-start_server default.conf {} {
+start_server {} {
test {SAVE - make sure there are all the types as values} {
# Wait for a background saving in progress to terminate
waitForBgsave r
r save
} {OK}
- foreach fuzztype {binary alpha compr} {
- test "FUZZ stresser with data model $fuzztype" {
- set err 0
- for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
- set fuzz [randstring 0 512 $fuzztype]
- r set foo $fuzz
- set got [r get foo]
- if {$got ne $fuzz} {
- set err [list $fuzz $got]
- break
+ tags {"slow"} {
+ foreach fuzztype {binary alpha compr} {
+ test "FUZZ stresser with data model $fuzztype" {
+ set err 0
+ for {set i 0} {$i < 10000} {incr i} {
+ set fuzz [randstring 0 512 $fuzztype]
+ r set foo $fuzz
+ set got [r get foo]
+ if {$got ne $fuzz} {
+ set err [list $fuzz $got]
+ break
+ }
- }
- set _ $err
- } {0}
+ set _ $err
+ } {0}
+ }
test {BGSAVE} {