* MULTI/EXEC should support the "EXEC FSYNC" form?
* BLPOP & C. tests (write a non blocking Tcl client as first step)
* ZCOUNT sortedset min max
+* ZRANK: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:tCQaP3ZeN4YJ:courses.csail.mit.edu/6.046/spring04/handouts/ps5-sol.pdf+skip+list+rank+operation+augmented&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShXuNjTcZyXw_1cq9OaWpSXy3PprjXqVzmM-LE0ETFznLyrDXJKQ_mBPNT10R8ErkoiXD9JbMw_FaoHmOA4yoGVrA7tZWiy393JwfCwuewuP93sjbkzZ_gnEp83jYhPYjThaIzw&sig=AHIEtbRF0GkYCdYRFtTJBE69senXZwFY0w
+* Once ZRANK is implemented, change the implementation of ZCOUNT to use the augmented skiplist in order to be much faster.
+* Write doc for ZCOUNT, and for open / closed intervals of sorted sets range operations.
Virtual Memory sub-TODO:
* Check if the page selection algorithm is working well
* Divide swappability of objects by refcount
+* Use multiple open FDs against the VM file, one for thread.
* it should be possible to give the vm-max-memory option in megabyte, gigabyte, ..., just using 2GB, 100MB, and so forth.
* Try to understand what can be moved into I/O threads that currently is instead handled by the main thread. For instance swapping file table scannig to find contiguous page could be a potential candidate (but I'm not convinced it's a good idea, better to improve the algorithm, for instance double the fast forward at every step?).
* Possibly decrRefCount() against swapped objects can be moved into I/O threads, as it's a slow operation against million elements list, and in general consumes CPU time that can be consumed by other threads (and cores).
* Specially encoded memory-saving integer sets.
* A command to export a JSON dump (there should be mostly working patch needing major reworking).
* Specially encoded sets of integers (this includes a big refactoring providing an higher level layer for Sets manipulation)
-* ZRANK: http://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cache:tCQaP3ZeN4YJ:courses.csail.mit.edu/6.046/spring04/handouts/ps5-sol.pdf+skip+list+rank+operation+augmented&hl=en&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEEShXuNjTcZyXw_1cq9OaWpSXy3PprjXqVzmM-LE0ETFznLyrDXJKQ_mBPNT10R8ErkoiXD9JbMw_FaoHmOA4yoGVrA7tZWiy393JwfCwuewuP93sjbkzZ_gnEp83jYhPYjThaIzw&sig=AHIEtbRF0GkYCdYRFtTJBE69senXZwFY0w