]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/blame - src/redis.h
added assertion in zslInsert() that ensures the inserted element score is not NaN
[redis.git] / src / redis.h
e2641e09 1#ifndef __REDIS_H
2#define __REDIS_H
4#include "fmacros.h"
5#include "config.h"
7#if defined(__sun)
8#include "solarisfixes.h"
11#include <stdio.h>
12#include <stdlib.h>
13#include <string.h>
14#include <time.h>
15#include <limits.h>
16#include <unistd.h>
17#include <errno.h>
3688d7f3 18#include <inttypes.h>
d06a5b23 19#include <pthread.h>
e1a586ee 20#include <syslog.h>
ecc91094 21#include <netinet/in.h>
7585836e 22#include <lua.h>
e2641e09 23
daa70b17 24#include "ae.h" /* Event driven programming library */
25#include "sds.h" /* Dynamic safe strings */
26#include "dict.h" /* Hash tables */
27#include "adlist.h" /* Linked lists */
e2641e09 28#include "zmalloc.h" /* total memory usage aware version of malloc/free */
daa70b17 29#include "anet.h" /* Networking the easy way */
30#include "zipmap.h" /* Compact string -> string data structure */
e2641e09 31#include "ziplist.h" /* Compact list data structure */
daa70b17 32#include "intset.h" /* Compact integer set structure */
33#include "version.h" /* Version macro */
34#include "util.h" /* Misc functions useful in many places */
e2641e09 35
36/* Error codes */
37#define REDIS_OK 0
38#define REDIS_ERR -1
40/* Static server configuration */
41#define REDIS_SERVERPORT 6379 /* TCP port */
3570629f 42#define REDIS_MAXIDLETIME 0 /* default client timeout: infinite */
becf5fdb 43#define REDIS_MAX_QUERYBUF_LEN (1024*1024*1024) /* 1GB max query buffer. */
dd5fbedf 44#define REDIS_IOBUF_LEN (1024*16)
e2641e09 45#define REDIS_LOADBUF_LEN 1024
e2641e09 46#define REDIS_DEFAULT_DBNUM 16
e2641e09 48#define REDIS_MAX_SYNC_TIME 60 /* Slave can't take more to sync */
49#define REDIS_EXPIRELOOKUPS_PER_CRON 10 /* lookup 10 expires per loop */
50#define REDIS_MAX_WRITE_PER_EVENT (1024*64)
51#define REDIS_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE (1024*1024*256) /* max bytes in inline command */
65330bad 53#define REDIS_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES (16*1024) /* 16k output buffer */
e1a586ee 54#define REDIS_MAX_LOGMSG_LEN 1024 /* Default maximum length of syslog messages */
b333e239 55#define REDIS_AUTO_AOFREWRITE_PERC 100
56#define REDIS_AUTO_AOFREWRITE_MIN_SIZE (1024*1024)
5b250096 57#define REDIS_AOFREWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD 64
daa70b17 58#define REDIS_SLOWLOG_LOG_SLOWER_THAN 10000
58732c23 60#define REDIS_MAX_CLIENTS 10000
834ef78e 61
8996bf77 62#define REDIS_REPL_TIMEOUT 60
94d490b9 64#define REDIS_MBULK_BIG_ARG (1024*32)
8996bf77 65
e2641e09 66/* Hash table parameters */
67#define REDIS_HT_MINFILL 10 /* Minimal hash table fill 10% */
5d02b00f 69/* Command flags. Please check the command table defined in the redis.c file
70 * for more information about the meaning of every flag. */
71#define REDIS_CMD_WRITE 1 /* "w" flag */
72#define REDIS_CMD_READONLY 2 /* "r" flag */
73#define REDIS_CMD_DENYOOM 4 /* "m" flag */
74#define REDIS_CMD_FORCE_REPLICATION 8 /* "f" flag */
75#define REDIS_CMD_ADMIN 16 /* "a" flag */
76#define REDIS_CMD_PUBSUB 32 /* "p" flag */
b60ed6e8 77#define REDIS_CMD_NOSCRIPT 64 /* "s" flag */
78#define REDIS_CMD_RANDOM 128 /* "R" flag */
e2641e09 79
80/* Object types */
81#define REDIS_STRING 0
82#define REDIS_LIST 1
83#define REDIS_SET 2
84#define REDIS_ZSET 3
85#define REDIS_HASH 4
e12b27ac 87
e2641e09 88/* Objects encoding. Some kind of objects like Strings and Hashes can be
89 * internally represented in multiple ways. The 'encoding' field of the object
90 * is set to one of this fields for this object. */
91#define REDIS_ENCODING_RAW 0 /* Raw representation */
92#define REDIS_ENCODING_INT 1 /* Encoded as integer */
93#define REDIS_ENCODING_HT 2 /* Encoded as hash table */
94#define REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPMAP 3 /* Encoded as zipmap */
95#define REDIS_ENCODING_LINKEDLIST 4 /* Encoded as regular linked list */
96#define REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST 5 /* Encoded as ziplist */
96ffb2fe 97#define REDIS_ENCODING_INTSET 6 /* Encoded as intset */
0b7f6d09 98#define REDIS_ENCODING_SKIPLIST 7 /* Encoded as skiplist */
e2641e09 99
e2641e09 100/* Defines related to the dump file format. To store 32 bits lengths for short
101 * keys requires a lot of space, so we check the most significant 2 bits of
102 * the first byte to interpreter the length:
103 *
104 * 00|000000 => if the two MSB are 00 the len is the 6 bits of this byte
105 * 01|000000 00000000 => 01, the len is 14 byes, 6 bits + 8 bits of next byte
106 * 10|000000 [32 bit integer] => if it's 01, a full 32 bit len will follow
107 * 11|000000 this means: specially encoded object will follow. The six bits
108 * number specify the kind of object that follows.
109 * See the REDIS_RDB_ENC_* defines.
