-<i>Time complexity: O(N), where N is the total number of entries</i><blockquote>HKEYS returns all the fields names contained into a hash, HVALS all the associated values, while HGETALL returns both the fields and values in the form of <i>field1</i>, <i>value1</i>, <i>field2</i>, <i>value2</i>, ..., <i>fieldN</i>, <i>valueN</i>.</blockquote>
+<i>Time complexity: O(N), where N is the total number of fields in the hash</i><blockquote>HKEYS returns all the fields names contained into a hash, HVALS all the associated values, while HGETALL returns both the fields and values in the form of <i>field1</i>, <i>value1</i>, <i>field2</i>, <i>value2</i>, ..., <i>fieldN</i>, <i>valueN</i>.</blockquote>