unsigned int lensize, len;
unsigned int headersize;
unsigned char encoding;
+ unsigned char *p;
} zlentry;
/* Return bytes needed to store integer encoded by 'encoding' */
e.len = zipDecodeLength(p+e.prevrawlensize,&e.lensize);
e.headersize = e.prevrawlensize+e.lensize;
e.encoding = ZIP_ENCODING(p+e.prevrawlensize);
+ e.p = p;
return e;
-/* Return the total amount used by an entry (encoded length + payload). */
+/* Return the total number of bytes used by the entry at "p". */
static unsigned int zipRawEntryLength(unsigned char *p) {
- unsigned int prevlensize, lensize, len;
- /* Byte-size of encoded length of previous entry */
- zipDecodeLength(p,&prevlensize);
- /* Encoded length of this entry's payload */
- len = zipDecodeLength(p+prevlensize, &lensize);
- return prevlensize+lensize+len;
+ zlentry e = zipEntry(p);
+ return e.headersize + e.len;
/* Create a new empty ziplist. */
p += zipRawEntryLength(p);
return q;
+/* Delete "num" entries, starting at "p". Returns pointer to the ziplist. */
+static unsigned char *__ziplistDelete(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p, int num) {
+ unsigned int i, totlen, deleted = 0;
+ int nextdiff = 0;
+ zlentry first = zipEntry(p);
+ for (i = 0; p[0] != ZIP_END && i < num; i++) {
+ p += zipRawEntryLength(p);
+ deleted++;
+ }
+ totlen = p-first.p;
+ if (totlen > 0) {
+ if (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
+ /* Tricky: storing the prevlen in this entry might reduce or
+ * increase the number of bytes needed, compared to the current
+ * prevlen. Note that we can always store this length because
+ * it was previously stored by an entry that is being deleted. */
+ nextdiff = zipPrevLenByteDiff(p,first.prevrawlen);
+ zipEncodeLength(p-nextdiff,ZIP_ENC_RAW,first.prevrawlen);
+ /* Update offset for tail */
+ ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) -= totlen+nextdiff;
+ /* Move tail to the front of the ziplist */
+ memmove(first.p,p-nextdiff,ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)-(p-zl)-1+nextdiff);
+ } else {
+ /* The entire tail was deleted. No need to move memory. */
+ ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) = (first.p-zl)-first.prevrawlen;
+ }
+ /* Resize and update length */
+ zl = ziplistResize(zl, ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)-totlen+nextdiff);
+ ZIPLIST_INCR_LENGTH(zl,-deleted);
+ }
+ return zl;
-unsigned char *ziplistPush(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *entry, unsigned int elen, int where) {
- unsigned int curlen = ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl), reqlen, prevlen;
- unsigned char *p, *curtail;
+/* Insert item at "p". */
+static unsigned char *__ziplistInsert(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *p, unsigned char *s, unsigned int slen) {
+ unsigned int curlen = ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl), reqlen, prevlen = 0;
+ unsigned int offset, nextdiff = 0;
+ unsigned char *tail;
char encoding = ZIP_ENC_RAW;
long long value;
+ zlentry entry;
- /* We need to store the length of the current tail when the list
- * is non-empty and we push at the tail. */
- curtail = zl+ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl);
- if (where == ZIPLIST_TAIL && curtail[0] != ZIP_END) {
- prevlen = zipRawEntryLength(curtail);
+ /* Find out prevlen for the entry that is inserted. */
+ if (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
+ entry = zipEntry(p);
+ prevlen = entry.prevrawlen;
} else {
- prevlen = 0;
+ tail = ziplistTail(zl);
+ if (tail[0] != ZIP_END) {
+ prevlen = zipRawEntryLength(tail);
+ }
/* See if the entry can be encoded */
- if (zipTryEncoding(entry,&value,&encoding)) {
+ if (zipTryEncoding(s,&value,&encoding)) {
reqlen = zipEncodingSize(encoding);
} else {
- reqlen = elen;
+ reqlen = slen;
/* We need space for both the length of the previous entry and
* the length of the payload. */
reqlen += zipEncodeLength(NULL,ZIP_ENC_RAW,prevlen);
- reqlen += zipEncodeLength(NULL,encoding,elen);
- /* Resize the ziplist and move if needed */
- zl = ziplistResize(zl,curlen+reqlen);
- if (where == ZIPLIST_HEAD) {
- if (*p != ZIP_END) {
- /* Subtract one because of the ZIP_END bytes */
- memmove(p+reqlen,p,curlen-ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE-1);
- }
+ reqlen += zipEncodeLength(NULL,encoding,slen);
+ /* When the insert position is not equal to the tail, we need to
+ * make sure that the next entry can hold this entry's length in
+ * its prevlen field. */
+ nextdiff = p[0] != ZIP_END ? zipPrevLenByteDiff(p,reqlen) : 0;
+ /* Store offset because a realloc may change the address of zl. */
+ offset = p-zl;
