+# The client is not even driven (the test server is instead) as we just need
+# to read the command, execute, reply... all this in a loop.
+proc test_client_main server_port {
+ set ::test_server_fd [socket localhost $server_port]
+ send_data_packet $::test_server_fd ready [pid]
+ while 1 {
+ set bytes [gets $::test_server_fd]
+ set payload [read $::test_server_fd $bytes]
+ foreach {cmd data} $payload break
+ if {$cmd eq {run}} {
+ execute_tests $data
+ } else {
+ error "Unknown test client command: $cmd"
+ }
+ }
+proc send_data_packet {fd status data} {
+ set payload [list $status $data]
+ puts $fd [string length $payload]
+ puts -nonewline $fd $payload
+ flush $fd
+proc print_help_screen {} {
+ puts [join {
+ "--valgrind Run the test over valgrind."
+ "--accurate Run slow randomized tests for more iterations."
+ "--quiet Don't show individual tests."
+ "--single <unit> Just execute the specified unit (see next option)."
+ "--list-tests List all the available test units."
+ "--clients <num> Number of test clients (16)."
+ "--force-failure Force the execution of a test that always fails."
+ "--help Print this help screen."
+ } "\n"]