize]
+ $r select 10
+ $r flushdb
+ lappend aux [$r dbsize]
+ } {0 0}
+ test {Perform a final SAVE to leave a clean DB on disk} {
+ $r save
+ } {OK}
+ catch {
+ if {[string match {*Darwin*} [exec uname -a]]} {
+ test {Check for memory leaks} {
+ exec leaks redis-server
+ } {*0 leaks*}
+ }
+ }
puts "\n[expr $::passed+$::failed] tests, $::passed passed, $::failed failed"
if {$::failed > 0} {
puts "\n*** WARNING!!! $::failed FAILED TESTS ***\n"
- close $fd
proc stress {} {
set r [redis]
- $r flushall
+ $r select 9
+ $r flushdb
while 1 {
set randkey [expr int(rand()*10000)]
set randval [expr int(rand()*10000)]
set randidx0 [expr int(rand()*10)]
set randidx1 [expr int(rand()*10)]
- set cmd [expr int(rand()*10)]
+ set cmd [expr int(rand()*20)]
catch {
if {$cmd == 0} {$r set $randkey $randval}
if {$cmd == 1} {$r get $randkey}
if {$cmd == 3} {$r lpush $randkey $randval}
if {$cmd == 4} {$r rpop $randkey}
if {$cmd == 5} {$r del $randkey}
- if {$cmd == 6} {$r lrange $randkey $randidx0 $randidx1}
- if {$cmd == 7} {$r ltrim $randkey $randidx0 $randidx1}
- if {$cmd == 8} {$r lindex $randkey $randidx0}
- if {$cmd == 9} {$r lset $randkey $randidx0 $randval}
+ if {$cmd == 6} {$r llen $randkey}
+ if {$cmd == 7} {$r lrange $randkey $randidx0 $randidx1}
+ if {$cmd == 8} {$r ltrim $randkey $randidx0 $randidx1}
+ if {$cmd == 9} {$r lindex $randkey $randidx0}
+ if {$cmd == 10} {$r lset $randkey $randidx0 $randval}
+ if {$cmd == 11} {$r sadd $randkey $randval}
+ if {$cmd == 12} {$r srem $randkey $randval}
+ if {$cmd == 13} {$r smove $randkey $randval}
+ if {$cmd == 14} {$r scard $randkey}
+ if {$cmd == 15} {$r expire $randkey [expr $randval%60]}
flush stdout
+ $r flushdb
$r close
-if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
- main 6379
-} elseif {[llength $argv] == 1 && [lindex $argv 0] eq {stress}} {
+# Set a few configuration defaults
+set ::host
+set ::port 6379
+set ::stress 0
+set ::flush 0
+set ::first 0
+set ::last 1000000
+# Parse arguments
+for {set j 0} {$j < [llength $argv]} {incr j} {
+ set opt [lindex $argv $j]
+ set arg [lindex $argv [expr $j+1]]
+ set lastarg [expr {$arg eq {}}]
+ if {$opt eq {-h} && !$lastarg} {
+ set ::host $arg
+ incr j
+ } elseif {$opt eq {-p} && !$lastarg} {
+ set ::port $arg
+ incr j
+ } elseif {$opt eq {-stress}} {
+ set ::stress 1
+ } elseif {$opt eq {--flush}} {
+ set ::flush 1
+ } elseif {$opt eq {--first} && !$lastarg} {
+ set ::first $arg
+ incr j
+ } elseif {$opt eq {--last} && !$lastarg} {
+ set ::last $arg
+ incr j
+ } else {
+ puts "Wrong argument: $opt"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# Before to run the test check if DB 9 and DB 10 are empty
+set r [redis]
+if {$::flush} {
+ $r flushall
+$r select 9
+set db9size [$r dbsize]
+$r select 10
+set db10size [$r dbsize]
+if {$db9size != 0 || $db10size != 0} {
+ puts "Can't run the tests against DB 9 and 10: DBs are not empty."
+ exit 1
+$r close
+unset r
+unset db9size
+unset db10size
+if {$::stress} {
} else {
- main [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1]
+ main $::host $::port