+/* Convert a long long into a string. Returns the number of
+ * characters needed to represent the number, that can be shorter if passed
+ * buffer length is not enough to store the whole number. */
+static int ll2string(char *s, size_t len, long long value) {
+ char buf[32], *p;
+ unsigned long long v;
+ size_t l;
+ if (len == 0) return 0;
+ v = (value < 0) ? -value : value;
+ p = buf+31; /* point to the last character */
+ do {
+ *p-- = '0'+(v%10);
+ v /= 10;
+ } while(v);
+ if (value < 0) *p-- = '-';
+ p++;
+ l = 32-(p-buf);
+ if (l+1 > len) l = len-1; /* Make sure it fits, including the nul term */
+ memcpy(s,p,l);
+ s[l] = '\0';
+ return l;