shared.loadingerr = createObject(REDIS_STRING,sdsnew(
"-LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory\r\n"));
shared.slowscripterr = createObject(REDIS_STRING,sdsnew(
- "-SLOWSCRIPT Redis is busy running a script. Please wait or stop the server with SHUTDOWN.\r\n"));
+ "-BUSY Redis is busy running a script. Please wait or stop the server with SHUTDOWN.\r\n")); = createObject(REDIS_STRING,sdsnew(" "));
shared.colon = createObject(REDIS_STRING,sdsnew(":")); = createObject(REDIS_STRING,sdsnew("+"));
server.requirepass = NULL;
server.rdbcompression = 1;
server.activerehashing = 1;
- server.maxclients = 0;
+ server.maxclients = REDIS_MAX_CLIENTS;
server.bpop_blocked_clients = 0;
server.maxmemory = 0;
server.maxmemory_policy = REDIS_MAXMEMORY_VOLATILE_LRU;
server.zset_max_ziplist_entries = REDIS_ZSET_MAX_ZIPLIST_ENTRIES;
server.zset_max_ziplist_value = REDIS_ZSET_MAX_ZIPLIST_VALUE;
server.shutdown_asap = 0;
+ server.repl_ping_slave_period = REDIS_REPL_PING_SLAVE_PERIOD;
+ server.repl_timeout = REDIS_REPL_TIMEOUT;
server.cluster_enabled = 0;
server.cluster.configfile = zstrdup("nodes.conf");
server.lua_time_limit = REDIS_LUA_TIME_LIMIT;
+ /* Try to raise the max number of open files accordingly to the
+ * configured max number of clients. Also account for 32 additional
+ * file descriptors as we need a few more for persistence, listening
+ * sockets, log files and so forth. */
+ {
+ rlim_t maxfiles = server.maxclients+32;
+ struct rlimit limit;
+ if (maxfiles < 1024) maxfiles = 1024;
+ if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&limit) == -1) {
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Unable to obtain the current NOFILE limit (%s), assuming 1024 and setting the max clients configuration accordingly.",
+ strerror(errno));
+ server.maxclients = 1024-32;
+ } else {
+ rlim_t oldlimit = limit.rlim_cur;
+ /* Set the max number of files if the current limit is not enough
+ * for our needs. */
+ if (oldlimit < maxfiles) {
+ limit.rlim_cur = maxfiles;
+ limit.rlim_max = maxfiles;
+ if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE,&limit) == -1) {
+ server.maxclients = oldlimit-32;
+ redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,"Unable to set the max number of files limit to %d (%s), setting the max clients configuration to %d.",
+ (int) maxfiles, strerror(errno), (int) server.maxclients);
+ } else {
+ redisLog(REDIS_NOTICE,"Max number of open files set to %d",
+ (int) maxfiles);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
/* Populates the Redis Command Table starting from the hard coded list