-/* VCG description handler for Bison.
- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of Bison, the GNU Compiler Compiler.
- Bison is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- Bison is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with Bison; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
-#ifndef VCG_H_
-# define VCG_H_
-/* VCG color map. The 32 prime predefined colors. */
-enum color
- white = 0,
- blue,
- red,
- green = 3,
- yellow,
- magenta,
- cyan = 6,
- darkgrey,
- darkblue,
- darkred = 9,
- darkgreen,
- darkyellow,
- darkmagenta = 12,
- darkcyan,
- gold,
- lightgrey = 15,
- lightblue,
- lightred,
- lightgreen = 18,
- lightyellow,
- lightmagenta,
- lightcyan = 21,
- lilac,
- turquoise,
- aquamarine = 24,
- khaki,
- purple,
- yellowgreen = 27,
- pink,
- orange,
- orchid,
- black = 31
-/* VCG textmode. Specify the adjustement of the text within the border of a summary node. */
-enum textmode
- centered,
- left_justify,
- right_justify
-/* VCG shapes. Used for nodes shapes. */
-enum shape
- box,
- rhomb,
- ellipse,
- triangle
-/* Structure for colorentries. */
-struct colorentry
- int color_index;
- int red_cp;
- int green_cp;
- int blue_cp;
- struct colorentry *next;
-/* Structure to construct lists of classnames. */
-struct classname
- int no; /* Class number */
- const char *name; /* Name associated to the class no. */
- struct classname *next; /* next name class association. */
-/* Structure is in infoname. */
-struct infoname
- int integer;
- char const *chars;
- struct infoname *next;
-/* VCG decision yes/no. */
-enum decision
- yes,
- no
-/* VCG graph orientation. */
-enum orientation
- top_to_bottom,
- bottom_to_top,
- left_to_right,
- right_to_left
-/* VCG alignment for node alignement. */
-enum alignment
- center,
- top,
- bottom
-/* VCG arrow mode. */
-enum arrow_mode
- fixed,
- free_a
-/* VCG crossing weight type. */
-enum crossing_type
- bary,
- median,
- barymedian,
- medianbary
-/* VCG views. */
-enum view
- normal_view,
- cfish,
- pfish,
- fcfish,
- fpfish
-| Node attributs list. structure that describes a node. |
-struct node
- /* Title the unique string identifying the node. This attribute is
- mandatory. */
- const char *title;
- /* Label the text displayed inside the node. If no label is specified
- then the title of the node will be used. Note that this text may
- contain control characters like NEWLINE that influences the size of
- the node. */
- const char *label;
- /* loc is the location as x, y position relatively to the system of
- coordinates of the graph. Locations are specified in the form
- loc: - x: xpos y: ypos "". The locations of nodes are only valid,
- if the whole graph is fully specified with locations and no part is
- folded. The layout algorithm of the tool calculates appropriate x, y
- positions, if at least one node that must be drawn (i.e., is not
- hidden by folding or edge classes) does not have fixed specified
- locations.
- Default is none. */
- int locx;
- int locy;
- /* vertical order is the level position (rank) of the node. We can also
- specify level: int. Level specifications are only valid, if the
- layout is calculated, i.e. if at least one node does not have a
- fixed location specification. The layout algorithm partitioned all
- nodes into levels 0...maxlevel. Nodes at the level 0 are on the
- upper corner. The algorithm is able to calculate appropriate levels
- for the nodes automatically, if no fixed levels are given.
- Specifications of levels are additional constraints, that may be
- ignored, if they are in conflict with near edge specifications.
- Default values are unspecified. */
- int vertical_order;
- /* horizontal order is the horizontal position of the node within a
- level. The nodes which are specified with horizontal positions are
- ordered according to these positions within the levels. The nodes
- which do not have this attribute are inserted into this ordering by
- the crossing reduction mechanism. Note that connected components are
- handled separately, thus it is not possible to intermix such
- components by specifying a horizontal order. If the algorithm for
- downward laid out trees is used, the horizontal order influences
- only the order of the child nodes at a node, but not the order of
- the whole level.
