uint32_t spare2;
uint32_t scatterOffset;
uint32_t teamIDOffset;
- uint32_t spare3;
- uint64_t codeLimit64;
+ //uint32_t spare3;
+ //uint64_t codeLimit64;
} _packed;
+enum Kind : uint32_t {
+ exprForm = 1, // prefix expr form
+enum ExprOp : uint32_t {
+ opFalse, // unconditionally false
+ opTrue, // unconditionally true
+ opIdent, // match canonical code [string]
+ opAppleAnchor, // signed by Apple as Apple's product
+ opAnchorHash, // match anchor [cert hash]
+ opInfoKeyValue, // *legacy* - use opInfoKeyField [key; value]
+ opAnd, // binary prefix expr AND expr [expr; expr]
+ opOr, // binary prefix expr OR expr [expr; expr]
+ opCDHash, // match hash of CodeDirectory directly [cd hash]
+ opNot, // logical inverse [expr]
+ opInfoKeyField, // Info.plist key field [string; match suffix]
+ opCertField, // Certificate field [cert index; field name; match suffix]
+ opTrustedCert, // require trust settings to approve one particular cert [cert index]
+ opTrustedCerts, // require trust settings to approve the cert chain
+ opCertGeneric, // Certificate component by OID [cert index; oid; match suffix]
+ opAppleGenericAnchor, // signed by Apple in any capacity
+ opEntitlementField, // entitlement dictionary field [string; match suffix]
+ opCertPolicy, // Certificate policy by OID [cert index; oid; match suffix]
+ opNamedAnchor, // named anchor type
+ opNamedCode, // named subroutine
+ opPlatform, // platform constraint [integer]
+ exprOpCount // (total opcode count in use)
+enum MatchOperation {
+ matchExists, // anything but explicit "false" - no value stored
+ matchEqual, // equal (CFEqual)
+ matchContains, // partial match (substring)
+ matchBeginsWith, // partial match (initial substring)
+ matchEndsWith, // partial match (terminal substring)
+ matchLessThan, // less than (string with numeric comparison)
+ matchGreaterThan, // greater than (string with numeric comparison)
+ matchLessEqual, // less or equal (string with numeric comparison)
+ matchGreaterEqual, // greater or equal (string with numeric comparison)
+#define OID_ISO_MEMBER 42
+#define OID_US OID_ISO_MEMBER, 134, 72
+#define APPLE_OID OID_US, 0x86, 0xf7, 0x63
+#define APPLE_ADS_OID APPLE_OID, 0x64
extern "C" uint32_t hash(uint8_t *k, uint32_t length, uint32_t initval);
PKCS7 *value_;
- Signature(const Stuff &stuff, const Buffer &data) :
- value_(PKCS7_sign(stuff, stuff, stuff, data, PKCS7_BINARY | PKCS7_DETACHED))
- {
+ Signature(const Stuff &stuff, const Buffer &data, const std::string &xml) {
+ value_ = PKCS7_new();
_assert(value_ != NULL);
+ _assert(PKCS7_set_type(value_, NID_pkcs7_signed));
+ _assert(PKCS7_content_new(value_, NID_pkcs7_data));
+ STACK_OF(X509) *certs(stuff);
+ for (unsigned i(0), e(sk_X509_num(certs)); i != e; i++)
+ _assert(PKCS7_add_certificate(value_, sk_X509_value(certs, e - i - 1)));
+ auto info(PKCS7_sign_add_signer(value_, stuff, stuff, NULL, PKCS7_NOSMIMECAP));
+ _assert(info != NULL);
+ PKCS7_set_detached(value_, 1);
+ _assert(string != NULL);
+ try {
+ _assert(ASN1_STRING_set(string, xml.data(), xml.size()));
+ static auto nid(OBJ_create("1.2.840.113635.100.9.1", "", ""));
+ _assert(PKCS7_add_signed_attribute(info, nid, V_ASN1_OCTET_STRING, string));
+ } catch (...) {
+ ASN1_OCTET_STRING_free(string);
+ throw;
+ }
+ _assert(PKCS7_final(value_, data, PKCS7_BINARY));
~Signature() {
namespace ldid {
-Hash Sign(const void *idata, size_t isize, std::streambuf &output, const std::string &identifier, const std::string &entitlements, const std::string &requirement, const std::string &key, const Slots &slots, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
+static void get(std::string &value, X509_NAME *name, int nid) {