110 *
111 * Lenghts up to 63 are stored using a single byte, most DB keys, and may
112 * values, will fit inside. */
113#define REDIS_RDB_6BITLEN 0
114#define REDIS_RDB_14BITLEN 1
115#define REDIS_RDB_32BITLEN 2
116#define REDIS_RDB_ENCVAL 3
119/* When a length of a string object stored on disk has the first two bits
120 * set, the remaining two bits specify a special encoding for the object
121 * accordingly to the following defines: */
122#define REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT8 0 /* 8 bit signed integer */
123#define REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT16 1 /* 16 bit signed integer */
124#define REDIS_RDB_ENC_INT32 2 /* 32 bit signed integer */
125#define REDIS_RDB_ENC_LZF 3 /* string compressed with FASTLZ */
e2641e09 127/* Client flags */
128#define REDIS_SLAVE 1 /* This client is a slave server */
129#define REDIS_MASTER 2 /* This client is a master server */
130#define REDIS_MONITOR 4 /* This client is a slave monitor, see MONITOR */
131#define REDIS_MULTI 8 /* This client is in a MULTI context */
132#define REDIS_BLOCKED 16 /* The client is waiting in a blocking operation */
e2641e09 133#define REDIS_DIRTY_CAS 64 /* Watched keys modified. EXEC will fail. */
5e78edb3 134#define REDIS_CLOSE_AFTER_REPLY 128 /* Close after writing entire reply. */
135#define REDIS_UNBLOCKED 256 /* This client was unblocked and is stored in
136 server.unblocked_clients */
7156f43c 137#define REDIS_LUA_CLIENT 512 /* This is a non connected client used by Lua */
6856c7b4 138#define REDIS_ASKING 1024 /* Client issued the ASKING command */
140/* Client request types */
141#define REDIS_REQ_INLINE 1
e2641e09 143
144/* Slave replication state - slave side */
145#define REDIS_REPL_NONE 0 /* No active replication */
146#define REDIS_REPL_CONNECT 1 /* Must connect to master */
147#define REDIS_REPL_CONNECTING 2 /* Connecting to master */
148#define REDIS_REPL_TRANSFER 3 /* Receiving .rdb from master */
149#define REDIS_REPL_CONNECTED 4 /* Connected to master */
e2641e09 150
151/* Synchronous read timeout - slave side */
e2641e09 153
154/* Slave replication state - from the point of view of master
155 * Note that in SEND_BULK and ONLINE state the slave receives new updates
156 * in its output queue. In the WAIT_BGSAVE state instead the server is waiting
157 * to start the next background saving in order to send updates to it. */
158#define REDIS_REPL_WAIT_BGSAVE_START 3 /* master waits bgsave to start feeding it */
159#define REDIS_REPL_WAIT_BGSAVE_END 4 /* master waits bgsave to start bulk DB transmission */
160#define REDIS_REPL_SEND_BULK 5 /* master is sending the bulk DB */
161#define REDIS_REPL_ONLINE 6 /* bulk DB already transmitted, receive updates */
163/* List related stuff */
164#define REDIS_HEAD 0
165#define REDIS_TAIL 1
167/* Sort operations */
168#define REDIS_SORT_GET 0
169#define REDIS_SORT_ASC 1
170#define REDIS_SORT_DESC 2
171#define REDIS_SORTKEY_MAX 1024
173/* Log levels */
174#define REDIS_DEBUG 0
175#define REDIS_VERBOSE 1
176#define REDIS_NOTICE 2
177#define REDIS_WARNING 3
996d503d 178#define REDIS_LOG_RAW (1<<10) /* Modifier to log without timestamp */
e2641e09 179
180/* Anti-warning macro... */
181#define REDIS_NOTUSED(V) ((void) V)
183#define ZSKIPLIST_MAXLEVEL 32 /* Should be enough for 2^32 elements */
184#define ZSKIPLIST_P 0.25 /* Skiplist P = 1/4 */
186/* Append only defines */
187#define APPENDFSYNC_NO 0
191/* Zip structure related defaults */
52dc87bb 192#define REDIS_HASH_MAX_ZIPMAP_ENTRIES 512
6a246b1e 194#define REDIS_LIST_MAX_ZIPLIST_ENTRIES 512
e2641e09 199
200/* Sets operations codes */
201#define REDIS_OP_UNION 0
202#define REDIS_OP_DIFF 1
203#define REDIS_OP_INTER 2
165346ca 205/* Redis maxmemory strategies */
5402c426 211#define REDIS_MAXMEMORY_NO_EVICTION 5
165346ca 212
eeffcf38 213/* Scripting */
8cb8d417 214#define REDIS_LUA_TIME_LIMIT 5000 /* milliseconds */
eeffcf38 215
12d293ca 216/* Units */
217#define UNIT_SECONDS 0
4ab8695d 220/* SHUTDOWN flags */
221#define REDIS_SHUTDOWN_SAVE 1 /* Force SAVE on SHUTDOWN even if no save
222 points are configured. */
223#define REDIS_SHUTDOWN_NOSAVE 2 /* Don't SAVE on SHUTDOWN. */
e2641e09 225/* We can print the stacktrace, so our assert is defined this way: */
bab205f7 226#define redisAssertWithInfo(_c,_o,_e) ((_e)?(void)0 : (_redisAssertWithInfo(_c,_o,#_e,__FILE__,__LINE__),_exit(1)))
e2641e09 227#define redisAssert(_e) ((_e)?(void)0 : (_redisAssert(#_e,__FILE__,__LINE__),_exit(1)))
228#define redisPanic(_e) _redisPanic(#_e,__FILE__,__LINE__),_exit(1)
e2641e09 229
231 * Data types
232 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
234/* A redis object, that is a type able to hold a string / list / set */
236/* The actual Redis Object */
ef59a8bc 237#define REDIS_LRU_CLOCK_MAX ((1<<21)-1) /* Max value of obj->lru */
165346ca 238#define REDIS_LRU_CLOCK_RESOLUTION 10 /* LRU clock resolution in seconds */
e2641e09 239typedef struct redisObject {
240 unsigned type:4;
3be00d7e 241 unsigned notused:2; /* Not used */
e2641e09 242 unsigned encoding:4;
243 unsigned lru:22; /* lru time (relative to server.lruclock) */
244 int refcount;
245 void *ptr;
e2641e09 246} robj;
e2641e09 248/* Macro used to initalize a Redis object allocated on the stack.
249 * Note that this macro is taken near the structure definition to make sure
250 * we'll update it when the structure is changed, to avoid bugs like
251 * bug #85 introduced exactly in this way. */
252#define initStaticStringObject(_var,_ptr) do { \
253 _var.refcount = 1; \
254 _var.type = REDIS_STRING; \
255 _var.encoding = REDIS_ENCODING_RAW; \
256 _var.ptr = _ptr; \
e2641e09 257} while(0);
259typedef struct redisDb {
260 dict *dict; /* The keyspace for this DB */
261 dict *expires; /* Timeout of keys with a timeout set */
262 dict *blocking_keys; /* Keys with clients waiting for data (BLPOP) */
e2641e09 263 dict *watched_keys; /* WATCHED keys for MULTI/EXEC CAS */
264 int id;
265} redisDb;
267/* Client MULTI/EXEC state */
268typedef struct multiCmd {
269 robj **argv;
270 int argc;
271 struct redisCommand *cmd;
272} multiCmd;
274typedef struct multiState {
275 multiCmd *commands; /* Array of MULTI commands */
276 int count; /* Total number of MULTI commands */
277} multiState;
279typedef struct blockingState {
280 robj **keys; /* The key we are waiting to terminate a blocking
281 * operation such as BLPOP. Otherwise NULL. */
282 int count; /* Number of blocking keys */
283 time_t timeout; /* Blocking operation timeout. If UNIX current time
284 * is >= timeout then the operation timed out. */
285 robj *target; /* The key that should receive the element,
286 * for BRPOPLPUSH. */
287} blockingState;
e2641e09 289/* With multiplexing we need to take per-clinet state.
