static const int last_;
static const int flag_;
static const int nnts_;
- static const int nsym_;
static const int empty_;
static const int final_;
static const int terror_;
const int yy::b4_name::eof_ = 0;
const int yy::b4_name::last_ = b4_last;
const int yy::b4_name::flag_ = b4_flag;
-const int yy::b4_name::nnts_ = b4_nnts;
-const int yy::b4_name::nsym_ = b4_nsym;
+const int yy::b4_name::nnts_ = b4_nterms_number;
const int yy::b4_name::empty_ = -2;
-const int yy::b4_name::final_ = b4_final;
+const int yy::b4_name::final_ = b4_final_state_number;
const int yy::b4_name::terror_ = 1;
const int yy::b4_name::errcode_ = 256;
-const int yy::b4_name::ntokens_ = b4_ntokens;
+const int yy::b4_name::ntokens_ = b4_tokens_number;
const int yy::b4_name::initdepth_ = b4_initdepth;
const unsigned yy::b4_name::user_token_number_max_ = b4_user_token_number_max;
02111-1307, USA. */
-/* The parser tables consist of these tables. Marked ones needed only
- for the semantic parser. Double marked are output only if switches
- are set.
+/* The parser tables consist of these tables.
YYTRANSLATE = vector mapping yylex's token numbers into bison's
token numbers.
- ++ YYTNAME = vector of string-names indexed by bison token number.
+ YYTNAME = vector of string-names indexed by bison token number.
- ++ YYTOKNUM = vector of yylex token numbers corresponding to
- entries in YYTNAME.
+ YYTOKNUM = vector of yylex token numbers corresponding to entries
YYRLINE = vector of line-numbers of all rules. For yydebug
YYR2[R] = number of symbols composing right hand side of rule R.
- + YYSTOS[S] = the symbol number of the symbol that leads to state
- S.
+ YYSTOS[S] = the symbol number of the symbol that leads to state S.
YYDEFACT[S] = default rule to reduce with in state s, when YYTABLE
doesn't specify something else to do. Zero means the default is an
static int nvectors;
static int nentries;
-static short **froms = NULL;
-static short **tos = NULL;
+static state_number_t **froms = NULL;
+static state_number_t **tos = NULL;
static unsigned int **conflict_tos = NULL;
static short *tally = NULL;
static short *width = NULL;
save_column (symbol_number_t symbol, state_number_t default_state)
int i;
- short *sp;
- short *sp1;
- short *sp2;
+ state_number_t *sp;
+ state_number_t *sp1;
+ state_number_t *sp2;
int count;
int symno = symbol - ntokens + state_number_as_int (nstates);
- int begin = goto_map[symbol];
- int end = goto_map[symbol + 1];
+ goto_number_t begin = goto_map[symbol];
+ goto_number_t end = goto_map[symbol + 1];
count = 0;
for (i = begin; i < end; i++)
state_number_t s;
int i;
- int m = goto_map[symbol];
- int n = goto_map[symbol + 1];
+ goto_number_t m = goto_map[symbol];
+ goto_number_t n = goto_map[symbol + 1];
state_number_t default_state = (state_number_t) -1;
int max = 0;
static void
prepare (void)
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("last", high);
+ /* Flags. */
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("locations_flag", locations_flag);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("defines_flag", defines_flag);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("error_verbose", error_verbose);
MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("pure", pure_parser);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("nsym", nsyms);
MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("debug", debug_flag);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("final", final_state->number);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("undef_token_number", undeftoken->number);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("user_token_number_max", max_user_token_number);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("error_verbose", error_verbose);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("prefix", spec_name_prefix ? spec_name_prefix : "yy");
/* FIXME: This is wrong: the muscles should decide whether they hold
a copy or not, but the situation is too obscure currently. */
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("prefix", spec_name_prefix ? spec_name_prefix : "yy");
MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("output_infix", output_infix ? output_infix : "");
MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("output_prefix", short_base_name);
MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("output_parser_name", parser_file_name);
MUSCLE_INSERT_STRING ("output_header_name", spec_defines_file);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("nnts", nvars);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("nrules", nrules);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("nstates", nstates);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("ntokens", ntokens);
+ /* Symbols. */
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("tokens_number", ntokens);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("nterms_number", nvars);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("undef_token_number", undeftoken->number);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("user_token_number_max", max_user_token_number);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("locations_flag", locations_flag);
- MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("defines_flag", defines_flag);
+ /* Rules. */
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("rules_number", nrules);
+ /* States. */
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("last", high);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("final_state_number", final_state->number);
+ MUSCLE_INSERT_INT ("states_number", nstates);
- /* Copy definitions in directive. */
+ /* User Code. */
obstack_1grow (&pre_prologue_obstack, 0);
obstack_1grow (&post_prologue_obstack, 0);
muscle_insert ("pre_prologue", obstack_finish (&pre_prologue_obstack));