*colon, *nullbulk, *nullmultibulk, *queued,
*emptymultibulk, *wrongtypeerr, *nokeyerr, *syntaxerr, *sameobjecterr,
*outofrangeerr, *noscripterr, *loadingerr, *slowscripterr, *bgsaveerr,
*colon, *nullbulk, *nullmultibulk, *queued,
*emptymultibulk, *wrongtypeerr, *nokeyerr, *syntaxerr, *sameobjecterr,
*outofrangeerr, *noscripterr, *loadingerr, *slowscripterr, *bgsaveerr,
- *plus, *select0, *select1, *select2, *select3, *select4,
- *select5, *select6, *select7, *select8, *select9,
+ *roslaveerr, *oomerr, *plus, *select0, *select1, *select2, *select3,
+ *select4, *select5, *select6, *select7, *select8, *select9,
*messagebulk, *pmessagebulk, *subscribebulk, *unsubscribebulk,
*psubscribebulk, *punsubscribebulk, *del, *rpop, *lpop,
*messagebulk, *pmessagebulk, *subscribebulk, *unsubscribebulk,
*psubscribebulk, *punsubscribebulk, *del, *rpop, *lpop,
int aof_selected_db; /* Currently selected DB in AOF */
time_t aof_flush_postponed_start; /* UNIX time of postponed AOF flush */
time_t aof_last_fsync; /* UNIX time of last fsync() */
int aof_selected_db; /* Currently selected DB in AOF */
time_t aof_flush_postponed_start; /* UNIX time of postponed AOF flush */
time_t aof_last_fsync; /* UNIX time of last fsync() */
/* RDB persistence */
long long dirty; /* Changes to DB from the last save */
long long dirty_before_bgsave; /* Used to restore dirty on failed BGSAVE */
/* RDB persistence */
long long dirty; /* Changes to DB from the last save */
long long dirty_before_bgsave; /* Used to restore dirty on failed BGSAVE */
char *repl_transfer_tmpfile; /* Slave-> master SYNC temp file name */
time_t repl_transfer_lastio; /* Unix time of the latest read, for timeout */
int repl_serve_stale_data; /* Serve stale data when link is down? */
char *repl_transfer_tmpfile; /* Slave-> master SYNC temp file name */
time_t repl_transfer_lastio; /* Unix time of the latest read, for timeout */
int repl_serve_stale_data; /* Serve stale data when link is down? */
time_t repl_down_since; /* Unix time at which link with master went down */
/* Limits */
unsigned int maxclients; /* Max number of simultaneous clients */
time_t repl_down_since; /* Unix time at which link with master went down */
/* Limits */
unsigned int maxclients; /* Max number of simultaneous clients */
extern dictType zsetDictType;
extern dictType dbDictType;
extern double R_Zero, R_PosInf, R_NegInf, R_Nan;
extern dictType zsetDictType;
extern dictType dbDictType;
extern double R_Zero, R_PosInf, R_NegInf, R_Nan;
int getClientLimitClassByName(char *name);
char *getClientLimitClassName(int class);
void flushSlavesOutputBuffers(void);
int getClientLimitClassByName(char *name);
char *getClientLimitClassName(int class);
void flushSlavesOutputBuffers(void);
void queueMultiCommand(redisClient *c);
void touchWatchedKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
void touchWatchedKeysOnFlush(int dbid);
void queueMultiCommand(redisClient *c);
void touchWatchedKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
void touchWatchedKeysOnFlush(int dbid);
int prepareForShutdown();
void redisLog(int level, const char *fmt, ...);
void redisLogRaw(int level, const char *msg);
int prepareForShutdown();
void redisLog(int level, const char *fmt, ...);
void redisLogRaw(int level, const char *msg);
void redisLogObjectDebugInfo(robj *o);
void sigsegvHandler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *secret);
sds genRedisInfoString(char *section);
void redisLogObjectDebugInfo(robj *o);
void sigsegvHandler(int sig, siginfo_t *info, void *secret);
sds genRedisInfoString(char *section);