290 * Clients are taken in a liked list. */
291typedef struct redisClient {
292 int fd;
293 redisDb *db;
294 int dictid;
295 sds querybuf;
296 int argc;
297 robj **argv;
2c74a9f9 298 struct redisCommand *cmd, *lastcmd;
299 int reqtype;
300 int multibulklen; /* number of multi bulk arguments left to read */
301 long bulklen; /* length of bulk argument in multi bulk request */
e2641e09 302 list *reply;
303 int sentlen;
304 time_t lastinteraction; /* time of the last interaction, used for timeout */
305 int flags; /* REDIS_SLAVE | REDIS_MONITOR | REDIS_MULTI ... */
306 int slaveseldb; /* slave selected db, if this client is a slave */
307 int authenticated; /* when requirepass is non-NULL */
308 int replstate; /* replication state if this is a slave */
309 int repldbfd; /* replication DB file descriptor */
310 long repldboff; /* replication DB file offset */
311 off_t repldbsize; /* replication DB file size */
312 multiState mstate; /* MULTI/EXEC state */
e3c51c4b 313 blockingState bpop; /* blocking state */
e2641e09 314 list *io_keys; /* Keys this client is waiting to be loaded from the
315 * swap file in order to continue. */
316 list *watched_keys; /* Keys WATCHED for MULTI/EXEC CAS */
317 dict *pubsub_channels; /* channels a client is interested in (SUBSCRIBE) */
318 list *pubsub_patterns; /* patterns a client is interested in (SUBSCRIBE) */
320 /* Response buffer */
321 int bufpos;
f3357792 322 char buf[REDIS_REPLY_CHUNK_BYTES];
e2641e09 323} redisClient;
325struct saveparam {
326 time_t seconds;
327 int changes;
330struct sharedObjectsStruct {
331 robj *crlf, *ok, *err, *emptybulk, *czero, *cone, *cnegone, *pong, *space,
332 *colon, *nullbulk, *nullmultibulk, *queued,
333 *emptymultibulk, *wrongtypeerr, *nokeyerr, *syntaxerr, *sameobjecterr,
115e3ff3 334 *outofrangeerr, *noscripterr, *loadingerr, *slowscripterr, *plus,
e2641e09 335 *select0, *select1, *select2, *select3, *select4,
336 *select5, *select6, *select7, *select8, *select9,
337 *messagebulk, *pmessagebulk, *subscribebulk, *unsubscribebulk, *mbulk3,
338 *mbulk4, *psubscribebulk, *punsubscribebulk,
c772d9c6 342/* ZSETs use a specialized version of Skiplists */
343typedef struct zskiplistNode {
344 robj *obj;
345 double score;
346 struct zskiplistNode *backward;
347 struct zskiplistLevel {
348 struct zskiplistNode *forward;
349 unsigned int span;
350 } level[];
351} zskiplistNode;
353typedef struct zskiplist {
354 struct zskiplistNode *header, *tail;
355 unsigned long length;
356 int level;
357} zskiplist;
359typedef struct zset {
360 dict *dict;
361 zskiplist *zsl;
362} zset;
ecc91094 364/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
365 * Redis cluster data structures
366 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
368#define REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS 4096
369#define REDIS_CLUSTER_OK 0 /* Everything looks ok */
370#define REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL 1 /* The cluster can't work */
371#define REDIS_CLUSTER_NEEDHELP 2 /* The cluster works, but needs some help */
372#define REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN 40 /* sha1 hex length */
373#define REDIS_CLUSTER_PORT_INCR 10000 /* Cluster port = baseport + PORT_INCR */
375struct clusterNode;
377/* clusterLink encapsulates everything needed to talk with a remote node. */
378typedef struct clusterLink {
379 int fd; /* TCP socket file descriptor */
380 sds sndbuf; /* Packet send buffer */
381 sds rcvbuf; /* Packet reception buffer */
382 struct clusterNode *node; /* Node related to this link if any, or NULL */
383} clusterLink;
385/* Node flags */
386#define REDIS_NODE_MASTER 1 /* The node is a master */
387#define REDIS_NODE_SLAVE 2 /* The node is a slave */
388#define REDIS_NODE_PFAIL 4 /* Failure? Need acknowledge */
389#define REDIS_NODE_FAIL 8 /* The node is believed to be malfunctioning */
390#define REDIS_NODE_MYSELF 16 /* This node is myself */
391#define REDIS_NODE_HANDSHAKE 32 /* We have still to exchange the first ping */
392#define REDIS_NODE_NOADDR 64 /* We don't know the address of this node */
393#define REDIS_NODE_MEET 128 /* Send a MEET message to this node */
394#define REDIS_NODE_NULL_NAME "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000"
396struct clusterNode {
397 char name[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN]; /* Node name, hex string, sha1-size */
398 int flags; /* REDIS_NODE_... */
399 unsigned char slots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS/8]; /* slots handled by this node */
400 int numslaves; /* Number of slave nodes, if this is a master */
401 struct clusterNode **slaves; /* pointers to slave nodes */
402 struct clusterNode *slaveof; /* pointer to the master node */
403 time_t ping_sent; /* Unix time we sent latest ping */
404 time_t pong_received; /* Unix time we received the pong */
405 char *configdigest; /* Configuration digest of this node */
406 time_t configdigest_ts; /* Configuration digest timestamp */
407 char ip[16]; /* Latest known IP address of this node */
408 int port; /* Latest known port of this node */
409 clusterLink *link; /* TCP/IP link with this node */
411typedef struct clusterNode clusterNode;
413typedef struct {
ef21ab96 414 char *configfile;
ecc91094 415 clusterNode *myself; /* This node */
416 int state; /* REDIS_CLUSTER_OK, REDIS_CLUSTER_FAIL, ... */
417 int node_timeout;
418 dict *nodes; /* Hash table of name -> clusterNode structures */
419 clusterNode *migrating_slots_to[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS];
420 clusterNode *importing_slots_from[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS];
421 clusterNode *slots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS];
c772d9c6 422 zskiplist *slots_to_keys;
ecc91094 423} clusterState;
425/* Redis cluster messages header */
427/* Note that the PING, PONG and MEET messages are actually the same exact
428 * kind of packet. PONG is the reply to ping, in the extact format as a PING,
429 * while MEET is a special PING that forces the receiver to add the sender
430 * as a node (if it is not already in the list). */
431#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PING 0 /* Ping */
432#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PONG 1 /* Pong (reply to Ping) */
433#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_MEET 2 /* Meet "let's join" message */
434#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_FAIL 3 /* Mark node xxx as failing */
c563ce46 435#define CLUSTERMSG_TYPE_PUBLISH 4 /* Pub/Sub Publish propatagion */
ecc91094 436
437/* Initially we don't know our "name", but we'll find it once we connect
438 * to the first node, using the getsockname() function. Then we'll use this
439 * address for all the next messages. */
440typedef struct {
