* Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Jay Freeman (saurik)
-/* GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
-/* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+/* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
- *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
/* }}} */
#include "minimal/string.h"
#include "minimal/mapping.h"
+extern "C" {
#include "sha1.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <plist/plist.h>
struct fat_header {
uint32_t magic;
#define MH_DYLDLINK 0x4
+#define MH_OBJECT 0x1
#define MH_EXECUTE 0x2
#define MH_DYLIB 0x6
#define MH_BUNDLE 0x8
#define LC_CODE_SIGNATURE uint32_t(0x1d)
#define LC_SEGMENT_SPLIT_INFO uint32_t(0x1e)
#define LC_REEXPORT_DYLIB uint32_t(0x1f | LC_REQ_DYLD)
+#define LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO uint32_t(0x21)
#define LC_DYLD_INFO uint32_t(0x22)
#define LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY uint32_t(0x22 | LC_REQ_DYLD)
uint32_t datasize;
} _packed;
+struct encryption_info_command {
+ uint32_t cmd;
+ uint32_t cmdsize;
+ uint32_t cryptoff;
+ uint32_t cryptsize;
+ uint32_t cryptid;
+} _packed;
+#define BIND_OPCODE_MASK 0xf0
+#define BIND_OPCODE_DONE 0x00
+#define BIND_OPCODE_DO_BIND 0x90
+template <typename Type_>
+Type_ Align(Type_ value, size_t align) {
+ value += align - 1;
+ value /= align;
+ value *= align;
+ return value;
uint16_t Swap_(uint16_t value) {
((value >> 8) & 0x00ff) |
return value;
+uint64_t Swap_(uint64_t value) {
+ value = (value & 0x00000000ffffffff) << 32 | (value & 0xffffffff00000000) >> 32;
+ value = (value & 0x0000ffff0000ffff) << 16 | (value & 0xffff0000ffff0000) >> 16;
+ value = (value & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff) << 8 | (value & 0xff00ff00ff00ff00) >> 8;
+ return value;
int16_t Swap_(int16_t value) {
return Swap_(static_cast<uint16_t>(value));
return Swap_(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
+int64_t Swap_(int64_t value) {
+ return Swap_(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
bool little_(true);
uint16_t Swap(uint16_t value) {
return little_ ? Swap_(value) : value;
+uint64_t Swap(uint64_t value) {
+ return little_ ? Swap_(value) : value;
int16_t Swap(int16_t value) {
return Swap(static_cast<uint16_t>(value));
return Swap(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
+int64_t Swap(int64_t value) {
+ return Swap(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
template <typename Target_>
class Pointer;
return swapped_ ? Swap_(value) : value;
+ uint64_t Swap(uint64_t value) const {
+ return swapped_ ? Swap_(value) : value;
+ }
int16_t Swap(int16_t value) const {
return Swap(static_cast<uint16_t>(value));
return Swap(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
+ int64_t Swap(int64_t value) const {
+ return Swap(static_cast<uint64_t>(value));
+ }
void *GetBase() const {
return base_;
return mach_header_;
+ operator struct mach_header *() const {
+ return mach_header_;
+ }
uint32_t GetCPUType() const {
return Swap(mach_header_->cputype);
- uint16_t GetCPUSubtype() const {
+ uint32_t GetCPUSubtype() const {
return Swap(mach_header_->cpusubtype) & 0xff;
+ struct load_command *GetLoadCommand() const {
+ return load_command_;
+ }
std::vector<struct load_command *> GetLoadCommands() const {
std::vector<struct load_command *> load_commands;
return segment_commands;
- std::vector<segment_command_64 *> GetSegments64(const char *segment_name) {
+ std::vector<segment_command_64 *> GetSegments64(const char *segment_name) const {
std::vector<struct segment_command_64 *> segment_commands;
