start_server {tags {"other"}} {
+ if {$::force_failure} {
+ # This is used just for test suite development purposes.
+ test {Failing test} {
+ format err
+ } {ok}
+ }
test {SAVE - make sure there are all the types as values} {
# Wait for a background saving in progress to terminate
waitForBgsave r
r save
} {OK}
- tags {"slow"} {
+ tags {slow} {
+ if {$::accurate} {set iterations 10000} else {set iterations 1000}
foreach fuzztype {binary alpha compr} {
test "FUZZ stresser with data model $fuzztype" {
set err 0
- for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $iterations} {incr i} {
set fuzz [randstring 0 512 $fuzztype]
r set foo $fuzz
set got [r get foo]
set _ $err
} {*invalid*}
- tags {consistency nodiskstore} {
+ tags {consistency} {
if {![catch {package require sha1}]} {
+ if {$::accurate} {set numops 10000} else {set numops 1000}
test {Check consistency of different data types after a reload} {
r flushdb
- createComplexDataset r 10000
+ createComplexDataset r $numops
set dump [csvdump r]
set sha1 [r debug digest]
r debug reload
r flushdb
r set x 10
r expire x 1000
- if {$::diskstore} {
- r debug flushcache
- } else {
- r save
- r debug reload
- }
+ r save
+ r debug reload
set ttl [r ttl x]
set e1 [expr {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}]
- if {!$::diskstore} {
- r bgrewriteaof
- waitForBgrewriteaof r
- r debug loadaof
- }
+ r bgrewriteaof
+ waitForBgrewriteaof r
+ r debug loadaof
set ttl [r ttl x]
set e2 [expr {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}]
list $e1 $e2
} {1 1}
- test {PIPELINING stresser (also a regression for the old epoll bug)} {
- set fd2 [socket $::host $::port]
- fconfigure $fd2 -encoding binary -translation binary
- puts -nonewline $fd2 "SELECT 9\r\n"
- flush $fd2
- gets $fd2
- for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
- set q {}
- set val "0000${i}0000"
- append q "SET key:$i $val\r\n"
- puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
- set q {}
- append q "GET key:$i\r\n"
- puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
- }
- flush $fd2
- for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
- gets $fd2 line
- gets $fd2 count
- set count [string range $count 1 end]
- set val [read $fd2 $count]
- read $fd2 2
- }
- close $fd2
- set _ 1
- } {1}
+ tags {protocol} {
+ test {PIPELINING stresser (also a regression for the old epoll bug)} {
+ set fd2 [socket $::host $::port]
+ fconfigure $fd2 -encoding binary -translation binary
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 "SELECT 9\r\n"
+ flush $fd2
+ gets $fd2
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
+ set q {}
+ set val "0000${i}0000"
+ append q "SET key:$i $val\r\n"
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
+ set q {}
+ append q "GET key:$i\r\n"
+ puts -nonewline $fd2 $q
+ }
+ flush $fd2
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 100000} {incr i} {
+ gets $fd2 line
+ gets $fd2 count
+ set count [string range $count 1 end]
+ set val [read $fd2 $count]
+ read $fd2 2
+ }
+ close $fd2
+ set _ 1
+ } {1}
+ }
test {MUTLI / EXEC basics} {
r del mylist
set _ $err
+ test {MULTI where commands alter argc/argv} {
+ r sadd myset a
+ r multi
+ r spop myset
+ list [r exec] [r exists myset]
+ } {a 0}
test {WATCH inside MULTI is not allowed} {
set err {}
r multi
} {0 0}
test {Perform a final SAVE to leave a clean DB on disk} {
+ waitForBgsave r
r save
} {OK}