441 char nodename[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN];
442 uint32_t ping_sent;
443 uint32_t pong_received;
444 char ip[16]; /* IP address last time it was seen */
445 uint16_t port; /* port last time it was seen */
446 uint16_t flags;
447 uint32_t notused; /* for 64 bit alignment */
448} clusterMsgDataGossip;
450typedef struct {
451 char nodename[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN];
452} clusterMsgDataFail;
c563ce46 454typedef struct {
455 uint32_t channel_len;
456 uint32_t message_len;
457 unsigned char bulk_data[8]; /* defined as 8 just for alignment concerns. */
458} clusterMsgDataPublish;
ecc91094 460union clusterMsgData {
461 /* PING, MEET and PONG */
462 struct {
463 /* Array of N clusterMsgDataGossip structures */
464 clusterMsgDataGossip gossip[1];
465 } ping;
c563ce46 466
ecc91094 467 /* FAIL */
468 struct {
469 clusterMsgDataFail about;
470 } fail;
c563ce46 471
472 /* PUBLISH */
473 struct {
474 clusterMsgDataPublish msg;
475 } publish;
ecc91094 476};
478typedef struct {
479 uint32_t totlen; /* Total length of this message */
480 uint16_t type; /* Message type */
481 uint16_t count; /* Only used for some kind of messages. */
482 char sender[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN]; /* Name of the sender node */
483 unsigned char myslots[REDIS_CLUSTER_SLOTS/8];
484 char slaveof[REDIS_CLUSTER_NAMELEN];
485 char configdigest[32];
486 uint16_t port; /* Sender TCP base port */
487 unsigned char state; /* Cluster state from the POV of the sender */
488 unsigned char notused[5]; /* Reserved for future use. For alignment. */
489 union clusterMsgData data;
490} clusterMsg;
493 * Global server state
494 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
e2641e09 496struct redisServer {
5b831607 497 /* General */
5b831607 498 redisDb *db;
499 dict *commands; /* Command table hahs table */
500 aeEventLoop *el;
501 /* Networking */
e2641e09 502 int port;
a5639e7d 503 char *bindaddr;
5d10923f 504 char *unixsocket;
85238765 505 mode_t unixsocketperm;
506 int ipfd;
507 int sofd;
ecc91094 508 int cfd;
e2641e09 509 list *clients;
5b831607 510 list *slaves, *monitors;
511 char neterr[ANET_ERR_LEN];
97e7f8ae 512 /* RDB / AOF loading information */
513 int loading;
514 off_t loading_total_bytes;
515 off_t loading_loaded_bytes;
516 time_t loading_start_time;
4ebfc455 517 /* Fast pointers to often looked up command */
518 struct redisCommand *delCommand, *multiCommand;
e2641e09 519 int cronloops; /* number of times the cron function run */
53eeeaff 520 time_t lastsave; /* Unix time of last save succeeede */
e2641e09 521 /* Fields used only for stats */
53eeeaff 522 time_t stat_starttime; /* server start time */
523 long long stat_numcommands; /* number of processed commands */
524 long long stat_numconnections; /* number of connections received */
525 long long stat_expiredkeys; /* number of expired keys */
f21779ff 526 long long stat_evictedkeys; /* number of evicted keys (maxmemory) */
53eeeaff 527 long long stat_keyspace_hits; /* number of successful lookups of keys */
528 long long stat_keyspace_misses; /* number of failed lookups of keys */
17b24ff3 529 size_t stat_peak_memory; /* max used memory record */
615e414c 530 long long stat_fork_time; /* time needed to perform latets fork() */
3c95e721 531 long long stat_rejected_conn; /* clients rejected because of maxclients */
daa70b17 532 list *slowlog;
2cb68284 533 long long slowlog_entry_id;
daa70b17 534 long long slowlog_log_slower_than;
35a60441 535 unsigned long slowlog_max_len;
e2641e09 536 /* Configuration */
537 int verbosity;
e2641e09 538 int maxidletime;
becf5fdb 539 size_t client_max_querybuf_len;
e2641e09 540 int dbnum;
541 int daemonize;
542 int appendonly;
543 int appendfsync;
544 int no_appendfsync_on_rewrite;
b333e239 545 int auto_aofrewrite_perc; /* Rewrite AOF if % growth is > M and... */
546 off_t auto_aofrewrite_min_size; /* the AOF file is at least N bytes. */
547 off_t auto_aofrewrite_base_size;/* AOF size on latest startup or rewrite. */
548 off_t appendonly_current_size; /* AOF current size. */
549 int aofrewrite_scheduled; /* Rewrite once BGSAVE terminates. */
4ab8695d 550 int shutdown_asap; /* SHUTDOWN needed */
36c17a53 551 int activerehashing;
552 char *requirepass;
553 /* Persistence */
5b831607 554 long long dirty; /* changes to DB from the last save */
555 long long dirty_before_bgsave; /* used to restore dirty on failed BGSAVE */
e2641e09 556 time_t lastfsync;
557 int appendfd;
558 int appendseldb;
db3c2a4f 559 time_t aof_flush_postponed_start;
e2641e09 560 char *pidfile;
561 pid_t bgsavechildpid;
562 pid_t bgrewritechildpid;
563 sds bgrewritebuf; /* buffer taken by parent during oppend only rewrite */
564 sds aofbuf; /* AOF buffer, written before entering the event loop */
565 struct saveparam *saveparams;
566 int saveparamslen;
36c17a53 567 char *dbfilename;
568 int rdbcompression;
569 char *appendfilename;
570 /* Logging */
e2641e09 571 char *logfile;
572 int syslog_enabled;
573 char *syslog_ident;
574 int syslog_facility;
e2641e09 575 /* Replication related */
576 int isslave;
f4aa600b 577 /* Slave specific fields */
e2641e09 578 char *masterauth;
579 char *masterhost;
580 int masterport;
aeecbdfa 581 int repl_ping_slave_period;
582 int repl_timeout;
e2641e09 583 redisClient *master; /* client that is master for this slave */
890a2ed9 584 int repl_syncio_timeout; /* timeout for synchronous I/O calls */
f4aa600b 585 int replstate; /* replication status if the instance is a slave */
62ec599c 586 off_t repl_transfer_left; /* bytes left reading .rdb */
f4aa600b 587 int repl_transfer_s; /* slave -> master SYNC socket */
588 int repl_transfer_fd; /* slave -> master SYNC temp file descriptor */
589 char *repl_transfer_tmpfile; /* slave-> master SYNC temp file name */
590 time_t repl_transfer_lastio; /* unix time of the latest read, for timeout */
4ebfc455 591 int repl_serve_stale_data; /* Serve stale data when link is down? */
07486df6 592 time_t repl_down_since; /* unix time at which link with master went down */
f4aa600b 593 /* Limits */
e2641e09 594 unsigned int maxclients;
595 unsigned long long maxmemory;
165346ca 596 int maxmemory_policy;
597 int maxmemory_samples;
f4aa600b 598 /* Blocked clients */
5fa95ad7 599 unsigned int bpop_blocked_clients;
cea8c5cd 600 list *unblocked_clients; /* list of clients to unblock before next loop */
e2641e09 601 /* Sort parameters - qsort_r() is only available under BSD so we
602 * have to take this state global, in order to pass it to sortCompare() */
603 int sort_desc;
604 int sort_alpha;
605 int sort_bypattern;
e2641e09 606 /* Zip structure config */
607 size_t hash_max_zipmap_entries;
608 size_t hash_max_zipmap_value;
609 size_t list_max_ziplist_entries;
610 size_t list_max_ziplist_value;
