[$r append foo 100] [$r get foo]
} {3 bar 6 bar100}
+ test {APPEND basics, integer encoded values} {
+ set res {}
+ $r del foo
+ $r append foo 1
+ $r append foo 2
+ lappend res [$r get foo]
+ $r set foo 1
+ $r append foo 2
+ lappend res [$r get foo]
+ } {12 12}
test {APPEND fuzzing} {
set err {}
foreach type {binary alpha compr} {
set _ $err
} {}
+ test {SUBSTR basics} {
+ set res {}
+ $r set foo "Hello World"
+ lappend res [$r substr foo 0 3]
+ lappend res [$r substr foo 0 -1]
+ lappend res [$r substr foo -4 -1]
+ lappend res [$r substr foo 5 3]
+ lappend res [$r substr foo 5 5000]
+ lappend res [$r substr foo -5000 10000]
+ set _ $res
+ } {Hell {Hello World} orld {} { World} {Hello World}}
+ test {SUBSTR against integer encoded values} {
+ $r set foo 123
+ $r substr foo 0 -2
+ } {12}
+ test {SUBSTR fuzzing} {
+ set err {}
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 1000} {incr i} {
+ set bin [randstring 0 1024 binary]
+ set _start [set start [randomInt 1500]]
+ set _end [set end [randomInt 1500]]
+ if {$_start < 0} {set _start "end-[abs($_start)-1]"}
+ if {$_end < 0} {set _end "end-[abs($_end)-1]"}
+ set s1 [string range $bin $_start $_end]
+ $r set bin $bin
+ set s2 [$r substr bin $start $end]
+ if {$s1 != $s2} {
+ set err "String mismatch"
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ set _ $err
+ } {}
# Leave the user with a clean DB before to exit
test {FLUSHDB} {
set aux {}