]> git.saurik.com Git - redis.git/blame - doc/index.html
Merge master and move argument splitting patch to sds.c
[redis.git] / doc / index.html
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ab72b483 19<b>index: Contents</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#HOWTOs about selected features">HOWTOs about selected features</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Hacking">Hacking</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#Videos">Videos</a>
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ab72b483 29 &iuml;&raquo;&iquest;= Redis Documentation =<br/><br/><a href="http://pyha.ru/wiki/index.php?title=Redis:index" target="_blank">Russian Translation</a>Hello! The followings are pointers to different parts of the Redis Documentation.<br/><br/><ul><li> New! You can now <a href="http://try.redis-db.com" target="_blank">Try Redis directly in your browser!</a>.</li><li> <a href="README.html">The README</a> is the best starting point to know more about the project.</li><li> <a href="QuickStart.html">This short Quick Start</a> provides a five minutes step-by-step istructions on how to download, compile, run and test the basic workings of a Redis server.</li><li> <a href="CommandReference.html">The command reference</a> is a description of all the Redis commands with links to command specific pages. You can also download the <a href="http://go2.wordpress.com/?id=725X1342&site=masonoise.wordpress.com&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmasonoise.files.wordpress.com%2F2010%2F03%2Fredis-cheatsheet-v1.pdf" target="_blank">Redis Commands Cheat-Sheet</a> provided by Mason Jones (btw some command may be missing, the primary source is the wiki).</li><li> <a href="TwitterAlikeExample.html">This is a tuturial about creating a Twitter clone using *only* Redis as database, no relational DB at all is used</a>, it is a good start to understand the key-value database paradigm.</li><li> <a href="IntroductionToRedisDataTypes.html">A Fifteen Minutes Introduction to the Redis Data Types</a> explains how Redis data types work and the basic patterns of working with Redis.</li><li> <a href="http://simonwillison.net/static/2010/redis-tutorial/" target="_blank">the Simon Willison Redis Tutorial</a> is a <b>must read</b>, very good documentation where you will find a lot of real world ideas and use cases.</li><li> <a href="Features.html">The features page</a> (currently in draft) is a good start to understand the strength and limitations of Redis.</li><li> <a href="Benchmarks.html">The benchmark page</a> is about the speed performances of Redis.</li><li> <a href="FAQ.html">Our FAQ</a> contains of course some answers to common questions about Redis.</li><li> <a href="http://www.rediscookbook.org/" target="_blank">The Redis Cookbook</a> is a collaborative effort to provide some good recipe ;)</li></ul>
30<h1><a name="HOWTOs about selected features">HOWTOs about selected features</a></h1><ul><li> <a href="ReplicationHowto.html">The Redis Replication HOWTO</a> is what you need to read in order to understand how Redis master <code name="code" class="python">&lt;-&gt;</code> slave replication works.</li><li> <a href="AppendOnlyFileHowto.html">The Append Only File HOWTO</a> explains how the alternative Redis durability mode works. AOF is an alternative to snapshotting on disk from time to time (the default).</li><li> <a href="VirtualMemoryUserGuide.html">Virutal Memory User Guide</a>. A simple to understand guide about using and configuring the Redis Virtual Memory.</li></ul>
8fb13ce8 31<h1><a name="Hacking">Hacking</a></h1>
32<ul><li> <a href="ProtocolSpecification.html">The Protocol Specification</a> is all you need in order to implement a Redis client library for a missing language. PHP, Python, Ruby and Erlang are already supported.</li></ul>
ab72b483 33<ul><li> Look at <a href="RedisInternals.html">Redis Internals</a> if you are interested in the implementation details of the Redis server.</li></ul>
8fb13ce8 34<h1><a name="Videos">Videos</a></h1><ul><li> <a href="http://mwrc2009.confreaks.com/13-mar-2009-19-24-redis-key-value-nirvana-ezra-zygmuntowicz.html" target="_blank">watch the Ezra Zygmuntowicz talk about Redis</a> to know the most important Redis ideas in few minutes.</li></ul>
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