96ffb2fe 611 size_t set_max_intset_entries;
612 size_t zset_max_ziplist_entries;
613 size_t zset_max_ziplist_value;
e2641e09 614 time_t unixtime; /* Unix time sampled every second. */
e2641e09 615 /* Pubsub */
616 dict *pubsub_channels; /* Map channels to list of subscribed clients */
617 list *pubsub_patterns; /* A list of pubsub_patterns */
618 /* Misc */
e2641e09 619 unsigned lruclock:22; /* clock incrementing every minute, for LRU */
620 unsigned lruclock_padding:10;
c772d9c6 621 /* Cluster */
ecc91094 622 int cluster_enabled;
623 clusterState cluster;
7585836e 624 /* Scripting */
4dd444bb 625 lua_State *lua; /* The Lua interpreter. We use just one for all clients */
626 redisClient *lua_client; /* The "fake client" to query Redis from Lua */
4ab8695d 627 redisClient *lua_caller; /* The client running EVAL right now, or NULL */
4dd444bb 628 dict *lua_scripts; /* A dictionary of SHA1 -> Lua scripts */
eeffcf38 629 long long lua_time_limit;
630 long long lua_time_start;
4ab8695d 631 int lua_write_dirty; /* True if a write command was called during the
632 execution of the current script. */
9f772cc2 633 int lua_random_dirty; /* True if a random command was called during the
4ab8695d 634 execution of the current script. */
115e3ff3 635 int lua_timedout; /* True if we reached the time limit for script
636 execution. */
4ab8695d 637 int lua_kill; /* Kill the script if true. */
fa5af017 638 /* Assert & bug reportign */
639 char *assert_failed;
640 char *assert_file;
641 int assert_line;
642 int bug_report_start; /* True if bug report header already logged. */
e2641e09 643};
645typedef struct pubsubPattern {
646 redisClient *client;
647 robj *pattern;
648} pubsubPattern;
650typedef void redisCommandProc(redisClient *c);
9791f0f8 651typedef int *redisGetKeysProc(struct redisCommand *cmd, robj **argv, int argc, int *numkeys, int flags);
e2641e09 652struct redisCommand {
653 char *name;
654 redisCommandProc *proc;
655 int arity;
5d02b00f 656 char *sflags; /* Flags as string represenation, one char per flag. */
657 int flags; /* The actual flags, obtained from the 'sflags' field. */
9791f0f8 658 /* Use a function to determine keys arguments in a command line.
c9d0c362 659 * Used for Redis Cluster redirect. */
9791f0f8 660 redisGetKeysProc *getkeys_proc;
e2641e09 661 /* What keys should be loaded in background when calling this command? */
9791f0f8 662 int firstkey; /* The first argument that's a key (0 = no keys) */
663 int lastkey; /* THe last argument that's a key */
664 int keystep; /* The step between first and last key */
0d808ef2 665 long long microseconds, calls;
e2641e09 666};
668struct redisFunctionSym {
669 char *name;
670 unsigned long pointer;
673typedef struct _redisSortObject {
674 robj *obj;
675 union {
676 double score;
677 robj *cmpobj;
678 } u;
679} redisSortObject;
681typedef struct _redisSortOperation {
682 int type;
683 robj *pattern;
684} redisSortOperation;
e2641e09 686/* Structure to hold list iteration abstraction. */
687typedef struct {
688 robj *subject;
689 unsigned char encoding;
690 unsigned char direction; /* Iteration direction */
691 unsigned char *zi;
692 listNode *ln;
693} listTypeIterator;
695/* Structure for an entry while iterating over a list. */
696typedef struct {
697 listTypeIterator *li;
698 unsigned char *zi; /* Entry in ziplist */
699 listNode *ln; /* Entry in linked list */
700} listTypeEntry;
702/* Structure to hold set iteration abstraction. */
703typedef struct {
704 robj *subject;
705 int encoding;
706 int ii; /* intset iterator */
707 dictIterator *di;
cb72d0f1 708} setTypeIterator;
96ffb2fe 709
e2641e09 710/* Structure to hold hash iteration abstration. Note that iteration over
711 * hashes involves both fields and values. Because it is possible that
712 * not both are required, store pointers in the iterator to avoid
713 * unnecessary memory allocation for fields/values. */
714typedef struct {
715 int encoding;
716 unsigned char *zi;
717 unsigned char *zk, *zv;
718 unsigned int zklen, zvlen;
720 dictIterator *di;
721 dictEntry *de;
722} hashTypeIterator;
724#define REDIS_HASH_KEY 1
725#define REDIS_HASH_VALUE 2
728 * Extern declarations
729 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
731extern struct redisServer server;
732extern struct sharedObjectsStruct shared;
733extern dictType setDictType;
734extern dictType zsetDictType;
ecc91094 735extern dictType clusterNodesDictType;
4dd444bb 736extern dictType dbDictType;
e2641e09 737extern double R_Zero, R_PosInf, R_NegInf, R_Nan;
738dictType hashDictType;
741 * Functions prototypes
742 *----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
419e1cca 744/* Utils */
745long long ustime(void);
2c2b2085 746long long mstime(void);
419e1cca 747
e2641e09 748/* networking.c -- Networking and Client related operations */
749redisClient *createClient(int fd);
750void closeTimedoutClients(void);
751void freeClient(redisClient *c);
752void resetClient(redisClient *c);
753void sendReplyToClient(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
e2641e09 754void addReply(redisClient *c, robj *obj);
755void *addDeferredMultiBulkLength(redisClient *c);
756void setDeferredMultiBulkLength(redisClient *c, void *node, long length);
e2641e09 757void addReplySds(redisClient *c, sds s);
758void processInputBuffer(redisClient *c);
759void acceptTcpHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
760void acceptUnixHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
e2641e09 761void readQueryFromClient(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
762void addReplyBulk(redisClient *c, robj *obj);
763void addReplyBulkCString(redisClient *c, char *s);
d51ebef5 764void addReplyBulkCBuffer(redisClient *c, void *p, size_t len);
765void addReplyBulkLongLong(redisClient *c, long long ll);
e2641e09 766void acceptHandler(aeEventLoop *el, int fd, void *privdata, int mask);
767void addReply(redisClient *c, robj *obj);
768void addReplySds(redisClient *c, sds s);
769void addReplyError(redisClient *c, char *err);
770void addReplyStatus(redisClient *c, char *status);
e2641e09 771void addReplyDouble(redisClient *c, double d);
772void addReplyLongLong(redisClient *c, long long ll);
0537e7bf 773void addReplyMultiBulkLen(redisClient *c, long length);
e2641e09 774void *dupClientReplyValue(void *o);
7a1fd61e 775void getClientsMaxBuffers(unsigned long *longest_output_list,
776 unsigned long *biggest_input_buffer);
becf5fdb 777sds getClientInfoString(redisClient *client);
45e7a1ce 778sds getAllClientsInfoString(void);
c1c9d551 779void rewriteClientCommandVector(redisClient *c, int argc, ...);
4dd444bb 780void rewriteClientCommandArgument(redisClient *c, int i, robj *newval);
e2641e09 781
782#ifdef __GNUC__
783void addReplyErrorFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...)
