-BEFORE REDIS 1.0.0-rc1
-- Contrib dir with RHL for Centos and other contributions like init scripts
-- Update the FAQ with max number of keys in a DB and the overcommit thing
-- Add number of keys for every DB in INFO
-- maxmemory support in config file.
-- Resize the expires hash tables if needed as well
-- TTL command that returns -1 if a key is not volatile otherwise the time to live of a volatile key.
-- Remove max number of args limit
-- What happens if the saving child gets killed or segfaults instead of ending normally? Handle this.
-- Make sinterstore / unionstore / sdiffstore returning the cardinality of the resulting set.
-- maxclients directive
-- check 'server.dirty' everywere
-- Shutdown must kill other background savings before to start saving. Otherwise the DB can get replaced by the child that rename(2) after the parent for some reason. Child should trap the signal and remove the temp file name.
-- Document replication
-- Objects sharing configuration, add the directive "objectsharingpool <size>"
-- Make sure to convert all the fstat() calls to 64bit versions.
-AFTER 1.0 stable release
-- Use partial qsort for SORT + LIMIT. Don't copy the list into a vector when BY argument is constant.
-- Locking primitives
-- MDEL (or vararg DEL)
-- Write the hash table size of every db in the dump, so that Redis can resize the hash table just one time when loading a big DB.
-- Elapsed time in logs for SAVE when saving is going to take more than 2 seconds
-- replication automated tests
-- In memory compression: if in-memory values compression will be implemented, make sure to implement this so that addReply() is able to handle compressed objects, just creating an uncompressed version on the fly and adding this to the output queue instead of the original one. When insetad we need to look at the object string value (SORT BY for example), call a function that will turn the object into an uncompresed one.
+Redis TODO and Roadmap
+VERSION 1.2 TODO (Zsets, Integer encoding, Append only journal)
+Most of the features already implemented for this release. The following is a list of the missing things in order to release the first beta tar.gz:
+* When Redis runs as slave make sure to set the fake client it uses to talk to the master as c->authenticated = 1 to avoid problems with slaves with requirepassword set.
+VERSION 1.4 TODO (Hash type)
+* Blocking LPOP (BLPOP).
+* Hashes (HSET, HGET, HEXISTS, HLEN, ...).
+* List ops like L/RPUSH L/RPOP should return the new list length.
+VERSION 1.6 TODO (Virtual memory)
+* Redis Virtual Memory for datasets bigger than RAM (http://groups.google.com/group/redis-db/msg/752997c7b38553cd)
+VERSION 1.8 TODO (Fault tollerant sharding)
+* Redis-cluster, a fast intermediate layer (proxy) that implements consistent hashing and fault tollerant nodes handling.
+Interesting readings about this:
+ - http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2009/04/06/designing-rhino-dht-a-fault-tolerant-dynamically-distributed-hash.aspx
+VERSION 2.0 TODO (Optimizations and latency)
+* Lower the CPU usage.
+* Lower the RAM usage everywhere possible.
+* Use epool and alike to rewrite ae.c for Linux and other platforms suppporting fater-than-select() mutiplexing APIs.
+* Implement an UDP interface for low-latency GET/SET operations.
+VERSION 2.2 TODO (Optimizations and latency)
+* JSON command able to access data serialized in JSON format. For instance if I've a key foobar with a json object I can alter the "name" file using somthing like: "JSON SET foobar name Kevin". We should have GET and INCRBY as well.
+* Specially encoded memory-saving integer sets.
+* A command to export a JSON dump (there should be mostly working patch needing major reworking).
+* Give errors when incrementing a key that does not look like an integer, when providing as a sorted set score something can't be parsed as a double, and so forth.
+* MSADD (n keys) (n values). See this thread in the Redis google group: http://groups.google.com/group/redis-db/browse_thread/thread/e766d84eb375cd41
+Most of this can be seen just as proposals, the fact they are in this list
+it's not a guarantee they'll ever get implemented ;)
+* Move dict.c from hash table to skip list, in order to avoid the blocking resize operation needed for the hash table.
+* FORK command (fork()s executing the commands received by the current
+ client in the new process). Hint: large SORTs can use more cores,
+ copy-on-write will avoid memory problems.
+* DUP command? DUP srckey dstkey, creates an exact clone of srckey value in dstkey.
+* SORT: Don't copy the list into a vector when BY argument is constant.
+* Write the hash table size of every db in the dump, so that Redis can resize the hash table just one time when loading a big DB.
+* LOCK / TRYLOCK / UNLOCK as described many times in the google group
+* Replication automated tests
+* Byte Array type (BA prefixed commands): BASETBIT BAGETBIT BASETU8 U16 U32 U64 S8 S16 S32 S64, ability to atomically INCRBY all the base types. BARANGE to get a range of bytes as a bulk value, BASETRANGE to set a range of bytes.
+* zmalloc() should avoid to add a private header for archs where there is some other kind of libc-specific way to get the size of a malloced block. Already done for Mac OS X.
+* Read-only mode.
+* Pattern-matching replication.
+* Don't save empty lists / sets / zsets on disk with snapshotting.
+* Remove keys when a list / set / zset reaches length of 0.
+* Page explaining tips to reduce memory usage.
+* A Sorted sets HOWTO