# Named references test. -*- Autotest -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
AT_BISON_CHECK([-o test.c test.y], 1, [],
[[test.y:50.51-60: invalid reference: `$<ival>lo9'
-test.y:50.3-68: symbol not found in production: lo9
+test.y:50.3-68: symbol not found in production: lo9
test.y:51.51-60: warning: misleading reference: `$<ival>exp'
-test.y:42.1-3: warning: refers to: $exp at $$
-test.y:51.7: warning: possibly meant: $x, hiding $exp at $1
-test.y:51.41: warning: possibly meant: $r, hiding $exp at $4
+test.y:42.1-3: warning: refers to: $exp at $$
+test.y:51.7: warning: possibly meant: $x, hiding $exp at $1
+test.y:51.41: warning: possibly meant: $r, hiding $exp at $4
test.y:52.51-52: $l of `exp' has no declared type
test.y:55.46-49: invalid reference: `$r12'
-test.y:55.3-53: symbol not found in production: r12
+test.y:55.3-53: symbol not found in production: r12
test.y:56.29-33: invalid reference: `$expo'
-test.y:56.3-46: symbol not found in production: expo
+test.y:56.3-46: symbol not found in production: expo
AT_BISON_CHECK([-o test.c test.y], 0, [],
[[test.y:11.22-29: warning: misleading reference: `$foo.bar'
-test.y:11.8-10: warning: refers to: $foo at $1
-test.y:11.12-18: warning: possibly meant: $[foo.bar] at $2
+test.y:11.8-10: warning: refers to: $foo at $1
+test.y:11.12-18: warning: possibly meant: $[foo.bar] at $2
AT_BISON_CHECK([-o test.c test.y], 1, [],
[[test.y:24.36-41: invalid reference: `$cond1'
-test.y:23.11-24.62: symbol not found in production: cond1
+test.y:23.11-24.62: symbol not found in production: cond1
test.y:26.43-53: invalid reference: `$stmt.field'
-test.y:25.11-26.60: symbol not found in production: stmt
-test.y:25.35-38: possibly meant: $then.field, hiding $stmt.field at $4
+test.y:25.11-26.60: symbol not found in production: stmt
+test.y:25.35-38: possibly meant: $then.field, hiding $stmt.field at $4
test.y:28.43-52: invalid reference: `$stmt.list'
-test.y:27.11-28.59: symbol not found in production: stmt
-test.y:27.30-38: possibly meant: $[stmt.list] at $4
+test.y:27.11-28.59: symbol not found in production: stmt
+test.y:27.30-38: possibly meant: $[stmt.list] at $4
test.y:30.43-46: ambiguous reference: `$xyz'
-test.y:29.35-37: refers to: $xyz at $4
-test.y:29.50-52: refers to: $xyz at $6
+test.y:29.35-37: refers to: $xyz at $4
+test.y:29.50-52: refers to: $xyz at $6
test.y:32.43-52: invalid reference: `$stmt.list'
-test.y:31.11-32.63: symbol not found in production: stmt
-test.y:31.40-43: possibly meant: $then, hiding $[stmt.list] at $4
-test.y:31.61-64: possibly meant: $else, hiding $[stmt.list] at $6
+test.y:31.11-32.63: symbol not found in production: stmt
+test.y:31.40-43: possibly meant: $then, hiding $[stmt.list] at $4
+test.y:31.61-64: possibly meant: $else, hiding $[stmt.list] at $6
test.y:34.43-58: invalid reference: `$stmt.list.field'
-test.y:33.11-34.69: symbol not found in production: stmt
-test.y:33.40-43: possibly meant: $then.field, hiding $[stmt.list].field at $4
-test.y:33.61-64: possibly meant: $else.field, hiding $[stmt.list].field at $6
+test.y:33.11-34.69: symbol not found in production: stmt
+test.y:33.40-43: possibly meant: $then.field, hiding $[stmt.list].field at $4
+test.y:33.61-64: possibly meant: $else.field, hiding $[stmt.list].field at $6
test.y:36.43-54: invalid reference: `$[stmt.list]'
-test.y:35.11-36.71: symbol not found in production: stmt.list
-test.y:35.40-43: possibly meant: $then, hiding $[stmt.list] at $4
-test.y:35.61-64: possibly meant: $else, hiding $[stmt.list] at $6
+test.y:35.11-36.71: symbol not found in production: stmt.list
+test.y:35.40-43: possibly meant: $then, hiding $[stmt.list] at $4
+test.y:35.61-64: possibly meant: $else, hiding $[stmt.list] at $6
test.y:38.43-49: invalid reference: `$then.1'
-test.y:37.11-38.60: symbol not found in production: then
-test.y:37.40-45: possibly meant: $[then.1] at $4
+test.y:37.11-38.60: symbol not found in production: then
+test.y:37.40-45: possibly meant: $[then.1] at $4
test.y:40.43-55: invalid reference: `$then.1.field'