784 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
785void addReplyStatusFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...)
786 __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
788void addReplyErrorFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...);
789void addReplyStatusFormat(redisClient *c, const char *fmt, ...);
e2641e09 792/* List data type */
793void listTypeTryConversion(robj *subject, robj *value);
794void listTypePush(robj *subject, robj *value, int where);
795robj *listTypePop(robj *subject, int where);
796unsigned long listTypeLength(robj *subject);
797listTypeIterator *listTypeInitIterator(robj *subject, int index, unsigned char direction);
798void listTypeReleaseIterator(listTypeIterator *li);
799int listTypeNext(listTypeIterator *li, listTypeEntry *entry);
800robj *listTypeGet(listTypeEntry *entry);
801void listTypeInsert(listTypeEntry *entry, robj *value, int where);
802int listTypeEqual(listTypeEntry *entry, robj *o);
803void listTypeDelete(listTypeEntry *entry);
804void listTypeConvert(robj *subject, int enc);
805void unblockClientWaitingData(redisClient *c);
806int handleClientsWaitingListPush(redisClient *c, robj *key, robj *ele);
807void popGenericCommand(redisClient *c, int where);
809/* MULTI/EXEC/WATCH... */
810void unwatchAllKeys(redisClient *c);
811void initClientMultiState(redisClient *c);
812void freeClientMultiState(redisClient *c);
09e2d9ee 813void queueMultiCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 814void touchWatchedKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
815void touchWatchedKeysOnFlush(int dbid);
817/* Redis object implementation */
818void decrRefCount(void *o);
819void incrRefCount(robj *o);
4dd444bb 820robj *resetRefCount(robj *obj);
e2641e09 821void freeStringObject(robj *o);
822void freeListObject(robj *o);
823void freeSetObject(robj *o);
824void freeZsetObject(robj *o);
825void freeHashObject(robj *o);
826robj *createObject(int type, void *ptr);
827robj *createStringObject(char *ptr, size_t len);
828robj *dupStringObject(robj *o);
5d081931 829int isObjectRepresentableAsLongLong(robj *o, long long *llongval);
e2641e09 830robj *tryObjectEncoding(robj *o);
831robj *getDecodedObject(robj *o);
832size_t stringObjectLen(robj *o);
e2641e09 833robj *createStringObjectFromLongLong(long long value);
5574b53e 834robj *createStringObjectFromLongDouble(long double value);
e2641e09 835robj *createListObject(void);
836robj *createZiplistObject(void);
837robj *createSetObject(void);
96ffb2fe 838robj *createIntsetObject(void);
e2641e09 839robj *createHashObject(void);
840robj *createZsetObject(void);
9e7cee0e 841robj *createZsetZiplistObject(void);
e2641e09 842int getLongFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, long *target, const char *msg);
843int checkType(redisClient *c, robj *o, int type);
844int getLongLongFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, long long *target, const char *msg);
845int getDoubleFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, double *target, const char *msg);
846int getLongLongFromObject(robj *o, long long *target);
5574b53e 847int getLongDoubleFromObject(robj *o, long double *target);
848int getLongDoubleFromObjectOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *o, long double *target, const char *msg);
e2641e09 849char *strEncoding(int encoding);
850int compareStringObjects(robj *a, robj *b);
851int equalStringObjects(robj *a, robj *b);
ef59a8bc 852unsigned long estimateObjectIdleTime(robj *o);
e2641e09 853
19e61097 854/* Synchronous I/O with timeout */
855int syncWrite(int fd, char *ptr, ssize_t size, int timeout);
856int syncRead(int fd, char *ptr, ssize_t size, int timeout);
857int syncReadLine(int fd, char *ptr, ssize_t size, int timeout);
e2641e09 859/* Replication */
860void replicationFeedSlaves(list *slaves, int dictid, robj **argv, int argc);
861void replicationFeedMonitors(list *monitors, int dictid, robj **argv, int argc);
e2641e09 862void updateSlavesWaitingBgsave(int bgsaveerr);
f4aa600b 863void replicationCron(void);
e2641e09 864
97e7f8ae 865/* Generic persistence functions */
866void startLoading(FILE *fp);
867void loadingProgress(off_t pos);
868void stopLoading(void);
e2641e09 870/* RDB persistence */
2e4b0e77 871#include "rdb.h"
e2641e09 872
873/* AOF persistence */
a3fcd6bc 874void flushAppendOnlyFile(int force);
e2641e09 875void feedAppendOnlyFile(struct redisCommand *cmd, int dictid, robj **argv, int argc);
876void aofRemoveTempFile(pid_t childpid);
877int rewriteAppendOnlyFileBackground(void);
878int loadAppendOnlyFile(char *filename);
879void stopAppendOnly(void);
880int startAppendOnly(void);
36c17a53 881void backgroundRewriteDoneHandler(int exitcode, int bysignal);
e2641e09 882
883/* Sorted sets data type */
c772d9c6 884
885/* Struct to hold a inclusive/exclusive range spec. */
886typedef struct {
887 double min, max;
888 int minex, maxex; /* are min or max exclusive? */
889} zrangespec;
e2641e09 891zskiplist *zslCreate(void);
892void zslFree(zskiplist *zsl);
69ef89f2 893zskiplistNode *zslInsert(zskiplist *zsl, double score, robj *obj);
8588bfa3 894unsigned char *zzlInsert(unsigned char *zl, robj *ele, double score);
c772d9c6 895int zslDelete(zskiplist *zsl, double score, robj *obj);
896zskiplistNode *zslFirstInRange(zskiplist *zsl, zrangespec range);
897double zzlGetScore(unsigned char *sptr);
898void zzlNext(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char **eptr, unsigned char **sptr);
899void zzlPrev(unsigned char *zl, unsigned char **eptr, unsigned char **sptr);
900unsigned int zsetLength(robj *zobj);
901void zsetConvert(robj *zobj, int encoding);
e2641e09 902
903/* Core functions */
904void freeMemoryIfNeeded(void);
905int processCommand(redisClient *c);
633a9410 906void setupSignalHandlers(void);
1b1f47c9 907struct redisCommand *lookupCommand(sds name);
908struct redisCommand *lookupCommandByCString(char *s);
