+#define ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) (*((zl)+sizeof(unsigned int)))
+#define ZIPLIST_LENGTH(zl) (*((zl)+2*sizeof(unsigned int)))
+#define ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE (2*sizeof(unsigned int)+1)
+#define ZIPLIST_INCR_LENGTH(zl,incr) { \
+typedef struct zlentry {
+ unsigned int prevrawlensize, prevrawlen;
+ unsigned int lensize, len;
+ unsigned int headersize;
+ unsigned char encoding;
+ unsigned char *p;
+} zlentry;
+/* Return bytes needed to store integer encoded by 'encoding' */
+static unsigned int zipEncodingSize(char encoding) {
+ if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_SHORT) {
+ return sizeof(short int);
+ } else if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_INT) {
+ return sizeof(int);
+ } else if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_LLONG) {
+ return sizeof(long long);
+ }
+ assert(NULL);
+/* Decode the encoded length pointed by 'p'. If a pointer to 'lensize' is
+ * provided, it is set to the number of bytes required to encode the length. */
+static unsigned int zipDecodeLength(unsigned char *p, unsigned int *lensize) {
+ unsigned char encoding = ZIP_ENCODING(p), lenenc;
+ unsigned int len;
+ if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_RAW) {
+ lenenc = (p[0] >> 4) & 0x3;
+ if (lenenc == ZIP_LEN_INLINE) {
+ len = p[0] & 0xf;
+ if (lensize) *lensize = 1;
+ } else if (lenenc == ZIP_LEN_UINT16) {
+ len = p[1] | (p[2] << 8);
+ if (lensize) *lensize = 3;
+ } else {
+ len = p[1] | (p[2] << 8) | (p[3] << 16) | (p[4] << 24);
+ if (lensize) *lensize = 5;
+ }
+ } else {
+ len = zipEncodingSize(encoding);
+ if (lensize) *lensize = 1;
+ }
+ return len;
+/* Encode the length 'l' writing it in 'p'. If p is NULL it just returns
+ * the amount of bytes required to encode such a length. */
+static unsigned int zipEncodeLength(unsigned char *p, char encoding, unsigned int rawlen) {
+ unsigned char len = 1, lenenc, buf[5];
+ if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_RAW) {
+ if (rawlen <= 0xf) {
+ if (!p) return len;
+ lenenc = ZIP_LEN_INLINE;
+ buf[0] = rawlen;
+ } else if (rawlen <= 0xffff) {
+ len += 2;
+ if (!p) return len;
+ lenenc = ZIP_LEN_UINT16;
+ buf[1] = (rawlen ) & 0xff;
+ buf[2] = (rawlen >> 8) & 0xff;
+ } else {
+ len += 4;
+ if (!p) return len;
+ lenenc = ZIP_LEN_UINT32;
+ buf[1] = (rawlen ) & 0xff;
+ buf[2] = (rawlen >> 8) & 0xff;
+ buf[3] = (rawlen >> 16) & 0xff;
+ buf[4] = (rawlen >> 24) & 0xff;
+ }
+ buf[0] = (lenenc << 4) | (buf[0] & 0xf);
+ }
+ if (!p) return len;
+ /* Apparently we need to store the length in 'p' */
+ buf[0] = (encoding << 6) | (buf[0] & 0x3f);
+ memcpy(p,buf,len);
+ return len;
+/* Return the difference in number of bytes needed to store the new length
+ * "len" on the entry pointed to by "p". */
+static int zipPrevLenByteDiff(unsigned char *p, unsigned int len) {
+ unsigned int prevlensize;
+ zipDecodeLength(p,&prevlensize);
+ return zipEncodeLength(NULL,ZIP_ENC_RAW,len)-prevlensize;
+/* Check if string pointed to by 'entry' can be encoded as an integer.
+ * Stores the integer value in 'v' and its encoding in 'encoding'.
+ * Warning: this function requires a NULL-terminated string! */
+static int zipTryEncoding(unsigned char *entry, long long *v, char *encoding) {
+ long long value;
+ char *eptr;
+ if (entry[0] == '-' || (entry[0] >= '0' && entry[0] <= '9')) {
+ value = strtoll((char*)entry,&eptr,10);
+ if (eptr[0] != '\0') return 0;
+ if (value >= SHRT_MIN && value <= SHRT_MAX) {
+ *encoding = ZIP_ENC_SHORT;
+ } else if (value >= INT_MIN && value <= INT_MAX) {
+ *encoding = ZIP_ENC_INT;
+ } else {
+ *encoding = ZIP_ENC_LLONG;
+ }
+ *v = value;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Store integer 'value' at 'p', encoded as 'encoding' */
+static void zipSaveInteger(unsigned char *p, long long value, char encoding) {
+ short int s;
+ int i;
+ long long l;
+ if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_SHORT) {
+ s = value;
+ memcpy(p,&s,sizeof(s));
+ } else if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_INT) {
+ i = value;
+ memcpy(p,&i,sizeof(i));
+ } else if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_LLONG) {
+ l = value;
+ memcpy(p,&l,sizeof(l));
+ } else {
+ assert(NULL);
+ }
+/* Read integer encoded as 'encoding' from 'p' */
+static long long zipLoadInteger(unsigned char *p, char encoding) {
+ short int s;
+ int i;
+ long long l, ret;
+ if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_SHORT) {
+ memcpy(&s,p,sizeof(s));
+ ret = s;
+ } else if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_INT) {
+ memcpy(&i,p,sizeof(i));
+ ret = i;
+ } else if (encoding == ZIP_ENC_LLONG) {
+ memcpy(&l,p,sizeof(l));
+ ret = l;
+ } else {
+ assert(NULL);
+ }
+ return ret;
+/* Return a struct with all information about an entry. */
+static zlentry zipEntry(unsigned char *p) {
+ zlentry e;
+ e.prevrawlen = zipDecodeLength(p,&e.prevrawlensize);
+ e.len = zipDecodeLength(p+e.prevrawlensize,&e.lensize);
+ e.headersize = e.prevrawlensize+e.lensize;
+ e.encoding = ZIP_ENCODING(p+e.prevrawlensize);
+ e.p = p;
+ return e;
+/* Return the total number of bytes used by the entry at "p". */
+static unsigned int zipRawEntryLength(unsigned char *p) {
+ zlentry e = zipEntry(p);
+ return e.headersize + e.len;