update-copyright-env = \
+# At least for Mac OS X's grep, the order between . and [ in "[^.[]"
+# matters:
+# $ LC_ALL=fr_FR grep -nE '[^[.]' /dev/null
+# $ LC_ALL=C grep -nE '[^[.]' /dev/null
+# grep: invalid collating element or class
+# $ LC_ALL=fr_FR grep -nE '[^.[]' /dev/null
+# $ LC_ALL=C grep -nE '[^.[]' /dev/null
+ @prohibit='AT_PARSER_CHECK\(\[+[^.[]|AT_CHECK\(\[+\./' \
+ halt='use AT_PARSER_CHECK for and only for generated parsers' \
+ $(_sc_search_regexp)
exclude = \
$(foreach a,$(1),$(eval $(subst $$,$$$$,exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_$(a))))
$(call exclude, \
AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input aaaap]])
AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input --debug aaaap]], [[2]], [[]], [[stderr]])
-AT_PARSER_CHECK([[grep '^exception caught: printer$' stderr]], [], [ignore])
+AT_CHECK([[grep '^exception caught: printer$' stderr]], [], [ignore])
AT_PARSER_CHECK([[./input aaaae]], [[2]], [[]],
[[exception caught: syntax error