- Default is unspecified. */
- int horizontal_order;
- /* width, height is the width and height of a node including the border.
- If no value (in pixels) is given then width and height are
- calculated from the size of the label.
- Default are width and height of the label. */
- int width;
- int height;
- /* shrink, stretch gives the shrinking and stretching factor of the
- node. The values of the attributes width, height, borderwidth and
- the size of the label text is scaled by ((stretch=shrink) \Lambda
- 100) percent. Note that the actual scale value is determined by the
- scale value of a node relatively to a scale value of the graph,
- i.e. if (stretch,shrink) = (2,1) for the graph and (stretch,shrink)
- = (2,1) for the node of the graph, then the node is scaled by the
- factor 4 compared to the normal size. The scale value can also be
- specified by scaling: float.
- Default are 1,1. */
- int shrink;
- int stretch;
- /* folding specifies the default folding of the nodes. The folding k
- (with k ? 0) means that the graph part that is reachable via edges
- of a class less or equal to k is folded and displayed as one node.
- There are commands to unfold such summary nodes, see section 5. If
- no folding is specified for a node, then the node may be folded if
- it is in the region of another node that starts the folding. If
- folding 0 is specified, then the node is never folded. In this case
- the folding stops at the predecessors of this node, if it is
- reachable from another folding node. The summary node inherits some
- attributes from the original node which starts the folding (all
- color attributes, textmode and label, but not the location). A
- folded region may contain folded regions with smaller folding class
- values (nested foldings). If there is more than one node that start
- the folding of the same region (this implies that the folding class
- values are equal) then the attributes are inherited by one of these
- nodes nondeterministically. If foldnode attributes are specified,
- then the summary node attributes are inherited from these attributes.
- Default is none. */
- int folding;
- /* shape specifies the visual appearance of a node: box, rhomb, ellipse,
- and triangle. The drawing of ellipses is much slower than the drawing
- of the other shapes.
- Default is box. */
- enum shape shape;
- /* textmode specifies the adjustment of the text within the border of a
- node. The possibilities are center, left.justify and right.justify.
- Default is center. */
- enum textmode textmode;
- /* borderwidth specifies the thickness of the node's border in pixels.
- color is the background color of the node. If none is given, the
- node is white. For the possibilities, see the attribute color for
- graphs.
- Default is 2. */
- int borderwidth;
- /* node color.
- Default is white or transparent, */
- enum color color;
- /* textcolor is the color for the label text. bordercolor is the color
- of the border. Default color is the textcolor. info1, info2, info3
- combines additional text labels with a node or a folded graph. info1,
- Default is black. */
- enum color textcolor;
- /* info2, info3 can be selected from the menu. The corresponding text
- labels can be shown by mouse clicks on nodes.\f
- Default are null strings. */
- const char *infos[3];
- /* Node border color.
- Default is textcolor. */
- enum color bordercolor;
- /* Next node node... */
- struct node *next;
-/* typedef alias. */
-typedef struct node node;
-| Edge attributs list. Structure that describes an edge. |
-/* VCG Edge type. */
-enum edge_type
- normal_edge,
- back_edge,
- near_edge,
- bent_near_edge
-/* Structs enum definitions for edges. */
-enum linestyle
- continuous,
- dashed,
- dotted,
- invisible
-enum arrowstyle
- solid,
- line,
- none
-/* The struct edge itself. */
-struct edge
- /* Edge type.
- Default is normal edge. */
- enum edge_type type;
- /* Sourcename is the title of the source node of the edge.
- Default: none. */
- const char *sourcename; /* Mandatory. */
- /* Targetname is the title of the target node of the edge.
- Default: none. */
- const char *targetname; /* Mandatory. */
- /* Label specifies the label of the edge. It is drawn if
- display.edge.labels is set to yes.
