lua_gettable(lua,-2); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort */
lua_pushvalue(lua,-3); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort, array */
- lua_call(lua,1,0); /* Stack: array (sorted), table */
+ if (lua_pcall(lua,1,0,0)) {
+ /* Stack: array, table, error */
+ /* We are not interested in the error, we assume that the problem is
+ * that there are 'false' elements inside the array, so we try
+ * again with a slower function but able to handle this case, that
+ * is: table.sort(table, __redis__compare_helper) */
+ lua_pop(lua,1); /* Stack: array, table */
+ lua_pushstring(lua,"sort"); /* Stack: array, table, sort */
+ lua_gettable(lua,-2); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort */
+ lua_pushvalue(lua,-3); /* Stack: array, table, table.sort, array */
+ lua_getglobal(lua,"__redis__compare_helper");
+ /* Stack: array, table, table.sort, array, __redis__compare_helper */
+ lua_call(lua,2,0);
+ }
+ /* Stack: array (sorted), table */
lua_pop(lua,1); /* Stack: array (sorted) */
if (cmd->flags & REDIS_CMD_WRITE) server.lua_write_dirty = 1;
/* Run the command */
- cmd->proc(c);
+ c->cmd = cmd;
/* Convert the result of the Redis command into a suitable Lua type.
* The first thing we need is to create a single string from the client
* reply as expected. */
if ((cmd->flags & REDIS_CMD_SORT_FOR_SCRIPT) &&
(reply[0] == '*' && reply[1] != '-')) {
- luaSortArray(lua);
+ /* Skip this step if command is SORT but output was already sorted */
+ if (cmd->proc != sortCommand || server.sort_dontsort)
+ luaSortArray(lua);
+ /* Add a helper funciton that we use to sort the multi bulk output of non
+ * deterministic commands, when containing 'false' elements. */
+ {
+ char *compare_func = "function __redis__compare_helper(a,b)\n"
+ " if a == false then a = '' end\n"
+ " if b == false then b = '' end\n"
+ " return a<b\n"
+ "end\n";
+ luaL_loadbuffer(lua,compare_func,strlen(compare_func),"cmp_func_def");
+ lua_pcall(lua,0,0,0);
+ }
/* Create the (non connected) client that we use to execute Redis commands
* inside the Lua interpreter.
* Note: there is no need to create it again when this function is called