#include <sys/time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
#include "hiredis.h"
len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2));
+ test("Format command with %%s and an empty string: ");
+ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %s %s","foo","");
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$0\r\n\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(0+2));
+ free(cmd);
test("Format command with %%b string interpolation: ");
len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %b %b","foo",3,"b\0r",3);
test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nb\0r\r\n",len) == 0 &&
len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2));
+ test("Format command with %%b and an empty string: ");
+ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %b %b","foo",3,"",0);
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$0\r\n\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(0+2));
+ free(cmd);
+ test("Format command with literal %%: ");
+ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"SET %% %%");
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$1\r\n%\r\n$1\r\n%\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(1+2)+4+(1+2));
+ free(cmd);
+ test("Format command with printf-delegation (long long): ");
+ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"key:%08lld",1234ll);
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*1\r\n$12\r\nkey:00001234\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+5+(12+2));
+ free(cmd);
+ test("Format command with printf-delegation (float): ");
+ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"v:%06.1f",12.34f);
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*1\r\n$8\r\nv:0012.3\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+4+(8+2));
+ free(cmd);
+ test("Format command with printf-delegation and extra interpolation: ");
+ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"key:%d %b",1234,"foo",3);
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*2\r\n$8\r\nkey:1234\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+4+(8+2)+4+(3+2));
+ free(cmd);
+ test("Format command with wrong printf format and extra interpolation: ");
+ len = redisFormatCommand(&cmd,"key:%08p %b",1234,"foo",3);
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*2\r\n$6\r\nkey:8p\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+4+(6+2)+4+(3+2));
+ free(cmd);
const char *argv[3];
argv[0] = "SET";
- argv[1] = "foo";
+ argv[1] = "foo\0xxx";
argv[2] = "bar";
- size_t lens[3] = { 3, 3, 3 };
+ size_t lens[3] = { 3, 7, 3 };
int argc = 3;
test("Format command by passing argc/argv without lengths: ");
test("Format command by passing argc/argv with lengths: ");
len = redisFormatCommandArgv(&cmd,argc,argv,lens);
- test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$3\r\nfoo\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 &&
- len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2)+4+(3+2));
+ test_cond(strncmp(cmd,"*3\r\n$3\r\nSET\r\n$7\r\nfoo\0xxx\r\n$3\r\nbar\r\n",len) == 0 &&
+ len == 4+4+(3+2)+4+(7+2)+4+(3+2));
static void test_blocking_connection() {
redisContext *c;
redisReply *reply;
+ int major, minor;
- __connect(&c);
- test("Returns I/O error when the connection is lost: ");
- reply = redisCommand(c,"QUIT");
- test_cond(strcasecmp(reply->str,"OK") == 0 && redisCommand(c,"PING") == NULL);
- /* Two conditions may happen, depending on the type of connection.
- * When connected via TCP, the socket will not yet be aware of the closed
- * connection and the write(2) call will succeed, but the read(2) will
- * result in an EOF. When connected via Unix sockets, the socket will be
- * immediately aware that it was closed and fail on the write(2) call. */
- if (use_unix) {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", c->errstr);
- assert(c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO &&
- strcmp(c->errstr,"Broken pipe") == 0);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s\n", c->errstr);
- assert(c->err == REDIS_ERR_EOF &&
- strcmp(c->errstr,"Server closed the connection") == 0);
- }
- freeReplyObject(reply);
+ test("Returns error when host cannot be resolved: ");
+ c = redisConnect((char*)"idontexist.local", 6379);
+ test_cond(c->err == REDIS_ERR_OTHER &&
+ strcmp(c->errstr,"Can't resolve: idontexist.local") == 0);
+ redisFree(c);
+ test("Returns error when the port is not open: ");
+ c = redisConnect((char*)"localhost", 56380);
+ test_cond(c->err == REDIS_ERR_IO &&
+ strcmp(c->errstr,"Connection refused") == 0);
- __connect(&c); /* reconnect */
+ __connect(&c);
test("Is able to deliver commands: ");
reply = redisCommand(c,"PING");
test_cond(reply->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS &&
/* Make sure the DB is emtpy */
reply = redisCommand(c,"DBSIZE");
- if (reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER ||
- reply->integer != 0) {
- printf("Sorry DB 9 is not empty, test can not continue\n");
+ if (reply->type != REDIS_REPLY_INTEGER || reply->integer != 0) {
+ printf("Database #9 is not empty, test can not continue\n");
- } else {
- printf("DB 9 is empty... test can continue\n");
reply->element[1]->type == REDIS_REPLY_STATUS &&
strcasecmp(reply->element[1]->str,"pong") == 0);
+ {
+ /* Find out Redis version to determine the path for the next test */
+ const char *field = "redis_version:";
+ char *p, *eptr;
+ reply = redisCommand(c,"INFO");
+ p = strstr(reply->str,field);
+ major = strtol(p+strlen(field),&eptr,10);
+ p = eptr+1; /* char next to the first "." */
+ minor = strtol(p,&eptr,10);
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ }
+ test("Returns I/O error when the connection is lost: ");
+ reply = redisCommand(c,"QUIT");
+ if (major >= 2 && minor > 0) {
+ /* > 2.0 returns OK on QUIT and read() should be issued once more
+ * to know the descriptor is at EOF. */
+ test_cond(strcasecmp(reply->str,"OK") == 0 &&
+ redisGetReply(c,(void**)&reply) == REDIS_ERR);
+ freeReplyObject(reply);
+ } else {
+ test_cond(reply == NULL);
+ }
+ /* On 2.0, QUIT will cause the connection to be closed immediately and
+ * the read(2) for the reply on QUIT will set the error to EOF.