- Default: no label. */
- const char *label;
- /* Linestyle specifies the style the edge is drawn. Possibilities are:
- ffl continuous a solid line is drawn ( -- ) ffl dashed the edge
- consists of single dashes ( - - - ) ffl dotted the edge is made of
- single dots ( \Delta \Delta \Delta ) ffl invisible the edge is not
- drawn. The attributes of its shape (color, thickness) are ignored.
- To draw a dashed or dotted line needs more time than solid lines.
- Default is continuous. */
- enum linestyle linestyle;
- /* Thickness is the thickness of an edge.
- Default is 2. */
- int thickness;
- /* Class specifies the folding class of the edge. Nodes reachable by
- edges of a class less or equal to a constant k specify folding
- regions of k. See the node attribute folding and the folding commands.
- Default is 1. */
- int class;
- /* color is the color of the edge.
- Default is black. */
- enum color color;
- /* textcolor is the color of the label of the edge. arrowcolor,
- backarrowcolor is the color of the arrow head and of the backarrow
- head. priority The positions of the nodes are mainly determined by
- the incoming and outgoing edges. One can think of rubberbands instead
- of edges that pull a node into its position. The priority of an edges
- corresponds to the strength of the rubberband.
- Default is color. */
- enum color textcolor;
- /* Arrow color.
- Default is color. */
- enum color arrowcolor;
- /* BackArrow color.
- Default is color. */
- enum color backarrowcolor;
- /* arrowsize, backarrowsize The arrow head is a right-angled, isosceles
- triangle and the cathetuses have length arrowsize.
- Default is 10. */
- int arrowsize;
- /* Backarrow size
- Default is 0. */
- int backarrowsize;
- /* arrowstyle, backarrowstyle Each edge has two arrow heads: the one
- appears at the target node (the normal arrow head), the other appears
- at the source node (the backarrow head). Normal edges only have the
- normal solid arrow head, while the backarrow head is not drawn, i.e.
- it is none. Arrowstyle is the style of the normal arrow head, and
- backarrowstyle is the style of the backarrow head. Styles are none,
- i.e. no arrow head, solid, and line.
- Default is solid. */
- enum arrowstyle arrowstyle;
- /* Default is none. */
- enum arrowstyle backarrowstyle;
- /* Default is 1. */
- int priority;
- /* Anchor. An anchor point describes the vertical position in a node
- where an edge goes out. This is useful, if node labels are several
- lines long, and outgoing edges are related to label lines. (E.g.,
- this allows a nice visualization of structs containing pointers as
- fields.).
- Default is none. */
- int anchor;
- /* Horizontal order is the horizontal position the edge. This is of
- interest only if the edge crosses several levels because it specifies
- the point where the edge crosses the level. within a level. The nodes
- which are specified with horizontal positions are ordered according
- to these positions within a level. The horizontal position of a long
- edge that crosses the level specifies between which two node of that
- level the edge has to be drawn. Other edges which do not have this
- attribute are inserted into this ordering by the crossing reduction
- mechanism. Note that connected components are handled separately,
- thus it is not possible to intermix such components by specifying a
- horizontal order.
- Default is unspcified. */
- int horizontal_order;
- /*
- ** Next edge node...
- */
- struct edge *next;
-** typedef alias.
-typedef struct edge edge;
-| Graph attributs list. Structure that describes a graph. |
-struct graph
- /* Graph title or name.
- Title specifies the name (a string) associated with the graph. The
- default name of a subgraph is the name of the outer graph, and the
- name of the outmost graph is the name of the specification input
- file. The name of a graph is used to identify this graph, e.g., if
- we want to express that an edge points to a subgraph. Such edges
- point to the root of the graph, i.e. the first node of the graph or
- the root of the first subgraph in the graph, if the subgraph is
- visualized explicitly.
- By default, it's the name of the vcg graph file description. */
- const char *title;
- /* Graph label.