_foreach (load_command, GetLoadCommands()) {
struct fat_header *operator ->() const {
return fat_header_;
+ operator struct fat_header *() const {
+ return fat_header_;
+ }
FatHeader Map(const char *path, bool ro = false) {
struct CodesignAllocation {
- uint32_t type_;
- uint16_t subtype_;
- size_t size_;
- CodesignAllocation(uint32_t type, uint16_t subtype, size_t size) :
- type_(type),
- subtype_(subtype),
- size_(size)
+ FatMachHeader mach_header_;
+ uint32_t offset_;
+ uint32_t size_;
+ uint32_t alloc_;
+ uint32_t align_;
+ CodesignAllocation(FatMachHeader mach_header, size_t offset, size_t size, size_t alloc, size_t align) :
+ mach_header_(mach_header),
+ offset_(offset),
+ size_(size),
+ alloc_(alloc),
+ align_(align)
bool flag_O(false);
+ bool flag_D(false);
+ bool flag_d(false);
+ bool flag_A(false);
+ bool flag_a(false);
+ uint32_t flag_CPUType(_not(uint32_t));
+ uint32_t flag_CPUSubtype(_not(uint32_t));
+ const char *flag_I(NULL);
bool timeh(false);
uint32_t timev(0);
case 'e': flag_e = true; break;
case 'O': flag_O = true; break;
+ case 'D': flag_D = true; break;
+ case 'd': flag_d = true; break;
+ case 'a': flag_a = true; break;
+ case 'A':
+ flag_A = true;
+ if (argv[argi][2] != '\0') {
+ const char *cpu = argv[argi] + 2;
+ const char *colon = strchr(cpu, ':');
+ _assert(colon != NULL);
+ char *arge;
+ flag_CPUType = strtoul(cpu, &arge, 0);
+ _assert(arge == colon);
+ flag_CPUSubtype = strtoul(colon + 1, &arge, 0);
+ _assert(arge == argv[argi] + strlen(argv[argi]));
+ }
+ break;
case 's':
flag_s = true;
} break;
+ case 'I': {
+ flag_I = argv[argi] + 2;
+ } break;
case 'n': {
char *arge;
noffset = strtoul(argv[argi] + 2, &arge, 0);
base = path;
+ const char *name(flag_I ?: base);
if (flag_r) {
uint32_t clip(0); {
FatHeader fat_header(Map(path));
_foreach (mach_header, fat_header.GetMachHeaders()) {
+ if (flag_A) {
+ if (mach_header.GetCPUType() != flag_CPUType)
+ continue;
+ if (mach_header.GetCPUSubtype() != flag_CPUSubtype)
+ continue;
+ }
mach_header->flags = mach_header.Swap(mach_header.Swap(mach_header->flags) | MH_DYLDLINK);
uint32_t size(_not(uint32_t)); {
_assert(size != _not(uint32_t));
- _foreach (segment, const_cast<FatMachHeader &>(mach_header).GetSegments("__LINKEDIT")) {
+ _foreach (segment, mach_header.GetSegments("__LINKEDIT")) {
segment->filesize -= mach_header.GetSize() - size;
if (fat_arch *fat_arch = mach_header.GetFatArch()) {
clip = std::max(clip, size);
- _foreach (segment, const_cast<FatMachHeader &>(mach_header).GetSegments64("__LINKEDIT")) {
+ _foreach (segment, mach_header.GetSegments64("__LINKEDIT")) {
segment->filesize -= mach_header.GetSize() - size;
if (fat_arch *fat_arch = mach_header.GetFatArch()) {
- _assert(clip != 0);
- _syscall(truncate(path, clip));
+ if (clip != 0)
+ _syscall(truncate(path, clip));
if (flag_S) {
- asprintf(&temp, "%s.%s.cs", dir, base);
- const char *allocate = getenv("CODESIGN_ALLOCATE");
- if (allocate == NULL)
- allocate = "codesign_allocate";
+ FatHeader source(Map(path));
+ size_t offset(0);
+ if (source.IsFat())
+ offset += sizeof(fat_header) + sizeof(fat_arch) * source.Swap(source->nfat_arch);
std::vector<CodesignAllocation> allocations; {
- FatHeader fat_header(Map(path));
- _foreach (mach_header, fat_header.GetMachHeaders()) {
+ _foreach (mach_header, source.GetMachHeaders()) {
+ if (flag_A) {
+ if (mach_header.GetCPUType() != flag_CPUType)
+ continue;
+ if (mach_header.GetCPUSubtype() != flag_CPUSubtype)
+ continue;
+ }
mach_header->flags = mach_header.Swap(mach_header.Swap(mach_header->flags) | MH_DYLDLINK);
