/* #line directives are not documented, and may be withdrawn or
modified in future versions of Bison. */
- ^"#line "{int}" \"".*"\"\n" {
+ ^"#line "{int}(" \"".*"\"")?"\n" {
handle_syncline (yytext + sizeof "#line " - 1, *loc);
-| Handle '#line INT "FILE"'. ARGS has already skipped '#line '. |
+| Handle '#line INT( "FILE")?\n'. ARGS has already skipped '#line '. |
static void
handle_syncline (char *args, location loc)
- char *after_num;
- unsigned long int lineno = strtoul (args, &after_num, 10);
- char *file = mbschr (after_num, '"') + 1;
- *mbschr (file, '"') = '\0';
+ char *file;
+ unsigned long int lineno = strtoul (args, &file, 10);
if (INT_MAX <= lineno)
warn_at (loc, _("line number overflow"));
lineno = INT_MAX;
- current_file = uniqstr_new (file);
+ file = mbschr (file, '"');
+ if (file)
+ {
+ *mbschr (file + 1, '"') = '\0';
+ current_file = uniqstr_new (file + 1);
+ }
boundary_set (&scanner_cursor, current_file, lineno, 1);