- Label the text displayed inside the node, when the graph is folded
- to a node. If no label is specified then the title of the graph will
- be used. Note that this text may contain control characters like
- NEWLINE that influences the size of the node.
- By default, it takes the title value */
- const char *label;
- /* Any informations.
- Info1, info2, info3 combines additional text labels with a node or a
- folded graph. info1, info2, info3 can be selected from the menu
- interactively. The corresponding text labels can be shown by mouse
- clicks on nodes.
- Default values are empty strings (here NULL pointers) */
- const char *infos[3];
- /* Background color and summary node colors
- Color specifies the background color for the outermost graph, or the
- color of the summary node for subgraphs. Colors are given in the enum
- declared above. If more than these default colors are needed, a
- color map with maximal 256 entries can be used. The first 32 entries
- correspond to the colors just listed. A color of the color map can
- selected by the color map index, an integer, for instance red has
- index 2, green has index 3, etc.
- Default is white for background and white or transparent for summary
- nodes. */
- enum color color;
- /* Textcolor.
- need explanations ???
- default is black for summary nodes. */
- enum color textcolor;
- /* Bordercolor is the color of the summary node's border. Default color
- is the textcolor. width, height are width and height of the
- displayed part of the window of the outermost graph in pixels, or
- width and height of the summary node of inner subgraphs.
- Default is the default of the textcolor. */
- enum color bordercolor;
- /* Width, height are width and height of the displayed part of the
- window of the outermost graph in pixels, or width and height of the
- summary node of inner subgraphs.
- Default value is 100. */
- int width;
- int height;
- /* Specify the thickness if summary node's border in pixels.
- default value is 2. */
- int borderwidth;
- /* x, y are the x-position and y-position of the graph's window in
- pixels, relatively to the root screen, if it is the outermost graph.
- The origin of the window is upper, left hand. For inner subgraphs,
- it is the position of the folded summary node. The position can also
- be specified in the form loc: fx:int y:intg.
- The default value is 0. */
- int x;
- int y;
- /* folding of a subgraph is 1, if the subgraph is fused, and 0, if the
- subgraph is visualized explicitly. There are commands to unfold such
- summary nodes.
- Default value is 0 */
- int folding;
- /* Shrink, stretch gives the shrinking and stretching factor for the
- graph's representation (default is 1, 1). ((stretch=shrink) \Lambda
- 100) is the scaling of the graph in percentage, e.g.,
- (stretch,shrink) = (1,1) or (2,2) or (3,3) : : : is normal size,
- (stretch,shrink) = (1,2) is half size, (stretch,shrink) = (2,1) is
- double size. For subgraphs, it is also the scaling factor of the
- summary node. The scaling factor can also be specified by scaling:
- float (here, scaling 1.0 means normal size). */
- int shrink;
- int stretch;
- /* textmode specifies the adjustment of the text within the border of a
- summary node. The possibilities are center, left.justify and
- right.justify.
- Default value is center.*/
- enum textmode textmode;
- /* Shape can be specified for subgraphs only. It is the shape of the
- subgraph summary node that appears if the subgraph is folded: box,
- rhomb, ellipse, and triangle. vertical order is the level position
- (rank) of the summary node of an inner subgraph, if this subgraph is
- folded. We can also specify level: int. The level is only
- recognized, if an automatical layout is calculated. horizontal order
- is the horizontal position of the summary node within a level. The
- nodes which are specified with horizontal positions are ordered
- according to these positions within the levels. The nodes which do
- not have this attribute are inserted into this ordering by the
- crossing reduction mechanism. Note that connected
- components are handled separately, thus it is not possible to
- intermix such components by specifying a horizontal order. If the
- algorithm for downward laid out trees is used, the horizontal order
- influences only the order of the child nodes at a node, but not the
- order of the whole level.