+ * On >2.0, QUIT will return with OK and another read(2) needed to be
+ * issued to find out the socket was closed by the server. In both
+ * conditions, the error will be set to EOF. */
+ assert(c->err == REDIS_ERR_EOF &&
+ strcmp(c->errstr,"Server closed the connection") == 0);
+ /* Clean up context and reconnect again */
+ redisFree(c);
+ __connect(&c);
static void test_reply_reader() {
void *reader;
+ void *reply;
char *err;
int ret;
test("Error handling in reply parser: ");
- reader = redisReplyReaderCreate(NULL);
+ reader = redisReplyReaderCreate();
ret = redisReplyReaderGetReply(reader,NULL);
err = redisReplyReaderGetError(reader);
test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR &&
- strcasecmp(err,"protocol error, got \"@\" as reply type byte") == 0);
+ strcasecmp(err,"Protocol error, got \"@\" as reply type byte") == 0);
/* when the reply already contains multiple items, they must be free'd
* on an error. valgrind will bark when this doesn't happen. */
test("Memory cleanup in reply parser: ");
- reader = redisReplyReaderCreate(NULL);
+ reader = redisReplyReaderCreate();
ret = redisReplyReaderGetReply(reader,NULL);
err = redisReplyReaderGetError(reader);
test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR &&
- strcasecmp(err,"protocol error, got \"@\" as reply type byte") == 0);
+ strcasecmp(err,"Protocol error, got \"@\" as reply type byte") == 0);
+ redisReplyReaderFree(reader);
+ test("Set error on nested multi bulks with depth > 1: ");
+ reader = redisReplyReaderCreate();
+ redisReplyReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"*1\r\n",4);
+ redisReplyReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"*1\r\n",4);
+ redisReplyReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"*1\r\n",4);
+ ret = redisReplyReaderGetReply(reader,NULL);
+ err = redisReplyReaderGetError(reader);
+ test_cond(ret == REDIS_ERR &&
+ strncasecmp(err,"No support for",14) == 0);
+ redisReplyReaderFree(reader);
+ test("Works with NULL functions for reply: ");
+ reader = redisReplyReaderCreate();
+ redisReplyReaderSetReplyObjectFunctions(reader,NULL);
+ redisReplyReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"+OK\r\n",5);
+ ret = redisReplyReaderGetReply(reader,&reply);
+ test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && reply == (void*)REDIS_REPLY_STATUS);
+ redisReplyReaderFree(reader);
+ test("Works when a single newline (\\r\\n) covers two calls to feed: ");
+ reader = redisReplyReaderCreate();
+ redisReplyReaderSetReplyObjectFunctions(reader,NULL);
+ redisReplyReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"+OK\r",4);
+ ret = redisReplyReaderGetReply(reader,&reply);
+ assert(ret == REDIS_OK && reply == NULL);
+ redisReplyReaderFeed(reader,(char*)"\n",1);
+ ret = redisReplyReaderGetReply(reader,&reply);
+ test_cond(ret == REDIS_OK && reply == (void*)REDIS_REPLY_STATUS);