/* Every time a thread finished a Job, it writes a byte into the write side
* of an unix pipe in order to "awake" the main thread, and this function
- * is called. */
+ * is called.
+ *
+ * If privdata == NULL the function will try to put more jobs in the queue
+ * of IO jobs to process as more room is made. privdata is equal to NULL
+ * when the function is called from the event loop, so we want to push
+ * more IO jobs in the queue. Instead when the function is called by
+ * other functions that want to create a write-barrier to avoid race
+ * conditions we don't push new jobs in the queue. */
void vmThreadedIOCompletedJob(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata,
int mask)
int retval, processed = 0, toprocess = -1;
- REDIS_NOTUSED(privdata);
/* For every byte we read in the read side of the pipe, there is one
* I/O job completed to process. */
+ if (privdata == NULL) cacheScheduleIOPushJobs(0);
if (processed == toprocess) return;
if (retval < 0 && errno != EAGAIN) {
iojob *j;
listNode *ln;
+ long long start;
redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"[T] signal received");
+ start = ustime();
redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"[T] %ld IO jobs to process",
ln = listFirst(server.io_newjobs);
/* Signal the main thread there is new stuff to process */
redisAssert(write(server.io_ready_pipe_write,"x",1) == 1);
+ redisLog(REDIS_DEBUG,"TIME (%c): %lld\n", j->type == REDIS_IOJOB_LOAD ? 'L' : 'S', ustime()-start);
/* never reached, but that's the full pattern... */
* scheduled completion time, but just do the operation ASAP. This is useful
* when we need to reclaim memory from the IO queue.
-#define MAX_IO_JOBS_QUEUE 100
+#define MAX_IO_JOBS_QUEUE 10
int cacheScheduleIOPushJobs(int flags) {
time_t now = time(NULL);
listNode *ln;