-* Use multiple open FDs against the VM file, one for thread.
-* Check what happens performance-wise if instead of creating threads again and again the same threads are reused forever. Note: this requires a way to disable this clients in the child, but waiting for empty new jobs queue can be enough.
-* mmap the swap file.
-* Use just a single IO Job to swap out a key, and add a mutex so that pages in the page table can be marked as used and scanned from the thread itself.
+* Implement rehashing and cluster check in redis-trib.
+* Reimplement MIGRATE / RESTORE to use just in memory buffers (no disk at
+ all). This will require touching a lot of the RDB stuff around, but we may
+ hand with faster persistence for RDB.
+* Implement the slave nodes semantics and election.
+* Allow redis-trib to create a cluster-wide snapshot (using SYNC).
+* Allow redis-trib to restore a cluster-wide snapshot (implement UPLOAD?).