start_server {tags {"other"}} {
+ if {$::force_failure} {
+ # This is used just for test suite development purposes.
+ test {Failing test} {
+ format err
+ } {ok}
+ }
test {SAVE - make sure there are all the types as values} {
# Wait for a background saving in progress to terminate
waitForBgsave r
- test {EXPIRES after a reload (snapshot + append only file)} {
+ test {EXPIRES after a reload (snapshot + append only file rewrite)} {
r flushdb
r set x 10
r expire x 1000
list $e1 $e2
} {1 1}
+ test {EXPIRES after AOF reload (without rewrite)} {
+ r flushdb
+ r config set appendonly yes
+ r set x somevalue
+ r expire x 1000
+ r setex y 2000 somevalue
+ r set z somevalue
+ r expireat z [expr {[clock seconds]+3000}]
+ # Milliseconds variants
+ r set px somevalue
+ r pexpire px 1000000
+ r psetex py 2000000 somevalue
+ r set pz somevalue
+ r pexpireat pz [expr {([clock seconds]+3000)*1000}]
+ # Reload and check
+ waitForBgrewriteaof r
+ # We need to wait two seconds to avoid false positives here, otherwise
+ # the DEBUG LOADAOF command may read a partial file.
+ # Another solution would be to set the fsync policy to no, since this
+ # prevents write() to be delayed by the completion of fsync().
+ after 2000
+ r debug loadaof
+ set ttl [r ttl x]
+ assert {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}
+ set ttl [r ttl y]
+ assert {$ttl > 1900 && $ttl <= 2000}
+ set ttl [r ttl z]
+ assert {$ttl > 2900 && $ttl <= 3000}
+ set ttl [r ttl px]
+ assert {$ttl > 900 && $ttl <= 1000}
+ set ttl [r ttl py]
+ assert {$ttl > 1900 && $ttl <= 2000}
+ set ttl [r ttl pz]
+ assert {$ttl > 2900 && $ttl <= 3000}
+ r config set appendonly no
+ }
tags {protocol} {
test {PIPELINING stresser (also a regression for the old epoll bug)} {
set fd2 [socket $::host $::port]
} {0 0}
test {Perform a final SAVE to leave a clean DB on disk} {
+ waitForBgsave r
r save
} {OK}