+ auto index(X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, nid, -1));
+ _assert(index >= 0);
+ auto next(X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, nid, index));
+ _assert(next == -1);
+ auto entry(X509_NAME_get_entry(name, index));
+ _assert(entry != NULL);
+ auto asn(X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(entry));
+ _assert(asn != NULL);
+ value.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(ASN1_STRING_data(asn)), ASN1_STRING_length(asn));
+static void req(std::streambuf &buffer, uint32_t value) {
+ value = Swap(value);
+ put(buffer, &value, sizeof(value));
+static void req(std::streambuf &buffer, const std::string &value) {
+ req(buffer, value.size());
+ put(buffer, value.data(), value.size());
+ static uint8_t zeros[] = {0,0,0,0};
+ put(buffer, zeros, 3 - (value.size() + 3) % 4);
+template <size_t Size_>
+static void req(std::streambuf &buffer, uint8_t (&&data)[Size_]) {
+ req(buffer, Size_);
+ put(buffer, data, Size_);
+ static uint8_t zeros[] = {0,0,0,0};
+ put(buffer, zeros, 3 - (Size_ + 3) % 4);
+Hash Sign(const void *idata, size_t isize, std::streambuf &output, const std::string &identifier, const std::string &entitlements, const std::string &requirements, const std::string &key, const Slots &slots, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
Hash hash;
std::string team;
+ std::string common;
if (!key.empty()) {
Stuff stuff(key);
auto name(X509_get_subject_name(stuff));
_assert(name != NULL);
- auto index(X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, NID_organizationalUnitName, -1));
- _assert(index >= 0);
- auto next(X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(name, NID_organizationalUnitName, index));
- _assert(next == -1);
- auto entry(X509_NAME_get_entry(name, index));
- _assert(entry != NULL);
- auto asn(X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(entry));
- _assert(asn != NULL);
- team.assign(reinterpret_cast<char *>(ASN1_STRING_data(asn)), ASN1_STRING_length(asn));
+ get(team, name, NID_organizationalUnitName);
+ get(common, name, NID_commonName);
+ std::stringbuf backing;
+ if (!requirements.empty()) {
+ put(backing, requirements.data(), requirements.size());
+ } else {
+ Blobs blobs;
+ std::stringbuf requirement;
+ req(requirement, exprForm);
+ req(requirement, opAnd);
+ req(requirement, opIdent);
+ req(requirement, identifier);
+ req(requirement, opAnd);
+ req(requirement, opAppleGenericAnchor);
+ req(requirement, opAnd);
+ req(requirement, opCertField);
+ req(requirement, 0);
+ req(requirement, "subject.CN");
+ req(requirement, matchEqual);
+ req(requirement, common);
+ req(requirement, opCertGeneric);
+ req(requirement, 1);
+ req(requirement, (uint8_t []) {APPLE_EXTENSION_OID, 2, 1});
+ req(requirement, matchExists);
+ insert(blobs, 3, CSMAGIC_REQUIREMENT, requirement);
+ put(backing, CSMAGIC_REQUIREMENTS, blobs);
+ }
// XXX: this is just a "sufficiently large number"
size_t certificate(0x3000);
special = std::max(special, CSSLOT_REQUIREMENTS);
alloc += sizeof(struct BlobIndex);
- if (requirement.empty())
- alloc += 0xc;
- else
- alloc += requirement.size();
+ alloc += backing.str().size();
if (!entitlements.empty()) {
special = std::max(special, CSSLOT_ENTITLEMENTS);
for (Algorithm *algorithm : GetAlgorithms())
alloc = Align(alloc + directory + (special + normal) * algorithm->size_, 16);
if (!key.empty()) {
alloc += sizeof(struct BlobIndex);
alloc += sizeof(struct Blob);
alloc += certificate;
return alloc;
}), fun([&](const MachHeader &mach_header, std::streambuf &output, size_t limit, const std::string &overlap, const char *top, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) -> size_t {
Blobs blobs;
if (true) {
- std::stringbuf data;
- if (requirement.empty()) {