09e2d9ee 909void call(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 910int prepareForShutdown();
911void redisLog(int level, const char *fmt, ...);
288f811f 912void redisLogRaw(int level, const char *msg);
e2641e09 913void usage();
914void updateDictResizePolicy(void);
915int htNeedsResize(dict *dict);
916void oom(const char *msg);
1b1f47c9 917void populateCommandTable(void);
d7ed7fd2 918void resetCommandTableStats(void);
e2641e09 919
920/* Set data type */
921robj *setTypeCreate(robj *value);
922int setTypeAdd(robj *subject, robj *value);
923int setTypeRemove(robj *subject, robj *value);
924int setTypeIsMember(robj *subject, robj *value);
925setTypeIterator *setTypeInitIterator(robj *subject);
926void setTypeReleaseIterator(setTypeIterator *si);
1b508da7 927int setTypeNext(setTypeIterator *si, robj **objele, int64_t *llele);
928robj *setTypeNextObject(setTypeIterator *si);
dd48de74 929int setTypeRandomElement(robj *setobj, robj **objele, int64_t *llele);
930unsigned long setTypeSize(robj *subject);
931void setTypeConvert(robj *subject, int enc);
e2641e09 933/* Hash data type */
934void convertToRealHash(robj *o);
935void hashTypeTryConversion(robj *subject, robj **argv, int start, int end);
936void hashTypeTryObjectEncoding(robj *subject, robj **o1, robj **o2);
3d24304f 937int hashTypeGet(robj *o, robj *key, robj **objval, unsigned char **v, unsigned int *vlen);
938robj *hashTypeGetObject(robj *o, robj *key);
e2641e09 939int hashTypeExists(robj *o, robj *key);
940int hashTypeSet(robj *o, robj *key, robj *value);
941int hashTypeDelete(robj *o, robj *key);
942unsigned long hashTypeLength(robj *o);
943hashTypeIterator *hashTypeInitIterator(robj *subject);
944void hashTypeReleaseIterator(hashTypeIterator *hi);
945int hashTypeNext(hashTypeIterator *hi);
8c304be3 946int hashTypeCurrent(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what, robj **objval, unsigned char **v, unsigned int *vlen);
947robj *hashTypeCurrentObject(hashTypeIterator *hi, int what);
e2641e09 948robj *hashTypeLookupWriteOrCreate(redisClient *c, robj *key);
950/* Pub / Sub */
951int pubsubUnsubscribeAllChannels(redisClient *c, int notify);
952int pubsubUnsubscribeAllPatterns(redisClient *c, int notify);
953void freePubsubPattern(void *p);
954int listMatchPubsubPattern(void *a, void *b);
d38ef520 955int pubsubPublishMessage(robj *channel, robj *message);
e2641e09 956
e2641e09 957/* Configuration */
67c6f0f6 958void loadServerConfig(char *filename, char *options);
e2641e09 959void appendServerSaveParams(time_t seconds, int changes);
960void resetServerSaveParams();
962/* db.c -- Keyspace access API */
963int removeExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key);
bcf2995c 964void propagateExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key);
e2641e09 965int expireIfNeeded(redisDb *db, robj *key);
7dcc10b6 966long long getExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key);
967void setExpire(redisDb *db, robj *key, long long when);
e2641e09 968robj *lookupKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
969robj *lookupKeyRead(redisDb *db, robj *key);
970robj *lookupKeyWrite(redisDb *db, robj *key);
971robj *lookupKeyReadOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *key, robj *reply);
972robj *lookupKeyWriteOrReply(redisClient *c, robj *key, robj *reply);
f85cd526 973void dbAdd(redisDb *db, robj *key, robj *val);
974void dbOverwrite(redisDb *db, robj *key, robj *val);
975void setKey(redisDb *db, robj *key, robj *val);
e2641e09 976int dbExists(redisDb *db, robj *key);
977robj *dbRandomKey(redisDb *db);
978int dbDelete(redisDb *db, robj *key);
979long long emptyDb();
980int selectDb(redisClient *c, int id);
cea8c5cd 981void signalModifiedKey(redisDb *db, robj *key);
982void signalFlushedDb(int dbid);
484354ff 983unsigned int GetKeysInSlot(unsigned int hashslot, robj **keys, unsigned int count);
e2641e09 984
9791f0f8 985/* API to get key arguments from commands */
986#define REDIS_GETKEYS_ALL 0
988int *getKeysFromCommand(struct redisCommand *cmd, robj **argv, int argc, int *numkeys, int flags);
989void getKeysFreeResult(int *result);
990int *noPreloadGetKeys(struct redisCommand *cmd,robj **argv, int argc, int *numkeys, int flags);
991int *renameGetKeys(struct redisCommand *cmd,robj **argv, int argc, int *numkeys, int flags);
992int *zunionInterGetKeys(struct redisCommand *cmd,robj **argv, int argc, int *numkeys, int flags);
ecc91094 994/* Cluster */
995void clusterInit(void);
996unsigned short crc16(const char *buf, int len);
997unsigned int keyHashSlot(char *key, int keylen);
998clusterNode *createClusterNode(char *nodename, int flags);
999int clusterAddNode(clusterNode *node);
1000void clusterCron(void);
eda827f8 1001clusterNode *getNodeByQuery(redisClient *c, struct redisCommand *cmd, robj **argv, int argc, int *hashslot, int *ask);
c563ce46 1002void clusterPropagatePublish(robj *channel, robj *message);
ecc91094 1003
7585836e 1004/* Scripting */
1005void scriptingInit(void);
e2641e09 1007/* Git SHA1 */
1008char *redisGitSHA1(void);
1009char *redisGitDirty(void);
1011/* Commands prototypes */
1012void authCommand(redisClient *c);
1013void pingCommand(redisClient *c);
1014void echoCommand(redisClient *c);
1015void setCommand(redisClient *c);
1016void setnxCommand(redisClient *c);
1017void setexCommand(redisClient *c);
12d293ca 1018void psetexCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1019void getCommand(redisClient *c);
1020void delCommand(redisClient *c);
1021void existsCommand(redisClient *c);
1022void setbitCommand(redisClient *c);
1023void getbitCommand(redisClient *c);
9f9e1cea 1024void setrangeCommand(redisClient *c);
ef11bccc 1025void getrangeCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1026void incrCommand(redisClient *c);
1027void decrCommand(redisClient *c);
1028void incrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
1029void decrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