+ zl = ziplistResize(zl,curlen+reqlen+nextdiff);
+ p = zl+offset;
+ /* Apply memory move when necessary and update tail offset. */
+ if (p[0] != ZIP_END) {
+ /* Subtract one because of the ZIP_END bytes */
+ memmove(p+reqlen,p-nextdiff,curlen-offset-1+nextdiff);
+ /* Encode this entry's raw length in the next entry. */
+ zipEncodeLength(p+reqlen,ZIP_ENC_RAW,reqlen);
+ /* Update offset for tail */
+ ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) += reqlen+nextdiff;
} else {
- p = zl+curlen-1;
- }
- /* Update tail offset if this is not the first element */
- if (curtail[0] != ZIP_END) {
- if (where == ZIPLIST_HEAD) {
- ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) += reqlen;
- } else {
- ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) += prevlen;
- }
+ /* This element will be the new tail. */
/* Write the entry */
p += zipEncodeLength(p,ZIP_ENC_RAW,prevlen);
- p += zipEncodeLength(p,encoding,elen);
+ p += zipEncodeLength(p,encoding,slen);
if (encoding != ZIP_ENC_RAW) {
} else {
- memcpy(p,entry,elen);
+ memcpy(p,s,slen);
return zl;
+unsigned char *ziplistPush(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char *s, unsigned int slen, int where) {
+ unsigned char *p;
+ p = (where == ZIPLIST_HEAD) ? ziplistHead(zl) : (zl+ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)-1);
+ return __ziplistInsert(zl,p,s,slen);
unsigned char *ziplistPop(unsigned char *zl, sds *target, int where) {
- unsigned int curlen = ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl), rawlen;
zlentry entry;
- int nextdiff = 0;
unsigned char *p;
long long value;
if (target) *target = NULL;
if (*p == ZIP_END) return zl;
entry = zipEntry(p);
- rawlen = entry.headersize+entry.len;
if (target) {
if (entry.encoding == ZIP_ENC_RAW) {
*target = sdsnewlen(p+entry.headersize,entry.len);
- if (where == ZIPLIST_HEAD) {
- /* The next entry will now be the head of the list */
- if (p[rawlen] != ZIP_END) {
- /* Tricky: storing the length of the previous entry in the next
- * entry (this previous length is always 0 when popping from the
- * head), might reduce the number of bytes needed.
- *
- * In this special case (new length is 0), we know that the
- * byte difference to store is always <= 0, which means that
- * we always have space to store it. */
- nextdiff = zipPrevLenByteDiff(p+rawlen,0);
- zipEncodeLength(p+rawlen-nextdiff,ZIP_ENC_RAW,0);
- }
- /* Move list to the front */
- memmove(p,p+rawlen-nextdiff,curlen-ZIPLIST_HEADER_SIZE-rawlen+nextdiff);
- /* Subtract the gained space from the tail offset */
- ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) -= rawlen+nextdiff;
- } else {
- /* Subtract the length of the previous element from the tail offset. */
- ZIPLIST_TAIL_OFFSET(zl) -= entry.prevrawlen;
- }
- /* Resize and update length */
- zl = ziplistResize(zl,curlen-rawlen+nextdiff);
+ zl = __ziplistDelete(zl,p,1);
return zl;
/* Delete a range of entries from the ziplist. */
unsigned char *ziplistDeleteRange(unsigned char *zl, unsigned int index, unsigned int num) {
- unsigned char *p, *first = ziplistIndex(zl, index);
- unsigned int i, totlen, deleted = 0;
- for (p = first, i = 0; *p != ZIP_END && i < num; i++) {
- p += zipRawEntryLength(p);
- deleted++;
- }
- totlen = p-first;
- if (totlen > 0) {
- /* Move current tail to the new tail when there *is* a tail */
- if (*p != ZIP_END) memmove(first,p,ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)-(p-zl)-1);
- /* Resize and update length */
- zl = ziplistResize(zl, ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)-totlen);
- ZIPLIST_INCR_LENGTH(zl,-deleted);
- }
- return zl;
+ unsigned char *p = ziplistIndex(zl,index);
+ return __ziplistDelete(zl,p,num);
/* Delete a single entry from the ziplist, pointed to by *p.
* Also update *p in place, to be able to iterate over the
* ziplist, while deleting entries. */
unsigned char *ziplistDelete(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char **p) {
- unsigned int offset = *p-zl, tail, len;
- len = zipRawEntryLength(*p);
- tail = ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)-offset-len-1;
- /* Move current tail to the new tail when there *is* a tail */
- if (tail > 0) memmove(*p,*p+len,tail);
- /* Resize and update length */
- zl = ziplistResize(zl, ZIPLIST_BYTES(zl)-len);
+ unsigned int offset = *p-zl;
+ zl = __ziplistDelete(zl,*p,1);
- /* Store new pointer to current element in p.
- * This needs to be done because zl can change on realloc. */
+ /* Store pointer to current element in p, because ziplistDelete will
+ * do a realloc which might result in a different "zl"-pointer. */
*p = zl+offset;
return zl;