- Default is box, other: rhomb, ellipse, triangle. */
- enum shape shape;
- /* Vertical order is the level position (rank) of the summary node of an
- inner subgraph, if this subgraph is folded. We can also specify
- level: int. The level is only recognized, if an automatical layout is
- calculated. */
- int vertical_order;
- /* Horizontal order is the horizontal position of the summary node within
- a level. The nodes which are specified with horizontal positions are
- ordered according to these positions within the levels. The nodes which
- do not have this attribute are inserted into this ordering by the
- crossing reduction mechanism. Note that connected components are
- handled separately, thus it is not possible to intermix such components
- by specifying a horizontal order. If the algorithm for downward laid
- out trees is used, the horizontal order influences only the order of
- the child nodes at a node, but not the order of the whole level. */
- int horizontal_order;
- /* xmax, ymax specify the maximal size of the virtual window that is
- used to display the graph. This is usually larger than the displayed
- part, thus the width and height of the displayed part cannot be
- greater than xmax and ymax. Only those parts of the graph are drawn
- that are inside the virtual window. The virtual window can be moved
- over the potential infinite system of coordinates by special
- positioning commands.
- Defaults are 90 and 90. */
- int xmax;
- int ymax;
- /* xy-base: specify the upper left corner coordinates of the graph
- relatively to the root window.
- Defaults are 5, 5. */
- int xbase;
- int ybase;
- /* xspace, yspace the minimum horizontal and vertical distance between
- nodes. xlspace is the horizontal distance between lines at the
- points where they cross the levels. (At these points, dummy nodes
- are used. In fact, this is the horizontal distance between dummy
- nodes.) It is recommended to set xlspace to a larger value, if
- splines are used to draw edges, to prevent sharp bendings.
- Default are 20 and 70. */
- int xspace;
- int yspace;
- /* The horizontal space between lines at the point where they cross
- the levels.
- defaults value is 1/2 xspace (polygone) and 4/5 xspace (splines)*/
- int xlspace;
- /* xraster, yraster specifies the raster distance for the position of
- the nodes. The center of a node is aligned to this raster. xlraster
- is the horizontal raster for the positions of the line control
- points (the dummy nodes). It should be a divisor of xraster.
- defaults are 1,1. */
- int xraster;
- int yraster;
- /* xlraster is the horizontal raster for the positions of the line
- control points (the dummy nodes). It should be a divisor of xraster.
- defaults is 1. */
- int xlraster;
- /* hidden specifies the classes of edges that are hidden.
- Edges that are within such a class are not laid out nor drawn.
- Nodes that are only reachable (forward or backward) by edges of an
- hidden class are not drawn. However, nodes that are not reachable
- at all are drawn. (But see attribute ignore.singles.) Specification
- of classes of hidden edges allows to hide parts of a graph, e.g.,
- annotations of a syntax tree. This attribute is only allowed at the
- outermost level. More than one settings are possible to specify
- exactly the set of classes that are hidden. Note the important
- difference between hiding of edges and the edge line style invisible.
- Hidden edges are not existent in the layout. Edges with line style
- invisible are existent in the layout; they need space and may
- produce crossings and influence the layout, but you cannot see
- them.
- No default value. */
- int hidden;
- /* Classname allows to introduce names for the edge classes. The names
- are used in the menus. infoname allows to introduce names for the
- additional text labels. The names are used in the menus.
- defaults are 1,2,3...
- By default, no class names. */
- struct classname *classname;
- /* Infoname allows to introduce names for the additional text labels.
- The names are used in the menus.
- Infoname is given by an integer and a string.
- The default value is NULL. */
- struct infoname *infoname;
- /* Colorentry allows to fill the color map. A color is a triplet of integer
- values for the red/green/blue-part. Each integer is between 0 (off) and
- 255 (on), e.g., 0 0 0 is black and 255 255 255 is white. For instance
- colorentry 75 : 70 130 180 sets the map entry 75 to steel blue. This
- color can be used by specifying just the number 75.
