+* Basic Redis-cluster (at least all the features of the Ruby client distribute implementation + ability to set every key in M nodes).
+* Hashes (HSET, HGET, HEXISTS, HLEN, ...).
+* An utility able to export an .rdb file into a text-only JSON dump, we can't live anymore without such a tool. Probably an extension to redis-cli.
+* Expiring algorithm should be adaptive, if there are a lot of keys with an expire set and many of this happen to be already expired it should be, proportionally, more aggressive.
+ * Add a command to inspect the currently selected DB index
+ * Consistent hashing implemented in all the client libraries having an user base
+ * SORT: Don't copy the list into a vector when BY argument is constant.
+ * Profiling and optimization in order to limit the CPU usage at minimum
+ * Write the hash table size of every db in the dump, so that Redis can resize the hash table just one time when loading a big DB.
+ * Elapsed time in logs for SAVE when saving is going to take more than 2 seconds
+ * LOCK / TRYLOCK / UNLOCK as described many times in the google group
+ * Replication automated tests
+ * zmalloc() should avoid to add a private header for archs where there is some other kind of libc-specific way to get the size of a malloced block.