2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | Cydia was supposed to be marked cydia::essential. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | The iPad sometimes shows multiple things at once. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | basic_string::_S_construct NULL not valid |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | The Sources list hasn't been sorted since 2008. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | We need to not leave parsed_ Packages laying around. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | Add architecture field. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | Save the state during abnormal terminations. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | Add cydia.getMetadataKeys(). |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | Fix various forms of icon escape encoding. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | Totally obsolete and replace the old source packages. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-10 |
Jay Freeman... | Improve robustness of Changes button code. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Add cydia.{g,s}etMetadataValue(). |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Numerical tweaks to the relevancy algorithm. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Accidentally lost the index :(. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | If you have cydia. access, get Token_. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Only send UDID to vaguely secure hosts. v1.1.0%b3 |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Only send X-Cydia-Token to vaguely trusted hosts. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Only add special headers if they are not present. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Add Cydia_.deb to .gitignore. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Add Version.h to .gitignore. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | DHowett tells me I forgot this file. :( |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Version number change should rebuild user agent code. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-09 |
Jay Freeman... | Apply custom useragent after loadView. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Gracefully recover from low-memory conditions. v1.1.0%b2 |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Do not attempt to copy nil strings. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Add [super releaseSubviews]. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Use loadView/releaseSubviews for CyteWebViewController. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Add releaseSubviews to StashController. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Use loadView/releaseSubviews for PackageListController. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | On 3.x I need to animate these buttons or they go nuts. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Copy strings that might get yanked from under us. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | On 2.x I have this funny status bar offset. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Move -[CYTabBarController statusBarHeight] to ::CYStatu... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | I do not have objectForKey:UIKeyboardAnimation{Curve... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Use 320px for iPad modality. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Use % for ~ in tagged versions. v1.1.0%b1 |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Remove obsolete changes calculation debugging. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Standardize threading across SDURLCache diskCache{Info... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Split cydia-lproj from main package. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Slightly clean up unloadData logic ordering. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Don't show finish button until it is usable. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Merge -[Cydia {complete,{_,}reloadDataWithInvocation}]. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Improve SDURLCache behavior drastically. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Fix subtle packages_ damage to yield. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Take Telesphoreo's preinst. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Stop re-re-requesting the damned cache.manifest. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Prefer manual cydia.unload() to automatic modality. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Automatically attach cydia.log and `dpkg -l`. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Post CydiaReloadData events, don't actually reload... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Do not update webviews that are not rendered. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Allow multiple search query terms. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | First draft of relevancy sorted search. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Simplify _reloadPackages API to correct threading. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Re-verify shouldBlock during _reloadPackages: loop. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Move filtering into FilteredPackageController. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Separate out Cydia/LoadingView{,Controller}.*. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Cache results of CydiaIcon.png requests. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Initial implementation of CydiaIcon.png. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Remove obsolete -[CYLoadingIndicator {label,activityInd... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Remove obsolete CYEmulatedLoadingController::database_. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Separate out Cydia/MIMEAddress.*. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Added Swedish.lproj from Tommy (SwirlySpace, AB). |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Avoid concurrent database filter and refresh. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Re-allow navigation actions on refresh. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Rename CYTableViewCell to CyteTableViewCell. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Automate set{Delegate,DataSource}:nil using _H<>. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Fix _H<> copy assignment operator. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Copy _H<> into Menes. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Improve stability and performance of background tables. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Simplify (and correct) NSAutoreleasePool usage. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Do not re-build on 'make package'. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Use AppleTV.app, not Lowtide.app. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Allow for parallel pngcrush.sh. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Factor out pngcrush.sh filenames. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Cache pngcrush results for faster package build. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Remove spaces from png filenames. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-08 |
Jay Freeman... | Add output filename parameter to pngcrush.sh. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Use -fvisibility=hidden. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Deterministic timestamps. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Deterministic build. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Separate out Menes/radixSortWithSelector.*. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Separate out CyteKit/CyteTableView.*. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | You can't use icon on an unparsed package. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Reimplement SearchController with summary views. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Use setSectionIndexMinimumDisplayRowCount:. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | You cannot scrollRectToVisible: a degenerate CGRect. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Expose CYIOGetValue() to JavaScript. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Drop capitalize from CYHex. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Cancelling a refresh should not count as an update. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Remove obsolete _updateLayoutForStatusBarAndInterfaceOr... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | The Edit/Add Source dialog box is rendering off-screen. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Replace all Objective-C memory managment with _H<>. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Correct memory management for StashController. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Standardize _reloadData code ordering. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Make SearchController use yieldToSelector for search. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | runJavaScript*Panel during popViewController has self... |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Add debugging logic for didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame:. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Split addMessageToConsole: filter onto multiple lines. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Disallow serializing redirected garbage to the state. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
2011-03-07 |
Jay Freeman... | Verify that NSURLErrorCancelled is from NSURLErrorDomain. |
commit | commitdiff | tree | snapshot |
next |