- Default id NULL. */
- struct colorentry *colorentry;
- /* Layout downfactor, layout upfactor, layout nearfactor The layout
- algorithm partitions the set of edges into edges pointing upward,
- edges pointing downward, and edges pointing sidewards. The last type
- of edges is also called near edges. If the layout.downfactor is
- large compared to the layout.upfactor and the layout.nearfactor,
- then the positions of the nodes is mainly determined by the edges
- pointing downwards. If the layout.upfactor is large compared to the
- layout.downfactor and the layout.nearfactor, then the positions of
- the nodes is mainly determined by the edges pointing upwards. If the
- layout.nearfactor is large, then the positions of the nodes is
- mainly determined by the edges pointing sidewards. These attributes
- have no effect, if the method for downward laid out trees is used.
- Default is normal. */
- int layout_downfactor;
- int layout_upfactor;
- int layout_nearfactor;
- /* Layout splinefactor determines the bending at splines. The factor
- 100 indicates a very sharp bending, a factor 1 indicates a very flat
- bending. Useful values are 30 : : : 80. */
- int layout_splinefactor;
- /* Late edge labels yes means that the graph is first partitioned and
- then, labels are introduced. The default algorithm first creates
- labels and then partitions the graph, which yield a more compact
- layout, but may have more crossings.
- Default is no. */
- enum decision late_edge_labels;
- /* Display edge labels yes means display labels and no means don't
- display edge labels.
- Default vaule is no. */
- enum decision display_edge_labels;
- /* Dirty edge labels yes enforces a fast layout of edge labels, which
- may very ugly because several labels may be drawn at the same place.
- Dirty edge labels cannot be used if splines are used.
- Default is no.
- */
- enum decision dirty_edge_labels;
- /* Finetuning no switches the fine tuning phase of the graph layout
- algorithm off, while it is on as default. The fine tuning phase
- tries to give all edges the same length.
- Default is yes. */
- enum decision finetuning;
- /* Ignore singles yes hides all nodes which would appear single and
- unconnected from the remaining graph. Such nodes have no edge at all
- and are sometimes very ugly. Default is to show all nodes.
- Default is no. */
- enum decision ignore_singles;
- /* priority phase yes replaces the normal pendulum method by a
- specialized method: It forces straight long edges with 90 degree,
- just as the straight phase. In fact, the straight phase is a fine
- tune phase of the priority method. This phase is also recommended,
- if an orthogonal layout is selected (see manhattan.edges).
- Default is no. */
- enum decision priority_phase;
- /* manhattan edges yes switches the orthogonal layout on. Orthogonal
- layout (or manhattan layout) means that all edges consist of line
- segments with gradient 0 or 90 degree. Vertical edge segments might
- by shared by several edges, while horizontal edge segments are never
- shared. This results in very aesthetical layouts just for flowcharts.
- If the orthogonal layout is used, then the priority phase and
- straight phase should be used. Thus, these both phases are switched
- on, too, unless priority layout and straight line tuning are
- switched off explicitly.
- Default is no. */
- enum decision manhattan_edges;
- /* Smanhattan edges yes switches a specialized orthogonal layout on:
- Here, all horizontal edge segments between two levels share the same
- horizontal line, i.e. not only vertical edge segments are shared,
- but horizontal edge segments are shared by several edges, too. This
- looks nice for trees but might be too confusing in general, because
- the location of an edge might be ambiguously.
- Default is no. */
- enum decision smanhattan_edges;
- /* Near edges no suppresses near edges and bent near edges in the
- graph layout.
- Default is yes. */
- enum decision near_edges;
- /* Orientation specifies the orientation of the graph: top.to.bottom,
- bottom.to.top, left.to.right or right.to.left. Note: the normal
- orientation is top.to.bottom. All explanations here are given
- relatively to the normal orientation, i.e., e.g., if the orientation
- is left to right, the attribute xlspace is not the horizontal but
- the vertical distance between lines, etc.