5574b53e 1030void incrbyfloatCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1031void selectCommand(redisClient *c);
1032void randomkeyCommand(redisClient *c);
1033void keysCommand(redisClient *c);
1034void dbsizeCommand(redisClient *c);
1035void lastsaveCommand(redisClient *c);
1036void saveCommand(redisClient *c);
1037void bgsaveCommand(redisClient *c);
1038void bgrewriteaofCommand(redisClient *c);
1039void shutdownCommand(redisClient *c);
1040void moveCommand(redisClient *c);
1041void renameCommand(redisClient *c);
1042void renamenxCommand(redisClient *c);
1043void lpushCommand(redisClient *c);
1044void rpushCommand(redisClient *c);
1045void lpushxCommand(redisClient *c);
1046void rpushxCommand(redisClient *c);
1047void linsertCommand(redisClient *c);
1048void lpopCommand(redisClient *c);
1049void rpopCommand(redisClient *c);
1050void llenCommand(redisClient *c);
1051void lindexCommand(redisClient *c);
1052void lrangeCommand(redisClient *c);
1053void ltrimCommand(redisClient *c);
1054void typeCommand(redisClient *c);
1055void lsetCommand(redisClient *c);
1056void saddCommand(redisClient *c);
1057void sremCommand(redisClient *c);
1058void smoveCommand(redisClient *c);
1059void sismemberCommand(redisClient *c);
1060void scardCommand(redisClient *c);
1061void spopCommand(redisClient *c);
1062void srandmemberCommand(redisClient *c);
1063void sinterCommand(redisClient *c);
1064void sinterstoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1065void sunionCommand(redisClient *c);
1066void sunionstoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1067void sdiffCommand(redisClient *c);
1068void sdiffstoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1069void syncCommand(redisClient *c);
1070void flushdbCommand(redisClient *c);
1071void flushallCommand(redisClient *c);
1072void sortCommand(redisClient *c);
1073void lremCommand(redisClient *c);
8a979f03 1074void rpoplpushCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1075void infoCommand(redisClient *c);
1076void mgetCommand(redisClient *c);
1077void monitorCommand(redisClient *c);
1078void expireCommand(redisClient *c);
1079void expireatCommand(redisClient *c);
12d293ca 1080void pexpireCommand(redisClient *c);
1081void pexpireatCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1082void getsetCommand(redisClient *c);
1083void ttlCommand(redisClient *c);
12d293ca 1084void pttlCommand(redisClient *c);
a539d29a 1085void persistCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1086void slaveofCommand(redisClient *c);
1087void debugCommand(redisClient *c);
1088void msetCommand(redisClient *c);
1089void msetnxCommand(redisClient *c);
1090void zaddCommand(redisClient *c);
1091void zincrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
1092void zrangeCommand(redisClient *c);
1093void zrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c);
25bb8a44 1094void zrevrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1095void zcountCommand(redisClient *c);
1096void zrevrangeCommand(redisClient *c);
1097void zcardCommand(redisClient *c);
1098void zremCommand(redisClient *c);
1099void zscoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1100void zremrangebyscoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1101void multiCommand(redisClient *c);
1102void execCommand(redisClient *c);
1103void discardCommand(redisClient *c);
1104void blpopCommand(redisClient *c);
1105void brpopCommand(redisClient *c);
b2a7fd0c 1106void brpoplpushCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1107void appendCommand(redisClient *c);
80091bba 1108void strlenCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1109void zrankCommand(redisClient *c);
1110void zrevrankCommand(redisClient *c);
1111void hsetCommand(redisClient *c);
1112void hsetnxCommand(redisClient *c);
1113void hgetCommand(redisClient *c);
1114void hmsetCommand(redisClient *c);
1115void hmgetCommand(redisClient *c);
1116void hdelCommand(redisClient *c);
1117void hlenCommand(redisClient *c);
1118void zremrangebyrankCommand(redisClient *c);
1119void zunionstoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1120void zinterstoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1121void hkeysCommand(redisClient *c);
1122void hvalsCommand(redisClient *c);
1123void hgetallCommand(redisClient *c);
1124void hexistsCommand(redisClient *c);
1125void configCommand(redisClient *c);
1126void hincrbyCommand(redisClient *c);
68bfe993 1127void hincrbyfloatCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1128void subscribeCommand(redisClient *c);
1129void unsubscribeCommand(redisClient *c);
1130void psubscribeCommand(redisClient *c);
1131void punsubscribeCommand(redisClient *c);
1132void publishCommand(redisClient *c);
1133void watchCommand(redisClient *c);
1134void unwatchCommand(redisClient *c);
ecc91094 1135void clusterCommand(redisClient *c);
1136void restoreCommand(redisClient *c);
1137void migrateCommand(redisClient *c);
6856c7b4 1138void askingCommand(redisClient *c);
626f6b2d 1139void dumpCommand(redisClient *c);
ece74202 1140void objectCommand(redisClient *c);
3cd12b56 1141void clientCommand(redisClient *c);
7585836e 1142void evalCommand(redisClient *c);
7229d60d 1143void evalShaCommand(redisClient *c);
070e3945 1144void scriptCommand(redisClient *c);
e2641e09 1145
b3aa6d71 1146#if defined(__GNUC__)
b3aa6d71 1147void *calloc(size_t count, size_t size) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
1148void free(void *ptr) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
1149void *malloc(size_t size) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
1150void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size) __attribute__ ((deprecated));
e3e69935 1153/* Debugging stuff */
bab205f7 1154void _redisAssertWithInfo(redisClient *c, robj *o, char *estr, char *file, int line);
e3e69935 1155void _redisAssert(char *estr, char *file, int line);
1156void _redisPanic(char *msg, char *file, int line);
fa5af017 1157void bugReportStart(void);
e3e69935 1158
e2641e09 1159#endif