- Blobs requirements;
- put(data, CSMAGIC_REQUIREMENTS, requirements);
- } else {
- put(data, requirement.data(), requirement.size());
- }
- insert(blobs, CSSLOT_REQUIREMENTS, data);
+ insert(blobs, CSSLOT_REQUIREMENTS, backing);
if (!entitlements.empty()) {
directory.pageSize = PageShift_;
directory.spare2 = Swap(uint32_t(0));
directory.scatterOffset = Swap(uint32_t(0));
- directory.spare3 = Swap(uint32_t(0));
- directory.codeLimit64 = Swap(uint64_t(0));
+ //directory.spare3 = Swap(uint32_t(0));
+ //directory.codeLimit64 = Swap(uint64_t(0));
uint32_t offset(sizeof(Blob) + sizeof(CodeDirectory));
if (!key.empty()) {
+ auto plist(plist_new_dict());
+ _scope({ plist_free(plist); });
+ auto cdhashes(plist_new_array());
+ plist_dict_set_item(plist, "cdhashes", cdhashes);
+ unsigned total(0);
+ for (Algorithm *pointer : GetAlgorithms()) {
+ Algorithm &algorithm(*pointer);
+ (void) algorithm;
+ const auto &blob(blobs[total == 0 ? CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY : CSSLOT_ALTERNATE + total - 1]);
+ ++total;
+ std::vector<char> hash;
+ algorithm(hash, blob.data(), blob.size());
+ hash.resize(20);
+ plist_array_append_item(cdhashes, plist_new_data(hash.data(), hash.size()));
+ }
+ char *xml(NULL);
+ uint32_t size;
+ plist_to_xml(plist, &xml, &size);
+ _scope({ free(xml); });
std::stringbuf data;
const std::string &sign(blobs[CSSLOT_CODEDIRECTORY]);
Stuff stuff(key);
Buffer bio(sign);
- Signature signature(stuff, sign);
+ Signature signature(stuff, sign, std::string(xml, size));
Buffer result(signature);
std::string value(result);
put(data, value.data(), value.size());
-static Hash Sign(const uint8_t *prefix, size_t size, std::streambuf &buffer, Hash &hash, std::streambuf &save, const std::string &identifier, const std::string &entitlements, const std::string &requirement, const std::string &key, const Slots &slots, size_t length, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
+static Hash Sign(const uint8_t *prefix, size_t size, std::streambuf &buffer, Hash &hash, std::streambuf &save, const std::string &identifier, const std::string &entitlements, const std::string &requirements, const std::string &key, const Slots &slots, size_t length, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
// XXX: this is a miserable fail
std::stringbuf temp;
put(temp, prefix, size);
auto data(temp.str());
HashProxy proxy(hash, save);
- return Sign(data.data(), data.size(), proxy, identifier, entitlements, requirement, key, slots, percent);
+ return Sign(data.data(), data.size(), proxy, identifier, entitlements, requirements, key, slots, percent);
-Bundle Sign(const std::string &root, Folder &folder, const std::string &key, std::map<std::string, Hash> &remote, const std::string &requirement, const Functor<std::string (const std::string &, const std::string &)> &alter, const Functor<void (const std::string &)> &progress, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
+Bundle Sign(const std::string &root, Folder &folder, const std::string &key, std::map<std::string, Hash> &remote, const std::string &requirements, const Functor<std::string (const std::string &, const std::string &)> &alter, const Functor<void (const std::string &)> &progress, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
std::string executable;
std::string identifier;
if (true) {
rules1.insert(Rule{1, NoMode, "^" + resources});
- if (!mac) rules1.insert(Rule{10000, OmitMode, "^(Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/|())SC_Info/[^/]+\\.(sinf|supf|supp)$"});
rules1.insert(Rule{1000, OptionalMode, "^" + resources + ".*\\.lproj/"});
rules1.insert(Rule{1100, OmitMode, "^" + resources + ".*\\.lproj/locversion.plist$"});