- Default is to_to_bottom. */
- enum orientation orientation;
- /* Node alignment specified the vertical alignment of nodes at the
- horizontal reference line of the levels. If top is specified, the
- tops of all nodes of a level have the same y-coordinate; on bottom,
- the bottoms have the same y-coordinate, on center the nodes are
- centered at the levels.
- Default is center. */
- enum alignment node_alignment;
- /* Port sharing no suppresses the sharing of ports of edges at the
- nodes. Normally, if multiple edges are adjacent to the same node,
- and the arrow head of all these edges has the same visual appearance
- (color, size, etc.), then these edges may share a port at a node,
- i.e. only one arrow head is draw, and all edges are incoming into
- this arrow head. This allows to have many edges adjacent to one node
- without getting confused by too many arrow heads. If no port sharing
- is used, each edge has its own port, i.e. its own place where it is
- adjacent to the node.
- Default is yes. */
- enum decision port_sharing;
- /* Arrow mode fixed (default) should be used, if port sharing is used,
- because then, only a fixed set of rotations for the arrow heads are
- used. If the arrow mode is free, then each arrow head is rotated
- individually to each edge. But this can yield to a black spot, where
- nothing is recognizable, if port sharing is used, since all these
- qdifferently rotated arrow heads are drawn at the same place. If the
- arrow mode is fixed, then the arrow head is rotated only in steps of
- 45 degree, and only one arrow head occurs at each port.
- Default is fixed. */
- enum arrow_mode arrow_mode;
- /* Treefactor The algorithm tree for downward laid out trees tries to
- produce a medium dense, balanced tree-like layout. If the tree
- factor is greater than 0.5, the tree edges are spread, i.e. they
- get a larger gradient. This may improve the readability of the tree.
- Note: it is not obvious whether spreading results in a more dense or
- wide layout. For a tree, there is a tree factor such that the whole
- tree is minimal wide.
- Default is 0.5. */
- float treefactor;
- /* Spreadlevel This parameter only influences the algorithm tree, too.
- For large, balanced trees, spreading of the uppermost nodes would
- enlarge the width of the tree too much, such that the tree does not
- fit anymore in a window. Thus, the spreadlevel specifies the minimal
- level (rank) where nodes are spread. Nodes of levels upper than
- spreadlevel are not spread.
- Default is 1. */
- int spreadlevel;
- /* Crossing weight specifies the weight that is used for the crossing
- reduction: bary (default), median, barymedian or medianbary. We
- cannot give a general recommendation, which is the best method. For
- graphs with very large average degree of edges (number of incoming
- and outgoing edges at a node), the weight bary is the fastest
- method. With the weights barymedian and medianbary, equal weights of
- different nodes are not very probable, thus the crossing reduction
- phase 2 might be very fast.
- Default is bary. */
- enum crossing_type crossing_weight;
- /* Crossing phase2 is the most time consuming phase of the crossing
- reduction. In this phase, the nodes that happen to have equal
- crossing weights are permuted. By specifying no, this phase is
- suppressed.
- Default is yes. */
- enum decision crossing_phase2;
- /* Crossing optimization is a postprocessing phase after the normal
- crossing reduction: we try to optimize locally, by exchanging pairs
- of nodes to reduce the crossings. Although this phase is not very
- time consuming, it can be suppressed by specifying no.