-test.y:39.11-40.66: symbol not found in production: then
-test.y:39.40-45: possibly meant: $[then.1].field at $4
+test.y:39.11-40.66: symbol not found in production: then
+test.y:39.40-45: possibly meant: $[then.1].field at $4
test.y:42.44-50: invalid reference: `$stmt.x'
-test.y:41.12-42.57: symbol not found in production: stmt
-test.y:41.36-41: possibly meant: $[stmt.x].x, hiding $stmt.x at $4
-test.y:41.36-41: possibly meant: $[stmt.x] at $4
+test.y:41.12-42.57: symbol not found in production: stmt
+test.y:41.36-41: possibly meant: $[stmt.x].x, hiding $stmt.x at $4
+test.y:41.36-41: possibly meant: $[stmt.x] at $4
test.y:44.13-22: invalid reference: `$if-stmt-a'
-test.y:43.12-44.59: symbol not found in production: if
-test.y:43.1-9: possibly meant: $[if-stmt-a] at $$
+test.y:43.12-44.59: symbol not found in production: if
+test.y:43.1-9: possibly meant: $[if-stmt-a] at $$
test.y:46.46-54: invalid reference: `$then-a.f'
-test.y:45.12-46.65: symbol not found in production: then
-test.y:45.41-46: possibly meant: $[then-a].f at $4
+test.y:45.12-46.65: symbol not found in production: then
+test.y:45.41-46: possibly meant: $[then-a].f at $4
AT_BISON_CHECK([-o test.c test.y], 1, [],
[[test.y:13.8-17: invalid reference: `$sym.field'
-test.y:12.1-13.21: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:12.1-13.21: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:16.8-21: invalid reference: `$<aa>sym.field'
-test.y:15.1-16.25: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:15.1-16.25: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:19.8-19: invalid reference: `$[sym.field]'
-test.y:18.1-19.23: symbol not found in production: sym.field
+test.y:18.1-19.23: symbol not found in production: sym.field
test.y:22.8-23: invalid reference: `$<aa>[sym.field]'
-test.y:21.1-22.27: symbol not found in production: sym.field
+test.y:21.1-22.27: symbol not found in production: sym.field
test.y:25.8-11: invalid reference: `$sym'
-test.y:24.1-25.15: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:24.1-25.15: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:28.8-15: invalid reference: `$<aa>sym'
-test.y:27.1-28.19: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:27.1-28.19: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:31.8-13: invalid reference: `$[sym]'
-test.y:30.1-33.21: symbol not found in production before $3: sym
+test.y:30.1-33.21: symbol not found in production before $3: sym
test.y:33.8-17: invalid reference: `$<aa>[sym]'
-test.y:30.1-33.21: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:30.1-33.21: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:37.8-17: invalid reference: `$sym-field'
-test.y:36.1-37.21: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:36.1-37.21: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:40.8-21: invalid reference: `$<aa>sym-field'
-test.y:39.1-40.25: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:39.1-40.25: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:43.8-19: invalid reference: `$[sym-field]'
-test.y:42.1-43.23: symbol not found in production: sym-field
+test.y:42.1-43.23: symbol not found in production: sym-field
test.y:46.8-23: invalid reference: `$<aa>[sym-field]'
-test.y:45.1-46.27: symbol not found in production: sym-field
+test.y:45.1-46.27: symbol not found in production: sym-field
test.y:49.8-11: invalid reference: `$sym'
-test.y:48.1-49.15: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:48.1-49.15: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:52.8-15: invalid reference: `$<aa>sym'
-test.y:51.1-52.19: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:51.1-52.19: symbol not found in production: sym
test.y:55.8-13: invalid reference: `$[sym]'
-test.y:54.1-57.21: symbol not found in production before $3: sym
+test.y:54.1-57.21: symbol not found in production before $3: sym
test.y:57.8-17: invalid reference: `$<aa>[sym]'
-test.y:54.1-57.21: symbol not found in production: sym
+test.y:54.1-57.21: symbol not found in production: sym