-* List ops like L/RPUSH L/RPOP should return the new list length.
-* Save dataset / fsync() on SIGTERM
-* MULTI/EXEC should support the "EXEC FSYNC" form?
-* BLPOP & C. tests (write a non blocking Tcl client as first step)
-* Once ZRANK is implemented, change the implementation of ZCOUNT to use the augmented skiplist in order to be much faster.
-* Write doc for ZCOUNT, and for open / closed intervals of sorted sets range operations.
-Virtual Memory sub-TODO:
-* Check if the page selection algorithm is working well
-* Divide swappability of objects by refcount
-* Use multiple open FDs against the VM file, one for thread.
-* EXISTS should avoid loading the object if possible without making the code too specialized.
-* vm-min-age <seconds> option
-* Make sure objects loaded from the VM are specially encoded when possible.
-* Check what happens performance-wise if instead to create threads again and again the same threads are reused forever. Note: this requires a way to disable this clients in the child, but waiting for empty new jobs queue can be enough.
-* Sets of integers are slow to load, for a number of reasons. Fix it. (use slow_sets.rdb file for debugging). (p.s. this was now partially fixed).
-* On EXEC try to block the client until relevant keys are loaded.
-* Hashes (GET/SET/DEL/INCRBY/EXISTS/FIELDS/LEN/MSET/MGET). Special encoding for hashes with less than N elements.
-* Write documentation for APPEND
-VERSION 2.2 TODO (Fault tolerant sharding)
-* Redis-cluster, a fast intermediate layer (proxy) that implements consistent hashing and fault tollerant nodes handling.
-Interesting readings about this:
- - http://ayende.com/Blog/archive/2009/04/06/designing-rhino-dht-a-fault-tolerant-dynamically-distributed-hash.aspx
-VERSION 2.4 TODO (Optimizations and latency)
-* Lower the CPU usage.
-* Lower the RAM usage everywhere possible.
-* Use epool and alike to rewrite ae.c for Linux and other platforms suppporting fater-than-select() mutiplexing APIs.
-* Implement an UDP interface for low-latency GET/SET operations.
-* Specially encoded memory-saving integer sets.
-* A command to export a JSON dump (there should be mostly working patch needing major reworking).
-* Specially encoded sets of integers (this includes a big refactoring providing an higher level layer for Sets manipulation)
-* If sizeof(double) == sizeof(void*) we could store the double value of sorted sets directly in place of the pointer instead of allocating it in the heap.
-* Delete on writes against expire policy should only happen after argument parsing for commands doing their own arg parsing stuff.
-* Give errors when incrementing a key that does not look like an integer, when providing as a sorted set score something can't be parsed as a double, and so forth.
-* MSADD (n keys) (n values). See this thread in the Redis google group: http://groups.google.com/group/redis-db/browse_thread/thread/e766d84eb375cd41
-* Don't save empty lists / sets / zsets on disk with snapshotting.
-* Remove keys when a list / set / zset reaches length of 0.
-* An option to exec a command slave-side if the master connection is lost: even cooler: if the script returns "0" the slave elects itself as master, otherwise continue trying to reconnect.
-* PING the master from time to time to check if it's gone.