- Default is yes. */
- enum decision crossing_optimization;
- /* View allows to select the fisheye views. Because
- of the fixed size of the window that shows the graph, we normally
- can only see a small amount of a large graph. If we shrink the graph
- such that it fits into the window, we cannot recognize any detail
- anymore. Fisheye views are coordinate transformations: the view onto
- the graph is distort, to overcome this usage deficiency. The polar
- fisheye is easy to explain: assume a projection of the plane that
- contains the graph picture onto a spheric ball. If we now look onto
- this ball in 3 D, we have a polar fisheye view. There is a focus
- point which is magnified such that we see all details. Parts of the
- plane that are far away from the focus point are demagnified very
- much. Cartesian fisheye have a similar effect; only the formula for
- the coordinate transformation is different. Selecting cfish means
- the cartesian fisheye is used which demagnifies such that the whole
- graph is visible (self adaptable cartesian fisheye). With fcfish,
- the cartesian fisheye shows the region of a fixed radius around the
- focus point (fixed radius cartesian fisheye). This region might be
- smaller than the whole graph, but the demagnification needed to show
- this region in the window is also not so large, thus more details
- are recognizable. With pfish the self adaptable polar fisheye is
- selected that shows the whole graph, and with fpfish the fixed
- radius polar fisheye is selected.
- Default is normal view. */
- enum view view;
- /* Edges no suppresses the drawing of edges.
- Default is yes. */
- enum decision edges;
- /* Nodes no suppresses the drawing of nodes.
- Default is yes. */
- enum decision nodes;
- /* Splines specifies whether splines are used to draw edges (yes or no).
- As default, polygon segments are used to draw edges, because this is
- much faster. Note that the spline drawing routine is not fully
- validated, and is very slow. Its use is mainly to prepare high
- quality PostScript output for very small graphs.
- Default is no. */
- enum decision splines;
- /* Bmax set the maximal number of iterations that are done for the
- reduction of edge bendings.
- Default is 100. */
- int bmax;
- /* Cmin set the minimal number of iterations that are done for the
- crossing reduction with the crossing weights. The normal method
- stops if two consecutive checks does not reduce the number of
- crossings anymore. However, this increasing of the number of
- crossings might be locally, such that after some more iterations,
- the crossing number might decrease much more.
- Default is 0. */
- int cmin;
- /* Cmax set the maximal number of interactions for crossing reduction.
- This is helpful for speeding up the layout process.
- Default is -1, which represents infinity. */
- int cmax;
- /* Pmin set the minimal number of iterations that is done with the
- pendulum method. Similar to the crossing reduction, this method
- stops if the `imbalancement weight' does not decreases anymore.
- However, the increasing of the imbalancement weight might be locally,
- such that after some more iterations, the imbalancement weight might
- decrease much more.
- Default is 0. */
- int pmin;
- /* Pmax set the maximal number of iterations of the pendulum method.
- This is helpful for speedup the layout process.
- Default is 100. */
- int pmax;
- /* Rmin set the minimal number of iterations that is done with the
- rubberband method. This is similar as for the pendulum method.
- Default is 0. */
- int rmin;
- /* Rmax set the maximal number of iterations of the rubberband method.
- This is helpful for speedup the layout process.
- Default is 100. */
- int rmax;
- /* Smax set the maximal number of iterations of the straight line
- recognition phase (useful only, if the straight line recognition
- phase is switched on, see attribute straight.phase).
- Default is 100. */
- int smax;
- /* Generic values.
- */
- node node;
- edge edge;
- /* List of nodes declared.
- Pointer. */
- node *node_list;
- /* List of edges declared.
- Pointer. */
- edge *edge_list;
-/* Graph typedefs. */
-typedef struct graph graph;
-void new_graph (graph *g);
-void new_node (node *n);
-void new_edge (edge *e);
-void add_node (graph *g, node *n);
-void add_edge (graph *g, edge *e);
-void add_colorentry (graph *g, int color_idx, int red_cp,
- int green_cp, int blue_cp);
-void add_classname (graph *g, int val, const char *name);
-void add_infoname (graph *g, int val, const char *name);
-void open_node (FILE *fout);
-void output_node (node *n, FILE *fout);
-void close_node (FILE *fout);
-void open_edge (edge *e, FILE *fout);
-void output_edge (edge *e, FILE *fout);
-void close_edge (FILE *fout);
-void open_graph (FILE *fout);
-void output_graph (graph *g, FILE *fout);
-void close_graph (graph *g, FILE *fout);
-#endif /* VCG_H_ */