Found the garbage collection bug from hell (classes apparently really need /something/ if you want to give them a constructor), did some subtle code movement, removed duplicat -S argument from ldid, and finalized CYIsCallable.
Completely rewrote the output serializer to instead do replacement on the parse tree (seriously: this is epic ;P), refactored labeled statements into CYLabel (a bad move: I regret it and will likely undo this), and redid blocks in a way that (mostly) makes sense.
Re-added final output to script execution, implemented unary affirmation operator (+), fixed pretty spacing for return/throw and object literals, and fleshed out the complete reserved word list for property banning.
Implemented support for regular expression literals, moved %debug to -DYYDEBUG in makefile, and added documentation to the grammar for more ECMA specification chapters.
Support array ffi_type through some shady argumentaton, implement Type[] syntax for arrays, setup bridging for common C types, reorganized keywords based on actual reservation, removed let(){} and associated GLR, and added static in numerous places I wanted it.
Added CYNoLeader after 'case', implemented a pass-through LetStatement binding (temporary), turned on GLR parser in Bison, moved YYLTYPE #define to handle GLR, reorganized a few grammar statements to make clear what is or is not specification, and fixed the "for each (i in" and "switch" crashes reported by kennytm.
Added cyrver to make clean, fixed GC protection for CYJS*, implemented array comprehensions and for each, added a -c flag for pure-compiler mode, and added (driver.pool_) tags on some memory allocations in the grammar.
Slightly reorganized code, fixed @class to work with NoBF principal, integrated the prototype chain (with special exceptions for NSDictionary and NSArray), added some safety to the Instance_*_callAsFunction methods, and renamed Class.prototype to Class.messages.
Started work on array comprehensions, implemented multi-line string literals (not for console yet), and refactored @class to be an expression (with support for anonymous classes).
Made Selector derive from Function, fixed numerability of Instance.{constructor,prototype,value}, renamed data to internal across-the-board, swapped orderring of ivar iteration to put superclasses first, made Prototype's prototype be the superclasses Prototype, implemented labelled statement serialization, and hammered away at a stupid corner case involving blocks and statment serialization.
Started setting up build environment for Cyrver, fixed Functor prototype, organized ffoData, and added a mechanism to access the .prototype of a Class.
Implemented ivar access, added some general runtime reflection hierarchy, changed NSCFType.toJSON to use CFCopyDescription, fixed a few bugs in the server/client interaction involving exceptions not getting propogated, further fleshed out CoreFoundation bridging, setup CYSend:: for CYNoLeader flags, and messed with the overall mechanism for converting objects into descriptions (including memory management, naming, and safety for weird types).
Added some common methods to Type class, implemented new Type(size), removed some debugging code from the server, simplified Selector.type to one class argument, and refactored property names for the new class name serialization.
Added Instance constructor instance (for Instance.prototype), implemented Type class, refactored memory management of Type_privateData, fixed a couple missing spaces in serialization (such as 'newnew'), and dealt with the extra bad exceptions that weren't being caught (unrecognized selectors).
Fixed a stupid set of bugs that broke HelloCycript: first a NULL dereference in sig::Parse, and second trying to cast objc_registerClassPair to a Class rather than its argument.
Protect bash glob expansions while generating libcycript.plist (thanks to kennytm), reorganized makefile gcc arguments slightly, removed CYApplicatonMain hack, support new Pointer to associate types to addresses, setup sig::Parse callbacks to later support circular type definitions, began reworking objc_registerClassPair to support tacking on extra Cycript features, and implemented a horrid temporary hack to allow @class objects to have a single JavaScript Instance object (at the extreme cost of simply leaking the entire Objective-C object).