+ } else if (sortval->type == REDIS_ZSET && dontsort) {
+ /* Special handling for a sorted set, if 'dontsort' is true.
+ * This makes sure we return elements in the sorted set original
+ * ordering, accordingly to DESC / ASC options.
+ *
+ * Note that in this case we also handle LIMIT here in a direct
+ * way, just getting the required range, as an optimization. */
+ zset *zs = sortval->ptr;
+ zskiplist *zsl = zs->zsl;
+ zskiplistNode *ln;
+ robj *ele;
+ int rangelen = vectorlen;
+ /* Check if starting point is trivial, before doing log(N) lookup. */
+ if (desc) {
+ long zsetlen = dictSize(((zset*)sortval->ptr)->dict);
+ ln = zsl->tail;
+ if (start > 0)
+ ln = zslGetElementByRank(zsl,zsetlen-start);
+ } else {
+ ln = zsl->header->level[0].forward;
+ if (start > 0)
+ ln = zslGetElementByRank(zsl,start+1);
+ }
+ while(rangelen--) {
+ redisAssertWithInfo(c,sortval,ln != NULL);
+ ele = ln->obj;
+ vector[j].obj = ele;
+ vector[j].u.score = 0;
+ vector[j].u.cmpobj = NULL;
+ j++;
+ ln = desc ? ln->backward : ln->level[0].forward;
+ }
+ /* The code producing the output does not know that in the case of
+ * sorted set, 'dontsort', and LIMIT, we are able to get just the
+ * range, already sorted, so we need to adjust "start" and "end"
+ * to make sure start is set to 0. */
+ end -= start;
+ start = 0;