<!-- XXX: extract this out to some kind of nifty Lock Cydget library -->
- <!-- XXX: this is incredibly indirect. I mean: wth, right? well, Cycript is the slowest thing on this page -->
- <!-- (in case anyone reading this: I believe it is entirely due to sqlite3, and I will be fixing this soon) -->
- <script type="text/cycript">document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() { window.setTimeout(function() {
+ <script type="text/cycript">
var locale = CFLocaleCopyCurrent();
var now = CFDateCreate(NULL, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent());
var formatter = CFDateFormatterCreate(NULL, locale, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle, kCFDateFormatterNoStyle);
- }, 0)}, false);</script>
+ </script>