- if (!mac) rules1.insert(Rule{10000, OmitMode, "^Watch/[^/]+\\.app/(Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/)SC_Info/[^/]+\\.(sinf|supf|supp)$"});
+ rules1.insert(Rule{1010, NoMode, "^Base\\.lproj/"});
rules1.insert(Rule{1, NoMode, "^version.plist$"});
rules2.insert(Rule{11, NoMode, ".*\\.dSYM($|/)"});
rules2.insert(Rule{20, NoMode, "^" + resources});
rules2.insert(Rule{2000, OmitMode, "^(.*/)?\\.DS_Store$"});
- if (!mac) rules2.insert(Rule{10000, OmitMode, "^(Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/|())SC_Info/[^/]+\\.(sinf|supf|supp)$"});
rules2.insert(Rule{10, NestedMode, "^(Frameworks|SharedFrameworks|PlugIns|Plug-ins|XPCServices|Helpers|MacOS|Library/(Automator|Spotlight|LoginItems))/"});
rules2.insert(Rule{1, NoMode, "^.*"});
rules2.insert(Rule{1000, OptionalMode, "^" + resources + ".*\\.lproj/"});
rules2.insert(Rule{1100, OmitMode, "^" + resources + ".*\\.lproj/locversion.plist$"});
+ rules2.insert(Rule{1010, NoMode, "^Base\\.lproj/"});
rules2.insert(Rule{20, OmitMode, "^Info\\.plist$"});
rules2.insert(Rule{20, OmitMode, "^PkgInfo$"});
- if (!mac) rules2.insert(Rule{10000, OmitMode, "^Watch/[^/]+\\.app/(Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/|PlugIns/[^/]+\\.appex/Frameworks/[^/]+\\.framework/)SC_Info/[^/]+\\.(sinf|supf|supp)$"});
rules2.insert(Rule{10, NestedMode, "^[^/]+$"});
rules2.insert(Rule{20, NoMode, "^embedded\\.provisionprofile$"});
rules2.insert(Rule{20, NoMode, "^version\\.plist$"});
Slots slots;
slots[1] = local.at(info);
slots[3] = local.at(signature);
- bundle.hash = Sign(NULL, 0, buffer, local[executable], save, identifier, entitlements, requirement, key, slots, length, percent);
+ bundle.hash = Sign(NULL, 0, buffer, local[executable], save, identifier, entitlements, requirements, key, slots, length, percent);
return bundle;
-Bundle Sign(const std::string &root, Folder &folder, const std::string &key, const std::string &requirement, const Functor<std::string (const std::string &, const std::string &)> &alter, const Functor<void (const std::string &)> &progress, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
+Bundle Sign(const std::string &root, Folder &folder, const std::string &key, const std::string &requirements, const Functor<std::string (const std::string &, const std::string &)> &alter, const Functor<void (const std::string &)> &progress, const Functor<void (double)> &percent) {
std::map<std::string, Hash> local;
- return Sign(root, folder, key, local, requirement, alter, progress, percent);
+ return Sign(root, folder, key, local, requirements, alter, progress, percent);
Map entitlements;
- Map requirement;
+ Map requirements;
Map key;
ldid::Slots slots;
case 'Q': {
const char *xml = argv[argi] + 2;
- requirement.open(xml, O_RDONLY, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE);
+ requirements.open(xml, O_RDONLY, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE);
} break;
case 'D': flag_D = true; break;
ldid::DiskFolder folder(path);
- path += "/" + Sign("", folder, key, requirement, ldid::fun([&](const std::string &, const std::string &) -> std::string { return entitlements; })
+ path += "/" + Sign("", folder, key, requirements, ldid::fun([&](const std::string &, const std::string &) -> std::string { return entitlements; })
, ldid::fun([&](const std::string &) {}), ldid::fun(dummy)
ldid::Unsign(input.data(), input.size(), output, ldid::fun(dummy));
else {
std::string identifier(flag_I ?: split.base.c_str());
- ldid::Sign(input.data(), input.size(), output, identifier, entitlements, requirement, key, slots, ldid::fun(dummy));
+ ldid::Sign(input.data(), input.size(), output, identifier, entitlements, requirements, key, slots, ldid::fun(dummy));
Commit(path, temp);