size_t size(_not(size_t)); {
size = mach_header.GetSize();
- allocations.push_back(CodesignAllocation(mach_header.GetCPUType(), mach_header.GetCPUSubtype(), size));
- }
- }
- pid_t pid = fork();
- _syscall(pid);
- if (pid == 0) {
- // XXX: this leaks memory, but it doesn't really matter
- std::vector<const char *> args;
- char *arg;
- args.push_back(allocate);
- args.push_back("-i");
- args.push_back(path);
- _foreach (allocation, allocations) {
- args.push_back("-A");
- asprintf(&arg, "%u", allocation.type_);
- args.push_back(arg);
- asprintf(&arg, "%u", allocation.subtype_);
- args.push_back(arg);
size_t alloc(0);
alloc += sizeof(struct SuperBlob);
uint32_t special(0);
special = std::max(special, CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY);
alloc += sizeof(struct BlobIndex);
alloc += sizeof(struct CodeDirectory);
- alloc += strlen(base) + 1;
+ alloc += strlen(name) + 1;
special = std::max(special, CSSLOT_REQUIREMENTS);
alloc += sizeof(struct BlobIndex);
alloc += xmls;
- size_t normal((allocation.size_ + 0x1000 - 1) / 0x1000);
- alloc += (special + normal) * 0x14;
+ size_t normal((size + 0x1000 - 1) / 0x1000);
+ alloc = Align(alloc + (special + normal) * 0x14, 16);
- alloc += 15;
- alloc /= 16;
- alloc *= 16;
+ auto *fat_arch(mach_header.GetFatArch());
+ uint32_t align(fat_arch == NULL ? 0 : source.Swap(fat_arch->align));
+ offset = Align(offset, 1 << align);
- asprintf(&arg, "%zu", alloc);
- args.push_back(arg);
+ allocations.push_back(CodesignAllocation(mach_header, offset, size, alloc, align));
+ offset += size + alloc;
+ offset = Align(offset, 16);
+ }
+ asprintf(&temp, "%s.%s.cs", dir, base);
+ fclose(fopen(temp, "w+"));
+ _syscall(truncate(temp, offset));
+ void *file(map(temp, 0, offset, NULL, false));
+ memset(file, 0, offset);
+ fat_arch *fat_arch;
+ if (!source.IsFat())
+ fat_arch = NULL;
+ else {
+ auto *fat_header(reinterpret_cast<struct fat_header *>(file));
+ fat_header->magic = Swap(FAT_MAGIC);
+ fat_header->nfat_arch = Swap(source.Swap(source->nfat_arch));
+ fat_arch = reinterpret_cast<struct fat_arch *>(fat_header + 1);
+ }
- args.push_back("-o");
- args.push_back(temp);
+ _foreach (allocation, allocations) {
+ auto &source(allocation.mach_header_);
- args.push_back(NULL);
+ uint32_t align(allocation.size_);
+ align = Align(align, 0x10);
- if (false) {
- printf("run:");
- _foreach (arg, args)
- printf(" %s", arg);
- printf("\n");
+ if (fat_arch != NULL) {
+ fat_arch->cputype = Swap(source->cputype);
+ fat_arch->cpusubtype = Swap(source->cpusubtype);
+ fat_arch->offset = Swap(allocation.offset_);
+ fat_arch->size = Swap(align + allocation.alloc_);
+ fat_arch->align = Swap(allocation.align_);
+ ++fat_arch;
- execvp(allocate, (char **) &args[0]);
- _assert(false);
- }
+ void *target(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(file) + allocation.offset_);
+ memcpy(target, source, allocation.size_);
+ MachHeader mach_header(target, align + allocation.alloc_);
+ struct linkedit_data_command *signature(NULL);
+ _foreach (load_command, mach_header.GetLoadCommands()) {
+ uint32_t cmd(mach_header.Swap(load_command->cmd));
+ if (cmd != LC_CODE_SIGNATURE)
+ continue;
+ signature = reinterpret_cast<struct linkedit_data_command *>(load_command);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (signature == NULL) {
+ mach_header->ncmds = mach_header.Swap(mach_header.Swap(mach_header->ncmds) + 1);
+ signature = reinterpret_cast<struct linkedit_data_command *>(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(mach_header.GetLoadCommand()) + mach_header.Swap(mach_header->sizeofcmds));
