-.! RUNOFF source file for BISON.HLP
-.! This is a RUNOFF input file which will produce a VMS help file
-.! for the VMS HELP library.
-.! Eric Youngdale and Wilfred J. Hansen (wjh+@cmu.edu).
-.end literal
-.no paging
-.no flags all
-.right margin 70
-.left margin 1
-.indent -1
- The BISON command invokes the GNU BISON parser generator.
- BISON file-spec
-.end literal
-.indent -1
-2 Parameters
- file-spec
-Here file-spec is the grammar file name, which usually ends in
-.y. The parser file's name is made by replacing the .y
-with _tab.c. Thus, the command bison foo.y yields
-.indent -1
-2 Qualifiers
- The following is the list of available qualifiers for BISON:
- /FILE_PREFIX=prefix
- /NAME_PREFIX=prefix
- /OUTPUT=outfilefile
- /RAW
-.end literal
-.indent -1
-In the parser file,
-define the macro YYDEBUG to 1 if it is not already defined,
-so that the debugging facilities are compiled.
-.indent -1
-Write an extra output file containing macro definitions for the token
-type names defined in the grammar and the semantic value type
-YYSTYPE, as well as a extern variable declarations.
-If the parser output file is named "name.c" then this file
-is named "name.h".
-This output file is essential if you wish to put the definition of
-yylex in a separate source file, because yylex needs to
-be able to refer to token type codes and the variable
-.indent -1
- /FILIE_PREFIX=prefix
-.end literal
- Specify a prefix to use for all Bison output file names. The names are
-chosen as if the input file were named prefix.c
-.indent -1
-Equivalent to /OUTPUT=y_tab.c; the parser output file is called
-y_tab.c, and the other outputs are called y.output and
-y_tab.h. The purpose of this switch is to imitate Yacc's output
-file name conventions. The /YACC qualifier is functionally equivalent
-to /FIXED_OUTFILES. The following command definition will
-work as a substitute for Yacc:
-.end literal
-.indent -1
- /NAME_PREFIX=prefix
-.end literal
-Rename the external symbols used in the parser so that they start with
-"prefix" instead of "yy". The precise list of symbols renamed
-is yyparse, yylex, yyerror, yylval, yychar and yydebug.
-For example, if you use /NAME_PREFIX="c", the names become cparse,
-clex, and so on.
-.indent -1
-Don't put any "#line" preprocessor commands in the parser file.
-Ordinarily Bison puts them in the parser file so that the C compiler
-and debuggers will associate errors with your source file, the
-grammar file. This option causes them to associate errors with the
-parser file, treating it an independent source file in its own right.
-.indent -1
-Do not generate the parser code into the output; generate only
-declarations. The generated name_tab.c file will have only
-constant declarations. In addition, a name.act file is
-generated containing a switch statement body containing all the
-translated actions.
-.indent -1
- /OUTPUT=outfile
-.end literal
-Specify the name "outfile" for the parser file.
-.indent -1
-2 /RAW
-When this switch is specified, the .tab.h file defines the tokens to
-have the bison token numbers rather than the yacc compatible numbers.
-To employ this switch you would have to have your own parser.
-.indent -1
-This switch causes the name_tab.c output to include a list of
-token names in order by their token numbers; this is defined in the array
-yytname. Also generated are #defines for YYNTOKENS, YYNNTS, YYNRULES,
-.indent -1
-Write an extra output file containing verbose descriptions of the
-parser states and what is done for each type of look-ahead token in
-that state.
-This file also describes all the conflicts, both those resolved by
-operator precedence and the unresolved ones.
-The file's name is made by removing _tab.c or .c from
-the parser output file name, and adding .output instead.
-Therefore, if the input file is foo.y, then the parser file is
-called foo_tab.c by default. As a consequence, the verbose
-output file is called foo.output.
-.indent -1
-Print the version number of Bison.
-.indent -1
-2 /YACC
-.indent -1