+ mach_header->sizeofcmds = mach_header.Swap(mach_header.Swap(mach_header->sizeofcmds) + uint32_t(sizeof(*signature)));
+ signature->cmd = mach_header.Swap(LC_CODE_SIGNATURE);
+ signature->cmdsize = mach_header.Swap(uint32_t(sizeof(*signature)));
+ }
- int status;
- _syscall(waitpid(pid, &status, 0));
- _assert(WIFEXITED(status));
- _assert(WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0);
+ signature->dataoff = mach_header.Swap(align);
+ signature->datasize = mach_header.Swap(allocation.alloc_);
+ _foreach (segment, mach_header.GetSegments("__LINKEDIT")) {
+ size_t size(mach_header.Swap(align + allocation.alloc_ - mach_header.Swap(segment->fileoff)));
+ segment->filesize = size;
+ segment->vmsize = Align(size, 0x1000);
+ }
+ _foreach (segment, mach_header.GetSegments64("__LINKEDIT")) {
+ size_t size(mach_header.Swap(align + allocation.alloc_ - mach_header.Swap(segment->fileoff)));
+ segment->filesize = size;
+ segment->vmsize = Align(size, 0x1000);
+ }
+ }
if (flag_p)
printf("path%zu='%s'\n", filei, file.c_str());
- FatHeader fat_header(Map(temp == NULL ? path : temp, !(flag_R | flag_T | flag_s | flag_S | flag_O)));
- struct linkedit_data_command *signature(NULL);
+ FatHeader fat_header(Map(temp == NULL ? path : temp, !(flag_R || flag_T || flag_s || flag_S || flag_O || flag_D)));
_foreach (mach_header, fat_header.GetMachHeaders()) {
+ struct linkedit_data_command *signature(NULL);
+ struct encryption_info_command *encryption(NULL);
+ if (flag_A) {
+ if (mach_header.GetCPUType() != flag_CPUType)
+ continue;
+ if (mach_header.GetCPUSubtype() != flag_CPUSubtype)
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (flag_a)
+ printf("cpu=0x%x:0x%x\n", mach_header.GetCPUType(), mach_header.GetCPUSubtype());
+ if (flag_d) {
+ if (struct fat_arch *fat_arch = mach_header.GetFatArch())
+ printf("offset=0x%x\n", Swap(fat_arch->offset));
+ else
+ printf("offset=0x0\n");
+ }
if (woffset != _not(uintptr_t)) {
Pointer<uint32_t> wvalue(mach_header.GetPointer<uint32_t>(woffset));
if (wvalue == NULL)
if (noffset != _not(uintptr_t))
printf("%s\n", &*mach_header.GetPointer<char>(noffset));
+ if (flag_d)
+ _foreach(segment, mach_header.GetSegments("__TEXT")) {
+ printf("vmaddr=0x%x\n", mach_header.Swap(segment->vmaddr));
+ printf("fileoff=0x%x\n", mach_header.Swap(segment->fileoff));
+ }
if (flag_O) {
_foreach(section, mach_header.GetSections("__TEXT", "__text"))
section->addr = mach_header.Swap(0);
load_command->cmd = mach_header.Swap(LC_LOAD_DYLIB);
else if (cmd == LC_CODE_SIGNATURE)
signature = reinterpret_cast<struct linkedit_data_command *>(load_command);
+ else if (cmd == LC_ENCRYPTION_INFO)
+ encryption = reinterpret_cast<struct encryption_info_command *>(load_command);
else if (cmd == LC_UUID) {
volatile struct uuid_command *uuid_command(reinterpret_cast<struct uuid_command *>(load_command));
+ if (flag_d) {
+ _assert(encryption != NULL);
+ printf("cryptoff=0x%x\n", mach_header.Swap(encryption->cryptoff));
+ printf("cryptsize=0x%x\n", mach_header.Swap(encryption->cryptsize));
+ printf("cryptid=0x%x\n", mach_header.Swap(encryption->cryptid));
+ }
+ if (flag_D) {
+ _assert(encryption != NULL);
+ encryption->cryptid = mach_header.Swap(0);
+ }
if (flag_e) {
_assert(signature != NULL);
directory->spare2 = Swap(uint32_t(0));
directory->identOffset = Swap(offset - begin);
- strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char *>(blob + offset), base);
- offset += strlen(base) + 1;
+ strcpy(reinterpret_cast<char *>(blob + offset), name);
+ offset += strlen(name) + 1;
directory->nSpecialSlots = Swap(special);